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Taiheizan Flavor Chart

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Taiheizan大吟醸 壽保年大吟醸
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Alcohol content: 17 Yamadanishiki, brewing alcohol Polishing ratio: 35 Winner of the Gold and Trophy Awards in the Daiginjo category at the IWC 2014 Gold medal in the Daiginjo category at the IWC 2014 and the Trophy Award at the Wineglass Tasting Sake Awards 2014.  2014 Gold Prize in the Daiginjo category IWC2021 Daiginjo BRONZE Award Although it is alky, the aroma stands out very well. It is clear, dry, and you don't feel much alcohol. I felt it was one of the best as a food sake. Although I did not drink it in a wine glass, I was convinced that this sake won the above-mentioned awards.
Taiheizan津月 別誂 純米吟醸
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Here is a chart diagram for my own drinking comparison. I am sure some of you will point out that this is not true! I am sure some of you will point this out to me. I would appreciate it if you could tell me. (My impression after drinking it) As one would expect from K-1801 yeast, it has a ginjo aroma like apples. It is unfiltered, unfiltered, and bottled "fresh," so it is truly a genuine "freshly pressed" sake. You can enjoy the fresh taste that drips from the mouth of the tank, which could only be tasted at the brewery. The aroma is so bright that when you unseal the bottle, it will light up your eyes. When you taste it, you will feel the firm umami of the sake's traditional sake brewing method. The well-balanced sweetness and acidity stand out. However, there seems to be some variation in the specifications depending on the tank in which it was made, and the sake degree, acidity, and amino acidity are quite different. This may be why each bottle has its own specifications written on the label. To my surprise, the one I drank was labeled as super sweet with a sake degree of -7.3, but because of its high acidity, it was not as sweet as I thought it would be, and I felt it had a moderate sweet and sour taste. Rice polishing ratio: 55 Sake degree: -7.3 Acidity : 2.3 Amino acidity : 2.2
Taiheizan純米大吟醸 天功
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The long, slender single-bottle bottle is cute (lol). The moment you drink it, you will feel the elegant acidity. It is delicious with a dry impression.
Taiheizan澄月 別誂純米吟醸生酒
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The aroma is fruity and the flavor spreads at the moment of drinking, but the aftertaste is quite refreshing. This sake seems to go well with meals. ⚫︎Polishing ratio 55 ⚫︎Raw material rice: 100% Akita Sake Komachi Unpressurized, unfiltered, unpasteurized sake
making a dry wine Gutsy mouthfeel on the first sip However, as a food sake, it has a light taste that does not interfere with the taste of food. Goes well with fried food
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It seemed to have a characteristic flavor of clear and sweet. It must be the characteristics of the water. It was delicious.
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Sake is taiheizan under the sun This phrase is familiar to people in the Tohoku region. There is a liquor store in my neighborhood that carries it, but I have not had the opportunity to pick it up. It is a gift, so I can't get the details, but from the label, it seems to be an aged sake. The top-tasting aroma has a twinge that is typical of matured sake. According to my sake master, this twitchy aroma is the aroma of koji (malted rice), but I have no idea which is correct for me with my stupid nose. The mouthfeel has a dense umami flavor with a twitchy aftertaste. The balance of sourness and bitterness is also good! I don't dislike it. I don't dislike this kind of thing. However, this sense of hineyness may make it difficult to choose the right drinker. Thank you very much for your kindness!
Hello Colonel Lal. I was just the ❤️100th. Next Thursday (2/8) is a mutual It's an event day 🤗. What shall we drink? 🤔
Hi yan 😁. Thank you for always ❤️😄 I forgot to mention that Thursday was the same day. I forgot 💦And MAJ is also a member. I have nothing to prepare, but I want to drink Miyaganbai's Yamadanishiki 🤘.
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Sweet and heavy. Banana? Peach? I thought the aroma was a bit off my taste buds, but the next day I drank it and the aroma calmed down and it became easier to drink.
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Kodama Sake Brewery Akita @Akita Aloire Akita's Local Sake Series Part 2 Sake named after a famous mountain in Akita Akita's famous mountain! Good with sharp, fatty fish! Good with flatfish sashimi!
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I arrived at Fukuoka Airport on the evening of the 3rd. When I checked my baggage, I was told that the departure time was 7:30 p.m. And there is a high possibility that the flight will be delayed. 😱😱. It's only 16:00. 💦. The flight schedule seems to have been messed up by the accident. The ground staff was very considerate and offered to transfer me to the previous flight, which was a premium class flight, but I had to give priority to Kamikyo. It was my first time to fly on this flight, and I was surprised to see that they serve sake. I snapped this picture to commemorate the experience. I really wanted to drink a glass of Norikuchi, but it was just a matter of timing. It wasn't quite to my taste, but it was just for the sake of commemoration. I arrived at Haneda at 10:00 a.m. and got home at almost midnight. I was really tired. I'm really tired. By the way, the flight I was supposed to take was cancelled. That was close! 😱.
Hi MAJ 😃 Congratulations on your first empty drink: ㊗️ Let's call it a blessing in disguise 😄. You did a great job of risk management 👌.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! I'm so glad to see you here 😄 I usually don't drink because I get motion sickness, but it was a rare chance so I tried my best to drink! But I'm really glad to be home! 💦.

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