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山口県在住 お酒は40年以上飲んでいますが、2020年ごろから日本酒にハマりました。 山口県の日本酒を紹介していきます。

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Two wakamusume. Special Junmai "Tsukigusa" is characterized by a refreshing crispness as shown in the fresh label design, perfect for late summer nights. Junmai Ginjo "Ruri Karakusa" has a rich fruity ginjo aroma with sweetness, while a slight effervescence tightens the aftertaste. It was a very luxurious evening to compare such drinks.
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Yamaguchi Prefecture Sake Tour Hochotatsuru" Extra Junmai Sake "Super Dry" from Yamagata Honten in Shunan City The unique claim of "super-harakuchi" sake with a sake strength of +10! When I drank it, I found it to be clear, light, and dry. It is easy to drink because it is so refreshing and has a crisp, clean aftertaste, so it can be served with all kinds of food. This is another gem that shows the depth of Japanese sake. Dry" does not mean spicy like chili peppers, but rather a clean and dry taste! #Hoho Nagatsuru #Yamagata Honten #Super dry #Lightly dry #Nihon Shudo plus 10 #Polishing ratio 60 #Yamada Nishiki #Drink it, Yamaguchi Prefecture Sake
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Yamaguchi Prefecture Sake Tour Hochotatsuru" extra rice ball series Junmai Unfiltered Raw Yamadanishiki Wild Vegetable Okowa by Yamagata Honten in Shunan City Unique name and label design Onigiri rice balls and sake...don't go well together, do they? One might think so, but the slightly sweet, mellow, multifaceted, and deep flavor can be enjoyed. Is this the reason why the rice balls are made with the flavors of rice and wild vegetables? This series also reminds us of the unique culture of sake that values the seasons. #Yamagata Honten #Hochozuru #Junmai Unfiltered Nama #Onigiri Series #Drink Yamaguchi Prefecture's Sake
Toyobijin限定純米吟醸醇道一途 山田錦純米吟醸
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Sake Tour in Yamaguchi Prefecture Toyo Bijin" Junmai Ginjo Jyundo Ittou Yamadanishiki from Hagi City's Sumikawa Shuzo It is a gem that won the highest distinction in the Junmai Ginjo category of the Yamaguchi Prefecture New Sake Competition for two consecutive years. The elegant sweetness spreads on the palate and disappears as it goes down the throat, followed by a hint of acidity and astringency to tighten the aftertaste. The taste is so delicate and sweet on the palate that it fades away as it goes down the throat. The sake is so smooth and blissful that you can't stop drinking. Take your time and enjoy the blissful taste. #Toyo Bijin #Cheongawa Shuzo #Junmai Ginjo #Jundo Isshu #Yamada Nishiki #Yamada Nishiki #You should drink this Yamaguchi Prefecture sake.
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Sake Tour in Yamaguchi Prefecture Ganki Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Tubade Arabashiri by Yaoshin Shuzo in Iwakuni City. It has a rich but not cloyingly sweet taste that is different from the usual Ganki and is almost addictive. The slight effervescence enhances the freshness.
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Yamaguchi Prefecture Sake Tour Ganki" Junmai Unfiltered Unrefined Nama Sake Nakadori from Iwakuni City's Yaoshin Shuzo Nakadori" means the middle part of the squeezed sake, and is said to be the best part of the sake, with stable quality. This is GANKI's specialty, junmai unfiltered nama sake, so it has a freshness all of its own. The aroma is strong and sweet with a rich, full flavor. The taste is rather dry and rich. You can fully enjoy the taste of freshly squeezed sake. #Hachiyoshin Shuzo #GANKI #Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake #Nakadori #Drink it! Sake from Yamaguchi Prefecture
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Yamaguchi Prefecture Sake Tour Ki" Junmai Ginjo Nama Sake from Nagayama Honke Shuzo in Ube City. This sake is brewed in the season of spring. As is typical of a company whose slogan is "think globaly, act localy," Yamada Nishiki from Tokusa, Yamaguchi Prefecture, is used for this sake. It has a distinctive yogurt-like aroma with a hint of ginjo, but that's just Ki. The full-bodied flavor is a pleasure to savor. The fresh label is also very spring-like. #Nagayama Honke Sake Brewery #Precious #Junmai Ginjo #Namazake #Spring Sake #Drink #Yamaguchi Prefecture's Sake
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Yamaguchi Prefecture Sake Tour Kinjaku" Junmai Ginjo Shiboritate Nama-shu from Horie Shaba in Iwakuni City. It is a fresh sake that can only be enjoyed during this season. The sweet aroma reminds us of the "ah-ha-ha" moment. The first sip tastes sweet and sour, just like Kinjaku. The second sip brings out the astringency and bitterness, and I am again impressed by the depth of the Kinjaku flavor. You can also enjoy the slight bubbling that is typical of nama-zake. It is a sake to be savored sip by sip. #Horie Sake Brewery #Kinjaku #Junmai Ginjo #Newly pressed sake #Drink this Yamaguchi Prefecture sake!
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Yamaguchi Prefecture Sake Tour Wakamusume" Botan Junmai Ginjyo Nao Kumi Nama by Yamaguchi City's Shintani Shuzo. It is a fresh, unpasteurized sake that requires care to open the cork and not spew out. Before drinking, the aroma is gorgeous and deep. When you put it in your mouth, a gaseous sensation like dancing on your tongue pops out, and a gorgeous and rich flavor with acidity fills your mouth and heart. This is another gem that shows us the depth of sake. #Shintani Sake Brewery #Wakamusume Botan #Junmai Ginjo #Drink this Yamaguchi Prefecture sake!
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Sake Tour in Yamaguchi Prefecture Gohashi" Junmai Ginjo-Nama Nama Sake pressed on the morning of Risshun (February 4th) by Sakai Sake Brewery in Iwakuni City is bottled directly from the sake pressed on the morning of Risshun, which celebrates the spring season. When poured into a sake cup, it has a faintly gorgeous aroma. The crisp taste and tangy effervescence are just like a fresh morning. At the same time, it is a typical Itsukashi sake. It has a deep, rich, umami flavor that invites you into the profound world of sake. #Sakai Shuzo #Gobashi #Risshun morning pressing #Junmai Ginjyo Nama Sake
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It has a dry taste with a little thickness for a Choyo Fukumusume. It has the flavor of Yamada Nishiki without adding or subtracting anything unnecessary. It goes well with spicy dishes.
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Not much of a scent. Slightly gassy Bitterness that feels tangy on the tongue I've never actually had much Ottersai, but But it's not as fruity as I thought it would be. Rather, it feels a little dry. I think this complex feeling is Ikkan.
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I had an image of Gohashi being rich, but this has a surprisingly mild flavor. The light sourness and sweetness like a slight melon are fresh. But it is not only the sweetness but also the crisp and clear taste that is unique to Gohashi.
Kin Suzume純米吟醸山廃純米吟醸山廃
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Kinjaku Junmai Ginjo Yamahai from Horie Sake Brewery. It has the gorgeous acidity and clean sharpness that only Kinjaku can provide. It has a complex flavor that you can taste with your entire tongue. There is also a hint of gas. It has a deep taste.
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Shintani Shuzo also has Tsubame-ka, which won the IWC Junmai Daiginjo trophy, but this one is a little sweeter. This one is a little sweet, but it shares the same crisp acidity and solid flavor that lingers. It also has a hint of fresh gas.
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Clear, just clear and sharp. The bitterness continues from the foaming sensation and the aftertaste is firm. As expected of Sakai Shuzo. The balance of sharpness and spiciness is exquisite. It does not overpower the taste of the food. Delicious.