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Brands from 赤武酒造

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Akabu Check-in 1Akabu Check-in 2
Drinking outside 🎶. 🍶② at Otesuji in Fushimi Akabu's summer sake which we drank last year too? Jade I'm glad I got to drink it this year because I passed on buying it 😁. It was different from the Akabu I've had in the past, it had a stronger sourness to it! I drank it last year but I don't know if the acidity was this strong.
Akabu Check-in 1Akabu Check-in 2
It's been a long time since I've been in the red 🍶. Slightly tingling on the tongue from the soft impression on the palate ✨ The lingering umami flavor 😌. Easy to drink and delicious 💕
Akabu Check-in 1
Akabu Check-in 2Akabu Check-in 3
I worked hard today! I worked especially hard today! So what's the Iwate sake I bought today and am drinking right now? That's right, AKABU! And this time it's Gokujo No Zan! I knew the name but thought it was too expensive to buy 😭 but I finally gave in to that greed and bought it✨It's so cool from the looks of it! I opened the bottle while looking at the too cool label and...yeah...! It smells like cider! How can you brew cider aroma from rice? I'm so surprised 😳. When you slowly take it into your mouth, the first thing that spreads is the freshness characteristic of nama-shu, followed by a pear-like sweetness with a slight bubbling sensation, and then the clear acidity rushes in, followed by a beautifully clean finish. The lingering sensation after drinking it makes one's tongue numb, and one cannot help but exclaim, "This is very good! I can't help but exclaim 🤗. I've found another incredibly wonderful sake today 🤗Thank you for the food✨!
Good evening, Ankake. Today was a day of some accomplishment ✨. A day like that deserves a good sake: ☺️ This sake is a milestone sake for my sakewa 100 check-in national victory, and it was delicious ✨.
Good evening, Ankake 😃. A good guy from Akabu, who deserves a special day for his hard work ‼️ He's also a cool guy who stands up and screams when he drinks it 😍It's also good to buy these things and drink them right away 😋.
ma-ki-chan hello 🤗Yes, it was a day of great accomplishment! I was excited to have a drink that was appropriate for that feeling lol. It's a very memorable drink for you too ✨It's a really good drink 😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I love that it looks so cool and tastes so great 😆 I usually don't drink it immediately after buying it, but I swore I'd drink this as soon as I got it 🤗I think I'll finish it right away lol
Akabu Check-in 1
Akabu Check-in 2Akabu Check-in 3
Shinbashi drinking④ The last drink of the day Akabu Junmai Ginjo A little shuwashuwa Slightly refreshing Sourness and sweetness are both well balanced Akabu is a stable taste. Leaving the izakaya, we finished with kashiwa udon noodles instead of ramen to close out the meal. I am thankful that I can still go out for drinks like this with the customers I have had the pleasure of meeting in the past, as if they were my friends! And we talked about going again 😋.
Akabu翡翠 純米吟醸
Akabu Check-in 1
Akabu Check-in 2Akabu Check-in 3
Memorandum for myself The aroma is moderate and slightly tangy. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a considerable sourness. After a while, the bitterness is felt and it finishes. It was different from other AKABUs I have had.
Akabu Check-in 1Akabu Check-in 2
Akabu Check-in 3Akabu Check-in 4
Junmai Namaishu 🍶NEWBORN✨ Tohoku trip souvenir 😆. Schwa✨. Refreshing. Melon soda 🍈. Dry sharp aftertaste. Gentle taste. Aroma is not too strong, easy to pair with food. I paired it with pickled asparagus in soup 😋. Buy at Wakaba Sake Shop @ Hanamaki 20240315

Brands from 赤武酒造

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.
