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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久

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Mutsuhassenピンクラベル 吟醸 火入れ吟醸
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
I've been there since Monday again. I had a drink at this restaurant run by my father alone. What should I order today? There was a Hakusen, so I ordered it. It has a spring pink label. It tastes sweet and smooth. It has a nice aroma. It is not alcoholic. It was so good that I had a second glass of the same sake.
Kunpeki本醸造 無濾過生原酒本醸造原酒生酒無濾過
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
The second cup is Isobeki, which is only available at this restaurant and one other in Kanda. Honjozo is recommended. It is freshly squeezed. It is sweet, delicious, aromatic, and firm, with a fresh taste. This is the last post for March. I drank a lot.
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
A little drink. I've been drinking something this week. When I head to Kanda Station, I just want to stop by. Let's see what's on tap today. This is the first time I've seen Akabu at this restaurant. One sip, and the sweet, gorgeous aroma turns bitter and tight. Akabu is delicious.
Raifuku純米酒さくら おりがらみ生酒純米生酒おりがらみ
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
I wanted to have a little drink in Kanda today, so I went to this restaurant near the station. The cherry blossom label is a springtime delight. The taste is sweet and delicious, with a dry and bitter finish. It is a bittersweet drink, but it is quite dry, and the bitterness tightens it up. The taste is strong.
Mutsuhassenヌーボーおりがらみ 特別純米 生原酒特別純米原酒生酒おりがらみ
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
Let's finish this week with a little drink at our usual restaurant on Friday. Let's start with Hakusen today. It is lightly sweet, slightly carbonated and pleasant to the palate, with a crisp sourness that slowly gives way to bitterness. It's a good feeling.
Toyoka天女のしずく 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
A little drink every day. First visit in a long time. There were unusually few customers today, probably because of the snow and teleworkers. I sipped my sake quietly. It has a crisp aroma from the sweet flavor and a gentle aftertaste. It is delicious.
若竹特別純米 大井町畔 鰍特別純米
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
Visiting every day. After all, I've had a drink every day this week except Wednesday. The owner told me that a new Shizuoka sake had just arrived, so I ordered one right away. It is a strange sake with acidity and a rice aroma, a dry sake, but as you drink it, it becomes easier to drink.
大嶺大嶺3粒 秋麗かすみ生酒 雄町純米原酒生酒おりがらみ
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
I continue to feel like taking a breath before getting on the train this week. I take a peek at this store that I've been frequenting lately. First up is my first Omine. I saw it at Sake-no-wa and wanted to drink it. It was a bit of a dry sake, but when I opened the bottle, I popped it, and it was alive. The sweet and sour taste is refreshing. The umami is irresistible.
Kunpeki本醸造 無濾過生原酒 しぼりたて生酒本醸造原酒生酒無濾過
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
The second cup was Isobeki, which is only available at two restaurants in Kanda. The Honjozo is recommended by the owner. The Honjozo is more expensive than the Jungin, and he says it is his top recommendation. I was curious and asked for it. When I took a sip, it was just fruity and delicious. It is clear. I am glad to have met this one.
Kozaemon純米吟醸 備前雄町生純米吟醸生酒
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
The third drink. I didn't think I would drink this much. The first one was "Isobeki," which seemed to be on sale, so I hesitated and went for "Kozaemon. When I told him that I had already had Isunbeki last week, he asked me where I had had it. He asked me "Where did you get that? Hanamiya in Kanda? How do you know? The conversation got more lively from there. So it looks like I'll be going back to this place again.
Tenmei蔵藤 坂下五百万石 おりがらみ純米おりがらみ
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立ち食い蕎麦 酒処 一久
The second drink was Fukushima Tenmei, which was on the menu. It had been a while since I had had one, so I ordered it. What is this label? It looked like a wine, which is not a sake. But when I tasted it, I found it to be a very tasty sake. But it was not so refreshing. I was happy to talk with the owner.
Hi Beksan 😃 We too thought this Tenmei was an unusual label and drank it at home a while ago 🤗I had a preconceived notion of grape🍇 by the label and it seemed like wine🍷 but it is crisp and delicious!
Thank you, Jay & Nobby. I had a feeling I had seen it somewhere, but it was Jay & Nobby's contribution. No, it was delicious.