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A chart created from flavor analysis of user comments.

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DELTAModerate and easy to drink シュウヤA bottle at Yamaya costs less than 1,000 yen.
The flavor of the unrefined sake is alive.
It may be quite good value for money. RYO1Ingredients: Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewer's alcohol
Alcohol content 16%.
Very fruity and sweet!
I like the taste! hamagourmetBasic well-balanced sake, not strong aroma but slight peculiarity.
If it were available as a sake, I would like to drink it, 72 points 並松 将矢Fruity
Smell is clean!
The aftertaste lingers! じゅんじゅんA staple in our home, Kita Akita. Affordable at a nearby supermarket, before, during and after dinner. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title