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Shichifukujin Flavor Chart

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4-20 Konyachō, Morioka, Iwate
map of Kikunotsukasa Shuzo
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type of yellow carrot grown in Okinawa We tried Junmai Sake Super Dry, Shichifukujin by Iwate's Kiku no Tsukasa Sake Brewery. Local sake rice "Yunokou" is used, and the rice polishing ratio is 60%. It is impressive for its crispness, which is typical of ultra-harsh sake, and for its lightness, which keeps you from getting tired of drinking it. The alcohol content is a solid 17%, making it an easy match for any food as a mid-meal sake. It can be enjoyed cold for a refreshing drink or warmed for its deep umami flavor. If you like dry sake, you will definitely like it.
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Wakamatsuya. I bought this sake for heating sake in winter. Nice to meet you. It's cold today, so I warmed up sake. Dinner was dice steak, vegetable soup, grilled eggplant and tomato cheese. It has a strong flavor and a dry sharpness. It's delicious on a cold day. It warms you up. The dice steak's oiliness keeps the drink going. Tomorrow, we plan to have it with pork shabu nabe. It is a sake that will soak into your body.
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This Sake surprised me. It starts sweet and fizzy then finishes dry. There is a soft mouth feel with a mild flavor of sweet pear. The finish is dry and clean. I am enjoying this as an after drink. 😃

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