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Homare 1

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I-8 Ōmachi, Hakui, Ishikawa
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Rice used for making rice:- Rice Polishing Ratio Alcohol content:-15 Characteristics / Taste◇ Homare is a sake loved by the local people who work in the fields, and is mainly made as a regular sake and honjozo. It is a sweet sake that is loved by the local people who work in the fields, and can be drunk cold or warmed for a nightly drink.
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Paid tasting (5) This is also the first time to drink It's been a long time since I saw Kasen! I wonder if it was a second-class sake? It tasted like a sake! It tastes like sake 😁.
Hi Ao-chan 😊 I don't see Kasen very often nowadays! Even in the old days, I don't remember seeing second-grade sake buried under the special-grade sake of the big breweries💦.
Good evening, Robin 😁. I haven't seen Jiashan in a long time! I really like it. I heard that old time drinkers like second class more than special class? 😱😱.
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Tasted chilled. Flavor is very bold, with rose, cherry, cantaloupe, and some spice. Texture is smooth and thin a first with a long flavorful finish where some alcohol and spice settle. A great value purchase and a fine table bottle. Would pair well with a wide variety of foods.
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元禄 隠居
This sake was entered in a sake competition by the Mioya Shuzo brewery in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture. Moreover, it is an aged sake. It is slightly dry but has a smooth texture and an impressive mellow aroma and taste. Delicious! Rice: Yamadanishiki produced in Kurodasho, Hyogo Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 40 Alcohol content: 17.8 Sake meter: +4.3 Acidity: 1.6
Homare純米吟醸 能登清酒 蔵出し純米吟醸
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It is a 100% Gohyakumangoku jungin by Miya Shuzo. When you put your nose close to the glass, you can feel the sweetness of the rice wafting softly. In the mouth, there is no gaseous sensation, but it is a classical type of sake with a volume of umami, sweetness, and acidity from the rice, and a bit of bitterness in the aftertaste. I prepared nozawana as a side dish, but it would be great with soba noodles.
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Zizakegura (地酒蔵)
Homare Junmai Ginjo Noto Seishu Kuradashi Kanazawa Jishuzo is a store specializing in local sake located in JR Kanazawa Station. I took a little trip to Kanazawa station on my way home from work ^ ^. The Noto set is a set of 3 types for 1,000 yen. It is a little fruity, but also a little sour. Not too light, not too heavy. Just right.
Good evening, @Mizuhashi. A little sake after work, that's nice 🍶. I like something like that ✨ I didn't know there was a sake store in Kanazawa station 💧. I went there last year but didn't notice. I'd like to go there next time 🎵
Good evening, ma-ki-san! You can get to the platform of Kanazawa station in 1 minute, so please find it next time ^ ^. There are quite a lot of kinds...
Homare大吟醸 斗瓶囲い 無濾過生原酒 大吟醸原酒生酒斗瓶取り無濾過
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元禄 隠居
This sake was entered in a sake competition by the Mioya Shuzo brewery in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture. Moreover, it is an aged sake. It is slightly dry but has a smooth texture and an impressive mellow aroma and taste. Delicious! Rice: Yamadanishiki produced in Kurodasho, Hyogo Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 40 Alcohol content: 17.8 Sake meter: +4.3 Acidity: 1.6
HomareHana Cup 佳撰普通酒
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( ¯Including 🍶🍶🍶🍶+) Today we had a cup of sake from our local Yuho sake brewery, Goso Sake Brewery😃. The taste of the royal road of cup sake 😚 full of flavor and great to drink 😊I bought it because the label on the cup was cute, but it is a delicious sake 🥳.
Maecin-san, good evening 🌆Yuho's local brand is called Homare 😳Yuho also seems to have a robust flavor, I'll try it next time 😆.
Hi Manachie 🌇😃😃 I drink a little bit of Yuho when I go out for a drink and Homare is no different 😭I've been putting off drinking it even if it was available at the liquor store, but I'll try it next time too 😁.
Hello Maechen 😃 I don't remember this one. ❗️ I think I saw it at Kanazawa station anto 💦. I'll try to drink more Ishikawa sake as I haven't had any recently 💪.
Haruei Chichi, good evening 🌃😀😀 I think I bought this at a liquor store in Omimachi Market on a walk 🤔I think I drank more local sake in a cup 🦆🤣I'm going to make sure I drink my Ishikawa sake too 😁👍
For the first time, I felt that sake itself tasted good. It tasted even better on its own, of course, but also with nabe dishes using commercially available nabe tsuyu (nabe sauce) (a so-called marriage, I guess). I can't count the number of times I have felt that food and white rice go well together! I have had countless occasions when I have felt that food and white rice go well together, but this is the first time that I have felt that sake and food go well together. This was the first time for me to feel that sake and food go well together. Until now, I have been drinking sake with the idea of "getting drunk" in mind, not limited to sake, thinking "well, it's not so bad, it's good for getting drunk.
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The rice used is Yamadanishiki and Miyamanishiki. Yeast used is Kumamoto yeast KA-1 Also known as? It is also known as "Kyokai No. 9 Yeast" and has been used throughout Japan for a long time. It is mellow, dry, and has a solid body. It has a refreshing aftertaste and is a well-balanced food sake.

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