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Toyobijin限定純米吟醸醇道一途 山田錦純米吟醸
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Sake Tour in Yamaguchi Prefecture Toyo Bijin" Junmai Ginjo Jyundo Ittou Yamadanishiki from Hagi City's Sumikawa Shuzo It is a gem that won the highest distinction in the Junmai Ginjo category of the Yamaguchi Prefecture New Sake Competition for two consecutive years. The elegant sweetness spreads on the palate and disappears as it goes down the throat, followed by a hint of acidity and astringency to tighten the aftertaste. The taste is so delicate and sweet on the palate that it fades away as it goes down the throat. The sake is so smooth and blissful that you can't stop drinking. Take your time and enjoy the blissful taste. #Toyo Bijin #Cheongawa Shuzo #Junmai Ginjo #Jundo Isshu #Yamada Nishiki #Yamada Nishiki #You should drink this Yamaguchi Prefecture sake.