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Shinrai Flavor Chart

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乙1930 Yuki, Jinsekikogen, Jinseki-gun, Hiroshima
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Shinraichallenge series純米生酛
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酒のみむら 表町店
Mellow Classic At room temperature. Gentle grape-like aroma. From a mellow mouthfeel, a mix of minerality, acidity and sweetness emerges and finishes with a slightly classic alcohol feel. The sake is made in a wooden vat and yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast. It has more maturity and minerality than that, giving it uniqueness. A delicious saké at room temperature. ★★★★
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The label is distinctive and fantastic. Taste is rough and polished, so it has a core and gusto that is typical of Japanese sake. It tastes a little alcoholic, and I prefer a more polished version.
Shinrai八反錦 うすにごり
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This sake was recommended to us. It has a little sweetness, but it is also refreshing and It is delicious with a crisp and clean taste. It goes well with all kinds of food.
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It is a hidden masterpiece of Hiroshima sake. It is soft and flavorful on the palate with a sharp taste. Delicious. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Shinrai" has a soft, sweet, umami taste of rice combined with a nice crispness in the latter half. It is a sake that is often served as a mealtime sake that accompanies meals with deep nostalgia. In recent years, the Miwa Touji and other brewers have been focusing on kimotomo-zukuri, a method that makes the most of the environment inherited from the ancestors. This sake can only be made at the Kamirai brewery, where the climate and nature of Kamirai can be tasted. Characteristics of Kamarai's KIMOTO flavor Elegant acidity Cool and clear taste A core of strength that runs through the very foundation of the sake.
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Pale yellow, slightly dry, alcoholic, slightly bitter
Shinrai八反錦 うすにごり純米生酒
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The aroma is mild, yet soft with a nice aroma of rice 🌾. The mouthfeel is... melon on the way in: ‼️ The sweetness and juiciness of the melon will fill your mouth 🤤. But the flavor is fleeting and fleeting, followed by the sharp, core acidity that comes later, and the gentle but sure taste of happiness that swells up softly 😋. The sweetness is there, but the umami is also as good as the sweetness. ‼️ It is a well-balanced and delicious bottle that is easy to match with food 🤤🤤🤤.

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