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kawanoriI've never been a big fan of cask sake, but this is delicious. I paired it with smoked oysters and it was great!
Masumi純米吟醸酒 すずみさけ
りょうすけIt's hot today, so we're having our first summer sake of the season. Almost no acidity at first Smooth on the palate with a hint of rice flavor. It is a food sake, so it does not have a strong character, but it seems to go well with refreshing snacks. The light acidity in the aftertaste is a little interesting.
Masumiあらばしり 樽酒純米吟醸原酒生酒樽酒荒走り
Orihara Shoten (折原商店)
ヒロDrinking outside. I stopped by for a while on my way to run an errand. There was a barrel of Masumi sake. It was the same as the one I tasted at the brewery, but I tried it again. The aroma was of cedar wood, like a barrel sake. The color is pale yellow. It has a green apple-like sweetness on the palate. There is a slightly bitter aftertaste that lingers in the mouth. The cedar aroma was stronger than when we drank it at the brewery. I remember the aroma of cedar was more subdued and soft 🤔. Is this difference due to memory compensation from the brewery visit, or is it due to my physical condition? Sake is difficult 😅.