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立ち飲み そらや

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Touru OkamuraつきしずくAkira  猫K.O.cu-ca


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立ち飲み そらや
Drinking out series This is the last drink I ordered. Since the glasses at this restaurant are teacups, I thought for a moment that tea had arrived. But there was no such reason. The last one I ordered was a Yokozuna with a strength of 21 degrees Celsius. This is what happens when you order something just because of its name and just wait to see what you get, but the first two glasses were low in alcohol content, and now this. I could have just asked him, but it would have been more interesting this way. The aroma is not so strong, and the acidity is strong but the aftertaste is short and not persistent, so you can drink it. It's a sour wine, but it's not as difficult to drink as it looks.
Jujiasahi生酛純米雄町70 29BY純米生酛
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立ち飲み そらや
Drinking out series But this sake is softer by adding water and lowering the alcohol content to 13 degrees. But this sake is soft because it is watered down to 13 degrees Celsius. I thought so, but it is indeed easy to drink. It's so easy to drink that you wonder if it's not dangerous if it goes down so smoothly. It may be too light when you are ready to drink, but when drinking it as an in-between-dinner drink or while talking with someone, you can drink it without thinking about it and it is just right. However, you should be careful not to drink too much when you realize you have had too much.
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立ち飲み そらや
Drinking out series From the look and the smell when you hold it close to you. I thought, "This guy is heavy. But when I drank it, I found it was not so heavy. The taste is acidic, but relatively light. I don't know how to say it was easy to drink, but it was easy to drink. It was easy to drink, though I wouldn't say it was easy to drink. There are many kinds of heated sake.
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立ち飲み そらや
It is not too habitual and can be drunk forever. The lingering taste goes well with the mackerel sandwich. Rice: Fukuoka-made Yume Issen Rice polishing rate: 65%. Frequency: 15 degrees
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立ち飲み そらや
Akira 猫
ちょっと酸を感じる…と思ったんだけど、5分後には消えていたw すっきり美味しい♪ 割と可愛い顔してるんだけど、あまりにも内気で気配を消している身長167cmくらいの同じクラスの男子、って感じ。