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Nabeshima Check-in 1Nabeshima Check-in 2
<It's refreshing, happy and fragrant, perfect for summer. It's been a while since I've had Nabeshima. This is my first Kitashizuku. The label is cool and nice. Kitashizuku is Hokkaido's preferred rice for sake brewing. Along with Ginpu and Comet, also from Hokkaido, it is a popular rice these days. It is said to have less miscellaneous flavors and is expected to produce soft tasting sake. The aroma is a banana ginjo scent. It also has a faint fruity acidity. It's good. When you put it in your mouth, it is nicely carbonated. Behind that, a beautiful umami, acidity, and a faint sweetness appear. Contrary to my expectations, it's not very sweet. But it's delicious! The aroma in the background is also a ginjo aroma. It is a refreshing and happy sake that goes well with summer. If you compare it to Ghibli, it is like the girl with wings in "On Your Mark". "On Your Mark" is a 7-minute short film made as a music video for Chage & Aska. It's quite a difficult piece of work, and the identity of this girl is also a mystery. But she is a beautiful girl with a sense of transparency, and the blue sky suits her well. Satisfaction: ★★★★ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images. If you'd like, you can search for "Korune Sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Kokuryu Check-in 1
Kokuryu Check-in 2Kokuryu Check-in 3
<It's so good, it's like a model of what a sake should be. Just the other day, I had a bottle of "Natsu Shibori" from Kuroryu. This time it's a standard Junmai Ginjo. Whenever there is a seasonal sake, I want to drink it, but I also want to drink a standard sake like this. The aroma is gentle with a complex umami flavor. It is quiet, but clearly high quality. The aroma alone is enough to confirm victory. The mouthfeel is smooth and watery. Then, the beautiful umami, gentle acidity, and faint sweetness spread pleasantly. The taste is accompanied by alcohol, which becomes an aroma and flies to the nose. It ends beautifully with a slight umami bitterness. I want to pair it with sashimi. But not only that, it will go well with any meal. It is a fine sake that is a model of a dry sake that is delicious. If you were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke. It's not sweet, but it's gentle, and there's nothing cloudy in its eyes. So cool! Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
あざくらりんごちゃん 無濾過生酒生酒無濾過
あざくら Check-in 1
あざくら Check-in 2あざくら Check-in 3
<It's apple-like, with a bright sourness and a light sweetness. The aroma has a faint sourness of apples. It is not so clear. When you put it in your mouth, it has an intense sourness like apples. Then, there is a modest sweetness in the back. Finally, there is a hint of apple alcohol. Surprisingly, it's not sweet. It's definitely apple-like, but not that much. It's good, but I think I prefer it to be a little sweeter. I paired it with Iburi Gakko Cream Cheese as a side dish. It's a sake from Akita. I wonder who came up with this iron plate combination. It goes great with sake. I checked and found out that the yeast is Association 77. It is a yeast that produces a lot of malic acid. Of course, "Koko Ringo" is made with this yeast, and "Kagamiyama Ringo Acid Yeast Brewing" and "Senkou Kabutomushi" are also made with 77. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I'd say it's like the little Madge from "Laputa: Castle in the Sky". He's an energetic three-year-old boy who chases pigs wielding a broom. She was born when my wife was 17 years old. Satisfaction level: ★★★☆☆ I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.
Shichihon'yari冬季限定 純米活性にごり酒純米にごり酒発泡
Shichihon'yari Check-in 1
<It's all about the sourness and the acidity. It's white! When I saw other customers drinking it, I was curious about its whiteness, and since I was told that it was delicious, I ordered it without hesitation. The aroma is modest with a refreshing lactic acidity. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the solids flowing into your mouth. The taste is centered on the sourness of the lactic acid, and the sweetness is moderate. And then, it is cut off. After it is cut off, only a hint of umami remains for a moment. Delicious and interesting! If it is compared with Zipuri, it is Haku of "Spirited Away". It is also the form of a dragon. It's white, has a beautiful flavor, and is oddly shaped but cool. Haku is kind, but he rarely shows his sweet face. Especially when he's in his dragon form. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you like, please visit from the link in the profile column.
jozan純米超辛 直汲生純米
jozan Check-in 1
<A powerful sweet and bitter dry taste. Sake from Tokoyama Shuzo. It is a sake from Tokoyama Shuzo. I've often seen the name, but I've never drunk it before. I always get confused about whether it's Jozan Shuzo's Tokoyama or not. It's complicated. The color is quite yellow. I wonder if it has a lot of sugar? The aroma is subdued, but there is a sweetness of rice and a green herb-like nuttiness in the back, mainly from the alcohol. It's called "super spicy", but the moment you put it in your mouth, you feel a clear sweetness and a nuttiness with a bitter taste like bamboo grass. And a strong alcohol taste. It is strong. It's not 17 degrees, but it has a more powerful alcohol feeling. When the temperature rises, the aroma and taste become even clearer. It's delicious and interesting! If I were to compare it to Zipuri, it would be Karakasaren from Princess Mononoke. They are an unidentified armed group led by Jiko-bou. Their goal is to kill the gods, and they also do outrageous things like using their allies as bait. But in essence, they are surviving the turbulent times with the most advanced weapons imported from China (Ming Dynasty). He has such a toughness. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you like, please come from the link in the profile column.
KeigetsuCEL24 純米大吟醸50純米大吟醸
Keigetsu Check-in 1
<Fluffy Ame> This is a Kochi sake brewed with CEL24 yeast, and Kameizumi, also from Kochi, is famous for CEL24. It is a delicious sake characterized by its sweetness. I can't wait to see if this Keigetsu is sweet too! The name "Katsurazuki" in Kochi means the moon of Katsurahama, a famous place for the moon. The mouthfeel is soft, with a fluffy yet assertive sweetness and gentle acidity. After that, a light umami flavor appears. I think CEL24 is easy to get sweetness. It's delicious. However, although it is delicious, I feel that there is something slightly lacking. I felt that the Kameizumi CEL24 I drank this year evolved into something more than just sweet, so I think I may have raised the bar a bit. If I were to use a gypriot analogy, it would be Yuko from "From Up on Poppy Hill". She's a friend of Umi's who loves bean jam. While her other friend, Nobuko, shows off her cool plastering job, Yuko's highlight is her solo singing at the climax, where she leads the chorus at the Carmelatan. The voice actress Tajima Aoi's singing ability, which she also showed in "Gedo Senki", shines through. So cool! Satisfaction level: ★★★☆ . I have a blog. If you'd like, please visit the link in my profile.
NabeshimaNew Moon しぼりたて生酒 純米吟醸原酒 純米吟醸原酒生酒
Nabeshima Check-in 1Nabeshima Check-in 2
<Sweet, bitter, spicy. The aroma is the sweetness of rice and Muscat with the youthfulness of Hakka. When you put it in your mouth, the sweetness and bitterness burst out freshly with a sharp carbonation, and it breaks off quickly and beautifully. There is a sign saying "Caution: Open Bottle" on the bottle, so it might be even better when it's freshly opened. This time it was not so much because it was so-so, but it was fizzy enough. You can taste the sweetness, but it's not sticky, and the second half is refreshing. Delicious. If I were to use a gypsy analogy, it would be Hiromi from "The Cat's Return". A bright girl with a short cut in the lacrosse club. She has a crush on a boy in the ping-pong club. She's so adolescent. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you like, please come from the link in the profile column.
Gangiノ壱 純米 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
Gangi Check-in 1Gangi Check-in 2
Easy to drink but chunky at the core. The mouthfeel is sweet and comes in without resistance. The flavor, acidity and bitterness are not particularly strong. However, the hardcore true nature of the wine is revealed behind it. It doesn't have an imposing feeling, and it is gentle and easy to drink. It is not like alcohol. But it is very strong, and you can feel that it is an undiluted sake. It is very strong and assertive. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Master Yupa from "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". When she visits the Valley of the Wind, she is well-liked by everyone. He is very friendly, and he even becomes a godfather when they ask him to. But he is the best swordsman on the frontier, and has a belief that he will go into the Sea of Corruption regardless of the danger. He is the best swordsman in the frontier. On a side note, Yupa-sama, he's 45 years old. No way he's younger than me! Incidentally, Yupa-sama has likened it to a "Shanghainese crane" before. Satisfaction Level: ★★★★ .
Miyoshikiku妬み 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1Miyoshikiku Check-in 2
It's a rich, sweet and bitter, unfiltered pure sake. The label has a great impact. When you drink it, the impact of the label is unmistakable. Immediately in the mouth, a rich pineapple-like sweetness and bitterness spreads out, and it cuts cleanly, leaving a bitterness in the aftertaste. Delicious! The yeast is called "Yuko's Thoughts", a yeast from Iwate. I don't know who you are, Yuko-san, but is this what you are? This sake is actually a collaboration with the Kikumori Sake Brewery in Iwate. The brewery switched the Tokushima yeast from Miyoshikiku and the yeast from Iwate for this sake. By the way, the name of the Kikumori product is "Sonemi" (jealousy). Two things together make me jealous! I'm curious about this one too! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Senba from "Spirited Away". Well, she's a villain, but it's the villain's charm that makes the movie interesting. There is no "Spirited Away" without Senba, is there? And Senba is not just a villain. Aburaya is a very white company that gives special bonuses to newcomers based on their performance, provides proper breaks and meals, and protects its employees from violent customers. But the love for what they like is so strong that they're obsessed with it. It's a true "envy". Satisfaction Level: ★★★★☆ .
Zaku新酒2019 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
Zaku Check-in 1Zaku Check-in 2
3月に飲んだお酒。 一口目で薄味かと思ったら、一瞬遅れてバランスの良い甘味酸味旨味がやって来て、フルーティーな香りと共に鼻に抜けていきます。 その後は味わいもしっかり。 美味しいです。 最後は作や鈴鹿川の特徴的なわずかな苦味が、味をまとめてくれます。 満足度:★★★★ . ついに最近のストックが尽きてしまいました。しばらくは過去に飲んだものを上げていきます。 せっかくの機会なので、記憶を掘り起こそうと思います。 早く、心置きなく飲みに行きたいですね。
Taxi Driver純米原酒 仕込み二號純米原酒
Taxi Driver Check-in 1Taxi Driver Check-in 2
甘くて濃くて力強い! アルコールっぽさも感じるけど、それがむしろブラスに働いている。 色はちょっと黄色がかっていて、とろっと美味しい。 濃い味の肴にも負けず、それをより引き立てる。 この日合わせたのは「焼きあご」。塩味と唐辛子の辛さと味醂の甘さが強い干物で、相性がとても良かった。 満足度:★★★★
自然酒生酛 しぼり生生酛生酒
自然酒 Check-in 1自然酒 Check-in 2
これまで、同じ仁井田本家の「穏」は飲んだことがあって、似たような爽やかフルーティーかと思っていたら、予想に反して凄く力強かった。 ガツンとくる酸味と甘味。余韻の中にフルーティーな香りがあって気持ちいいです。 わずかに発砲感もある。開けたてならもっとガスが強いのかな? 単体でも美味しいし、濃いめのチーズにも合いそう。 美味しかった! 満足度:★★★★
W純米山田錦 無ろ過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
W Check-in 1W Check-in 2
W Check-in 3W Check-in 4
The sweetness and umami of the rice are powerful, and the fruity muscat-like aroma that lingers afterward is pleasant. A slight bitterness accentuates the aftertaste. There is almost no acidity. It is beautiful and elegant, but has a core. If I were to say Ghibli, it would be like Gina from "Red Pig. I'm sure I would fall in love with her. It was delicious! This sake is a daiginjo with a rice polishing ratio of 45%, but it only claims to be junmai. The reason for this is that the essence of this series is not to make the rice polishing ratio smaller or to play with the numbers. I see. The entrée is cheese tofu. The slightly cheesey flavor of the tofu went well with the gentle sweetness of the tofu. Satisfaction: ★★★★
