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川中島幻舞Kawanakajima Genbu
2,120 check-ins


Kawanakajima Genbu雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2
Satisfaction: ★★★★★ We had a bottle of Kawanakajima Genmai Omachi, which impressed us the most last year. Melon aroma upon opening the bottle. The sweetness and complex strong umami rush into the mouth, and it finishes with acidity. It is delicious with complex umami! I said out loud. It had been a while since I had tasted Genmai, but it was as delicious as ever. It is good to drink as an aperitif. It would be better to drink it as an aperitif. This time, I bought three kinds of sake rice at the same time: Omachi, Yamadanishiki, and Miyamanishiki, so I am looking forward to comparing their tastes. I am worried about my physical exam on the 16th, though.
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2
Unfiltered and unpasteurized Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing: 59 Alcohol: 16% abv. For some reason, Genshu Mai has become a regular at sake bars in Sapporo! It's still amazing! I love it 😘. Delicious! Juicy, fruity! Great balance! I love it 🍶. I still have to drink it whenever I come across it!
Kawanakajima Genbu純米吟醸 雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2
I opened this bottle over the weekend after reading Masaaki Sapporo's review and wanted to drink it for the first time in a while 😄. On the first day, there was not so much gasiness, and the fruity taste stood out, with a soft mouthfeel and good flavor. The bitterness comes later and it is still good 😋 The acidity is a little strong and the sweetness is moderate. At room temperature, you can taste the sweetness and it tastes even better: ☺️ On the second day, it became even sweeter and thicker, which I liked the most. I knew this, but I reconfirm, I like Gensai 😊.
Good morning, Mr. Studying. I often see Genmai at Sake no Wa, but after reading your post (confession 😁✨✨), I'm even more interested in it✨! I also like Omachi and would like to drink it 🎵
Good morning ma-ki-, thank you for your comment! I'm from the Sladan generation 😅 I know it's a bit sweeter 😅 but please give it a try 😊 I'm looking forward to your review.
Kawanakajima GenbuMari特別囲い無濾過生原酒
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1
The first Genmai was an orange labeled special junmai Yamadanishiki unfiltered raw and Mari special enclosed unfiltered raw. The orange was very sweet, while the orikarami Mari was surprisingly refreshing.
Kawanakajima Genbu雄町 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 3Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 4
It has been a long time since we have had a Genshu Mai. Moreover, it is Omachi & unfiltered raw sake at this time of the year. I bought a bottle without hesitation. Today is our wedding anniversary 💍. We celebrated our 20th anniversary safely 👏. I looked it up, I found out that it is called a porcelain wedding ceremony (ceramic wedding ceremony). Hmmm, subtle 🤔 Well, but it's our anniversary! I opened a bottle of this Genmai 🙌 Today's dinner, Carbonara, my favorite. I know it's pasta, so it's probably wine, But I dared to try this Genmai. It's still delicious! It's sweet and tasty, and it feels surprisingly light on the first day of drinking. That is also GOOD👍. From my experience with Genmai Omachi After opening the bottle, the flavor will increase. I am looking forward to drinking it again after tomorrow. Purchase price ¥4180(1.8L)
YAN. Congratulations on your 20th anniversary: ㊗️ Definitely celebrating with a drink ✨.
Good evening, yan 😃. Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary 💍🎉. Carbo & Genmai! Looks like a good match 😋. The bouquet 💐 is also beautiful!
Yann, congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary 🎉💍. It's nice to send flowers 💐 and the anniversary makes the Genmai even better 😋.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, yan! 😄 Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Great choice of drinks! The bouquet 💐 is great too! Ignore the 20th anniversary words, let's just celebrate the merriment! 👍
Good morning, Choroki-san. Thank you for your comment 🙏. I was lucky to get a bottle of Omachi from Genmai at a good time. I was lucky to get it at the right time. ✌️
Good morning, Jaynobi. Thank you for your comment 🙏. Carbo & first day phantom dance is, It was a good pairing🙆. My wife loved it 👌.
Good morning, kino. Thank you for your comment 🙏. It's not often that I buy a bouquet of flowers 😅. I get nervous when I go to buy them😅.
Good morning, Mr. Kumagai. Thank you for your comment 🙏. When I gave the bouquet 💐, my wife was My wife was happy when I gave her the bouquet💐, but the kids were not interested at all. They are not interested at all. 😮‍💨 Dad, you're good!" That's about it, I wish they could have said something like that... 🥲.
Happy belated wedding anniversary, Yann 🎉💍. I'm surprised that you had other rare drinks since I came back from Kiri number 😆👍Your kids are thinking so too 😉😉.
Good morning, Pon. Thank you for your comment 🙏. Gentai is easier to get than Jikin. I think it's easier to get it. My children celebrate their parents' anniversaries (birthday, wedding anniversary, mother & father's day) They don't seem to be interested in
Kawanakajima Genbu金紋錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2
Genmai, which was bought in Tokyo and Fukuoka, is Kinmon Nishiki. The bottle was opened on the Fukuoka night. It has a nice, stable, sweet and juicy taste with a hint of niggle. I have to go to Fukuoka to buy it, but it is so delicious that I end up drinking too much of it. Especially when I'm playing mahjong, I almost always end up drinking too much. 💦 When I go back home again, I'll have to go on an expedition and stock up... 😆👍
Kawanakajima Genbu雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 3
When I was patrolling my usual liquor store, I found Kawanakajima Genmai quietly lined up on the shelf, so I bought it! I love Oumachi, Kinmonniki and Miyamanishiki among the Kawanakajima Gentmai! I immediately opened the bottle and found it to be a deep sweet-umami, typical of Kawanakajima Gentmai O Omachi! It was not too sweet, but had a nice sharpness and a bitter aftertaste. Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 16%.
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 3
Nagano Prefecture Special Junmai Yamadanishiki Unfiltered Nama Rice polishing ratio 59 Alcohol 16%. Rice: 100% Yamadanishiki It has a sweet rice aroma, and in the mouth it has a nice matte texture and a strong sweetness of rice that is typical of Genmai. The high alcohol content leaves an alcoholic aftertaste.
Kawanakajima Genbu山田錦特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1
◾️Aroma  Weak aroma in the glass, ripe melon on the nose ◾️Taste  A ripe melon with moderate astringency and bitterness, along with a robust sweetness and gaseousness. The alcohol is also noticeable. When the liquid temperature rises, it tastes like cotton candy.
Kawanakajima Genbu無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1
Fruity type Rice used: Miyamanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 49% Alcohol level: 16 Sake Degree: +3.0, Acidity: 1.6, Between light dry and light sweet It has a fresh aroma like tropical fruit (lychee), sweet and slightly carbonated on the palate, with a good acidity. Ripe taste of melon🍈 or strawberry🍓 and sweetness, with a rich flavor that is typical of the original sake. It may go well with fatty wagyu beef or bonjiri. It was a very good sake 🍶.
Kawanakajima Genbu純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 3Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 4
I received a happy news yesterday 😀! Rafa papa is going to deliver freshly made handmade soba noodles today. Kaorin and I both love Soba, so Kaorin was already soaring since yesterday and even started to prepare Tempura so that we can eat it right away 🤣. I was wondering which sake to match with Soba, but I took the liberty of preparing this sake for Rafa papa with the image of Shinshu Soba... Kawanakajima Genmai from Shinshu: 🙆‍♂️ It was delicious! Of course, Rafa papa made the handmade soba noodles for us 😀. Kawanakajima Genmai is still a strong and robust sake, but the soba noodles had a wonderful texture that overwhelmed it 😇. We had it as it was at first, then with salt, and then with tsuyu (sauce), all of which were delicious 😀! We ended the meal with tempura, and it turned out to be the best dinner ever 😀. Today's report was not about the sake, but about the soba 🤣.
Good evening, Yasbaye 😃. Rafa papa's soba noodles 🤤 are very well behaved 😊. Yasbaye's cellar is also amazing to match Genmai with Soba noodles 😳. I've never had sake soba either, I'd like to try it 🤤.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Yasube! I'm sorry for pushing this on you even though it's not ready for people to eat yet 😅If you taste it as it is... with salt... with tsuyu... with tempura... it'll make you feel like a ragdoll if you taste it so seriously 🤣.
Hi Aladdin 😀 The Sake Soba at Shu-shin-kan is served with Morisoba and a glass of Fukuju, which is poured over the soba and then served with dashi broth, but I think you need good soba and strong tasting sake to make it taste right 😀.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I thought that the soba noodles were delicious enough to get your money's worth 😇 I had that much, but Kaorin and I finished it in no time at all 🤣. If you still have a chance, please let me know 🙇.
Rafa buckwheat and Rafa onions! That's so good 🫰✨ Good evening, Yasube! There are not many good soba restaurants in Osaka. I am one of those who are looking forward to the opening of "Teuchi Soba Rafa" 😇.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😀 Unfortunately, Osaka is an udon culture, so there are not many good soba restaurants 😅. If that soba comes with onion tempura, I'm sure I'll go there several times during the week😇.
Good morning, Yasbay: ☀️ Oh my 😳Rafa Soba noodles have arrived ⁉️ How I envy you 😆 there's nothing but deliciousness there with Genmai and Tempura ♡ 🥰. Sake Soba! I want to try it😆.
Hi, Tsubu 😀 Rafa Soba was a great treat 🙆‍♂️ Sake Soba requires strong tasting sake and strong tasting Soba, so it's hard to find good Soba and it's also hard to find Soba restaurants that would not like it 😅.

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