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誉池月 Flavor Chart

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誉池月 Check-in 1誉池月 Check-in 2
Today is said to be the first day of summer in Japan, I thought it was the name of a flower. I thought it was the name of a flower. I looked it up and found that it means eating octopus, so I ate some octopus sashimi. I paired it with a one-cup sake from Honorary Ikezuki, Ah! Is it One-Cup Challenge No. 2? The bottle is opened, The silver lid is quite difficult to remove. It's spicy, tasty, refreshing, and light. It is delicious. It has a pleasant aftertaste. I took a break from beer today and had a flower of Japanese hangeshou.
誉池月蛍が舞 山田錦純米吟醸原酒
誉池月 Check-in 1
誉池月 Check-in 2誉池月 Check-in 3
On Father's Day, my daughter who lives in Shimane sent me two bottles of Shimane sake. One of the bottles Honorable Ikezuki Hotarugamai Junmai Ginjyo Yamadanishiki First time to drink My first impression: it has a strong flavor! But I can taste the sweetness, but it's not that strong. It tastes like rice and is delicious! It's soft. Maybe it's my favorite 😋. I heard that the super soft water makes the sake soft and clean, and the Izumo style of koji making = total rice polishing, which gives it a strong taste. I don't know, but it seems like it when you say it 😆.
Good evening, Takashi-san. Sake gift from your daughter 🎁 in addition to the usual gathering with your son's sake-loving girlfriends. That's the best Father's Day ever ✨. I'm very curious about the sake from Shimane as I don't get a chance to drink it very often 😊.
Good morning, ma-ki🌞. Since my daughter went to Shimane, gifts are almost always Shimane sake 😆. My daughter also sends me the first one she has never had as much as possible. There are a few that I would like to drink again 😋.
Hi Takashi 🐦. Your daughter's gift 🎁was this one 😊Good sake, even junmai ginjo with 40% polished rice✨I guess it's firm but beautiful, looks delicious ❣️
Thank you so much, Pon ✨ It was the first time I saw this sake and it was beautiful, but it had a rice feel to it and was quite tasty 😋. There are still a lot of sake that I don't know about 🤩 (of course, right? lol)
誉池月 Check-in 1誉池月 Check-in 2
誉池月 Check-in 3誉池月 Check-in 4
I bought it because I enjoyed drinking Masumi's cold brew before, Well, When I went to Shimane Prefecture, I was curious about a sake brewery in the Chugoku Mountains, which is located closer to Shimane Prefecture, so I stopped by and found it, I was curious about it, so I stopped by and found it, I got the impression that the aroma of rice is weak and the astringency is strong. Huh? Is this the bitter taste of egoma salt sauce? When I drank it by itself later, I found out that it was the bitterness of alcohol, It is the most delicious sake as a food drink. Later, I found out that "Meat soup" is a local delicacy in Ounan Town! I don't want to eat hot food at this time of the year, so maybe I should try it again in the winter? No, no, no, you can't go over the Chugoku Mountains in winter. Well, maybe I'll try something else. In the end, it rained on the last day and the temperature was a little cooler, so I made gravy, The taste will be different from the real thing, though, It was delicious and went well with the sake. I think it would also be delicious with somen noodles in the gravy, Today's beer, Cooper's Original Ale, It is light and easy to drink with a weak citrus flavor. It's a little bit short, but it's a good beer.
誉池月 Check-in 1誉池月 Check-in 2
Hashi-zake at the Risshun Shinshu Festival at a single location At first, we had Honorary Pond Moon Red and Black at a yakitori restaurant! Red, a little tangy, sweet, and refreshing for Ikezuki. Black, dry and refreshing, sweet and delicious. It goes well with skewers!
誉池月 Check-in 1誉池月 Check-in 2
I like it, it's firm, The acidity is pronounced, but when I put it with the pickled egg, it seems to offset the acidity, and I feel a sweetness. The cleanliness is good. I wonder if it would taste better if it were warmed up, but the label says it can be served both hiya (hot) and kan (warmed). I think it would go well with sour food.

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