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駿州中屋Sunshu Nakaya

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Brands from Fujitakasago Shuzo

Sunshu NakayaTakasago

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9-25 Takaramachi, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka
map of Fujitakasago Shuzo
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Preferred: ★★★★☆ Cold sake: ★★★★☆ Cold: ★★★☆☆☆☆ Lukewarm: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆ Hot Hot sake: ★★★★ Slightly spicy, with an aroma that spreads in the mouth. Sautéed swordfish with butter and vinegared fish
Sunshu Nakaya☆☆☆☆本醸造山廃
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2023 0620 ☆☆☆☆ Sunshu Nakaya Honjozo Yamahai brewing Fuji subsoil water Sake degree +6 Rice polishing ratio 65 Fuji-Takasago Brewery Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Sunshu Nakaya純米大吟醸 山田錦48純米大吟醸
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I'm drinking past 😁. I bought it at the first liquor store I visited recommended by Rika. I had a great time conversing with the keeper 😊. I tasted a lot of different kinds of sake and bought this one because it was a rarity. The aroma is slightly fruity. Sweet and tasty acidity slowly spreads in the mouth. The bitterness of the true hit gradually emerges. It finishes with a lingering aftertaste... I paired it with grilled dumplings, and it properly caught the fat of the pork and refreshed my mouth. 2nd day after opening the bottle The aroma changes to sour grapes. The bitterness has decreased, the aftertaste is shorter, and the sharpness has changed. A dramatic change in taste in just one day! Amazing transformation😱!
Hello Chichi, my best friend forever ^ ^. Isn't it Sunshu Nakaya, another brand of Takasago Sake Brewery located near Yokozeki, Fujinomiya 😱? I think it's a brand you don't see very often. I'll try it myself next time 😁.
Good morning, Manta-san, my best friend forever 😃. There was one more brand I was struggling with, but then I remembered Manta and decided to go with Shizuoka sake: ❗️ To be honest, it was a bit of a rarity... 😄
Sunshu Nakayaしぼりたて純米生酒無濾過
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Fresh sweetness and freshness are delicious. It is freshly squeezed but still has a strong flavor. The alcohol taste when it goes down your throat is pleasant! I can't drink a lot of freshly squeezed sake, but it's a must for my first aperitif of the evening.
Sunshu Nakaya辛口 甘蕉ぴりっスパッ純米山廃原酒ひやおろし
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I bought a bottle of Hiyamoroshi at a liquor store in my neighborhood. It has that distinctive sweet aroma of bananas. Why? It's a little too sweet 😗. The aftertaste is definitely dry. It went well with kakuteki, which has a slightly fermented taste. It also goes well with ray fins👍. Hiyaoroshi" is a name given to a type of sake made in the Edo period (1603-1867), when new sake squeezed in the winter was hiyaired (heat sterilized) in early spring to prevent deterioration before being stored in a large vat. It has been prized as an autumn sake. Hiyaoroshi is a new sake that has been aged for a long time, resulting in a deep flavor with a rounded edges. The mellow flavor is unique to hiyaoroshi. I looked it up again. I️ don't usually choose "mellow" sake, so it was refreshing to have a dry but sweet taste.
Sunshu Nakaya甘蕉ぴりっすぱっ純米山廃原酒ひやおろし
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Banana? I couldn't tell that much whether it was banana or not, but I got the impression that it was a refreshing Shaoxing wine.

Brands from Fujitakasago Shuzo

Sunshu NakayaTakasago

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