SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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金沢旅log⑧ @神鮮 和さび 〆にあたたかいものをリクエストしたら「お燗専用のお酒があるよ」と店主さんおすすめのこちら🍶 遊穂の湯〜ほっ♨️ 五年以上の熟成期間を経ているお酒。 独特の熟成香と温かさがまさに「ほっ♨️」とさせてくれる。見た目もかわいい! とってもいい夜になりました。 名酒たちを忘れないよ。 ひとまず金沢旅logはラスト。 買ってきたお酒たちを飲む楽しさもあるので旅ってほんとにすばらし〜✨ LOGmemo:箔一の金箔ソフト
Good morning, chiaki! Thank you for the Kanazawa travel log marathon 😁. I didn't know there was such a label for "Youho" brewed in Hakui, a brewery that revitalizes the town with UFOs 😲 I'd love to drink it 😆.
Good evening Mr. Gyve 🌙I was so curious about the town revitalization with UFOs that I had to look it up! Thank you very much for your time. I definitely want to visit the Hokuriku area again 😋🍶.
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Ishikawa Prefecture Miso Sake Brewery Youho no You~Ho. It is an aged sake. The label on the back said it was aged for 4 years, but it was pressed in February 2018, so it is actually 5 years old. When stirred, a lump of lees drifts in the air. First at room temperature... It had a mild aroma and amber color, but the matured aroma was not strong, and the flavor was rich and umami. It is easy to drink at room temperature. Next, we tried heating it up. It's not the season to warm up sake while summer sake is on the market... I was going to warm it up, but it was over 60°C... yuck, yuck 💦. It calmed down a bit. It's very easy to drink, with a gentle sweetness followed by a sharp spiciness. Delicious 😋. I think it is easy to drink even for those who don't like matured sake. (This is my personal impression) It is good not with light snacks or sashimi, but with rich simmered dishes, fish marinated in miso, or tempura. It accepts and pours in dishes with strong flavors.
熱燗専用ともなり、癖と、ともに 独特な米糠のような香りが特徴。焼酎の様なクセもるが、75度を超えても 香りはしっかりとあり、酒度も強く辛口。

Brands from Mioya Shuzo
