よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
14 degrees Koshihikari sweet よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
14°, Shizukogane, sweet and acidic よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
discovery series
14° Sou no Mai Slightly sour よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
discovery series
14% Gohyakumangoku, 80% Yamadanishiki, 20% slightly rounded よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
15 degrees, well-balanced, delicious nomyask
Appetizer オツム監督Old sake with a brewing year of about 20 years オツム監督Drinking Adap and New Sensation 🍶.
Both are very sweet...yet have a sweetness and flavor that no one can stop drinking 😋. よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
17%, tasty, short, bitter, and delicious.
It is also good hot.
Mullet with tomato sauce よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
17 degrees, very sharp for Aizan. よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
Somewhat stimulating
Horse mackerel よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
Well-balanced, slightly sweet and delicious!
Tofu よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
I think something well-balanced, a little sweet and salty would go well with it. よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
15%, clear, slightly sweet よっちAt terra, Jimbocho
17° Slightly sweet and soft
Kiriboshi-daikon with ume plum paste よっちAt terrA, Jimbocho
15%, slightly sweet, short finish よっちAt terrA, Jimbocho
Using Gohyakumangoku, Yamada, and Aizan
Nomiya Sui よっちAt terrA, Jimbocho
100% Tamaei, moderate acidity よっちAt terrA, Jimbocho
18 degrees, a little sour, firm RecommendedContentsSectionView.title