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4-20 Konyachō, Morioka, Iwate
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1.8L 4100 yen, 15% alcohol by volume, 55% rice polishing ratio, sake degree +6, acidity 1.3, purchased yesterday at Kami Sake Shop in Aomori City. Aomori Prefecture has a few official bottles, but Iwate and Miyagi prefectures have few. It is easy to drink and sweet at first, but the dryness slowly spreads and finishes later.
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Now on a trip to Ishikawa (sudden) Since I'm going to be there, I'd like to stock up on local sake, preferably the kind that is not available in other prefectures... Checking in is a bottle of aged Nanafukujin sake that I drank a long time ago. I don't even remember where I drank it, but I remember it was a very old sake with a strong flavor and aged aroma. I heard that the liquor store I often go to is planning to end the sale of it soon, so I might go there to stock up on it.
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A gift. It was chilled (frozen) to a crisp. Delicious! First impression: sweet and gentle. But it's not just that, it has a complex flavor of umami, acidity, and richness, but it's also very sharp. I tried to put it into words, but it seemed to disappear before I could catch it. It's a sake that you pour over and over again because you can't wait to taste it, and it's a sake to sip. Put it in your favorite sake!
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 😀 It's June and the weather is like a cold rainy season, so I don't know what to wear 😅. Tomorrow, it's going to be 2 degrees lower than today. I wonder if the weather will continue to be so bad 😱. The general meeting at the end of last month was held at a local grand hotel, and the sake used was Nanafukujin Junmai from the Kiku no Tsukasa Sake Brewery. The sake used was Nanafukujin Junmai by Kikunoji Sake Brewery. It is not sticky-sweet, but rather light and easy to drink. If the sake is not made with the same level of care and attention as the all-you-can-drink sake, more and more people will leave the sake industry, and short-term tricks will not be effective these days. I enjoyed it very much! Thank you 😁.
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I bought this one on a trip to Tohoku. Sake from the Tohoku region is still very spicy. I can feel the ginjo aroma with all my might, It is not sweet and refreshing, It's a dangerous sake for a drinker who drinks too much. Dangerous sake 🍶😏.
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yu yu
Nanafukujin Activated Nigori (Liquefied Nigori) Junmai-shu from Nanafukujin, known for its mild richness. It is bottled freshly squeezed and activated nigori while maximizing the rich rice flavor that is typical of junmai, The freshly squeezed sake is bottled as active nigori. Please enjoy the gaseous sensation. Ingredients: Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 65 Alcohol content: 15%. Label Excerpt The bottle was opened with trepidation I opened the bottle with trepidation (*markmark*). And then...what? I didn't even hear a "pshhhh" sound...? I just bought it at a sake brewery, It's not too old. I slowly turn the bottle once to mix the nigori and open the bottle... ...it doesn't ring ( 'omega')? But when I pour it into the glass, bubbles are popping𓂃🫧. When you drink it, you can feel the active gas on your tongue👅👅👅. I like to drink it in a clear glass while watching the bubbles 😘. ◆Toyo Sasaki Glass

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