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ぴーたまHiromi Kujime


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Classic type of delicious dry junmai🍶. Shizuoka Souvenir #2 Purchased at Yagi Sake Shop in Atami City. The owner recommended it to me. It is a brand of a large wholesaler in Shizuoka. I took a sip and was surprised to find that it was a classic type of sake. Since it was recommended by the owner, I had imagined it to be a trendy one. However, it was deliciously dry. It has a nice classic aroma and bitterness. It is dry but has the umami of rice. The umami flavor extends a little when it is heated up. However, the best recommendation for this season is to drink it cold 🍶. It has a slight acidity, which can be appreciated well. No ginjo aroma, but the classic aroma goes well with shiny food 😋😋. 2091 yen without tax I like it better than Fuji Takasago Shuzo's Junmai Ginjo I drank before in terms of the balance with the price.
Pi-tama Good evening ^ ^ I was thinking Sunshu Nakaya 😊 after Nemuchi's review, and here it is too 😱. I'm glad you enjoyed drinking a lot of Shizuoka sake 🙇‍♀️ I haven't reviewed Sunshu Nakaya yet, I'll get some next time 😁.
Hello Manta 😃 Shizuoka has a lot of good food too 😆. It can be served cold or hot, and I think it's a local staple with a good balance and price, but with a nice hint of acidity that makes it perfect 👍.
國香傳一郎 手造り純米吟醸 生
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Denichiro A clear and deliciously sharp ginjo-shu. Purchased on a trip 🍶. Dry in terms of sweetness and spiciness. The ginjo aroma is subdued. A little bit of umami and bitterness. Good with sashimi 😋😋😋😋 as a food sake. Denichiro is the toji's name. 1,600 yen without tax
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Oh no, it's bad, it's bad. I just went to Koyama Shoten. Huh? Is Oroku getting more expensive? I asked him, and he said that the sake and shochu industry is also experiencing a wave of price increases🌊. The raw materials are domestically produced, but they say it is due to soaring fuel prices and, in the case of potato shochu, the potato crop is very poor. Many sake breweries are likely to raise their prices from June to August. Now the review. This one is also delicious😋. Purchased at Yagi Sake Shop as well as Hatsukame. I bought it at Yagi Sake Brewery because of the use of Shizuoka's sake rice, Eminent Fuji, and the fact that Hakuin Masamune was mentioned in dancyu, right? I bought it because of these two reasons. When I got home, I looked in dancyu, but it was not on there. I looked in last year's dancyu and found a small article about it. Do I have a good memory or not💦? The acidity is good. The top aroma is fresh and banana-like ginjo aroma with a hint of 🌱🍌 and sourness. The sweetness is a bit dry. Thick umami, acid bitterness, and sharpness. Medium body, no gasiness. It can be served chilled with a refreshing acidity. Or you can warm it up and enjoy the aroma and nose with a ginjo-yaki aroma. A great food sake that goes well with a variety of dishes. There are many delicious sake in Japan. 2427 yen without tax
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🐢 Purchased again at Yagi Sake Shop. Shimotaga, Atami city, the old road of Route 135, but it is only 10m from the new road to access🙆♂️. Even if they don't trade a lot of sake, they must be a special distributor of various Shizuoka sake with refrigerator storage and newspaper shading 😊. I was surprised when I bought it and peeled off the newspaper. It's not old yet. It's the result of shaded and refrigerated storage 👏. The top-tasting aroma is a fresh ginjo aroma mixed with a classic aroma 😉. The bitterness is surprisingly upfront in the first sip. From the second sip, perhaps because you get used to the bitterness, the acidity takes center stage and the sweetness and spiciness are medium. It is fire-brewed but needs to be chilled and has a tight nozzle lid to keep a slight gaseous taste 🙆♂️. Jungin feeling and good acidity make it a good food sake👍♂️. 3,500 yen without tax
Hatsukame純米吟醸 東条山田錦
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🐢Fire-aged Junmai Ginjo of the finest Yamadanishiki This one was opened after returning home from Izu 🍶. The top aroma is a gorgeous ginjo aroma, melon-like. No gassiness. It is moist and umami with a bitter taste and a crisp finish. Well, it is classic compared to the modern special junmai kasumi. But everything is OK as long as it's tasty 😉. 1750 yen without tax
Hatsukame特別純米 かすみさけ
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On a trip. Yukata for the first time in a long time Large public bath Sake 🍶 Check-in is Yagi Shoten, but the store sign and receipt are Yagi Sake Shop. Purchased at Fresh and invigorating heady aroma. The acidity is slightly forward in the mid-palate, with a touch of dryness and sharpness. Fresh, modern, cloudy sake with a bit of gassiness. Pleasant acidity, sharpness, and pleasantness on the nose. A highly complete and delicious sake that is also good as a food sake 😋😋😋. 1400 yen without tax for a four-pack