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See official website Ingredients Rice (domestic), rice koji (domestic rice) Rice used 100% rice produced in Niigata Prefecture Rice polishing ratio 65% polished rice Alcohol content 15.5 degrees The elegant Yamahai brewed with natural lactic acid bacteria from the brewery is the essence of Kiminoi. This is a product full of Kiminoi's character. This is a Junmai-shu with the mellow flavor and deep richness that only Yamahai can provide. Winner of the Kura Master 2020 Platinum Award in the Junmai Sake category. The aroma is sweet, but when you drink it, it is a little dry with a crisp aftertaste.
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See the official website and other references. Raw Rice: Sasanishiki (Contract grown rice in Yamagata Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 60%. Yeast: Yamagata yeast Sake Meter: +7 Acidity 1.8 Alcohol: 15.1 This is a delicious sake from Sumiyoshi, which focuses on the aroma of barrels and aims to create a distinctive sake that is not for everyone. The sake quality is distinctive. It has a mellow aroma of maturation due to aging, which is different from the ginjo aroma. When you hold it in your mouth, the aroma spreads further in your mouth. It is not a sake that can be recommended to everyone, but it is a sake that most customers who like it end up repeating it. Sumiyoshi was also introduced in the manga "Delicious Shinbo. It is a sake that spreads its flavor with a bang, and I feel that this charm is what makes it a repeat customer.
Tamanohikari純米大吟醸 備前雄町100%
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See official website Sake content +3.5 Acidity 1.7 Alc. degree 16.2 The sake name "Tamano Hikari" is said to have been named after the character for "ball" in Kumano Hayatama Shrine in Kishu, to which Nakaya Rokuzaemon I owes his devotion, and the character for "light" which is illuminated by the sun god Amaterasu, the son of Izanagi-no-Mikoto and Izanami-no-Mikoto, the main gods of the shrine. The current logo was born from the image of this sake name. The motif of the logo is the diamond ring that appears when a total solar eclipse brings light back to a darkened world. The light of the sun is the source of life, and it is precisely because of light that "color" is born. Tamanomitsu sake, like the sun, illuminates our daily lives, brings color to our daily lives, and is an indispensable part of many people's lives. This is the idea behind the diamond ring. It has a natural soft aroma unique to Omachi rice, a mouthfeel that harmonizes the natural acidity and the flavor of Omachi rice, and a body that is plump and thick. It is a gem that you will never get tired of drinking. The flavor spread in the mouth is very good. It seems to go well with dashi (soup stock) and seafood, so I would like to enjoy it with them. Also, the label is cool!
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See official website Rice used Koji: Yamadanishiki / Kake: Akitashakekomachi Rice polishing ratio 65 Alcohol: 16 degrees Sake degree +2 (slightly dry) Acidity 1.8 It has a soft mouthfeel and a moderate richness that is not typical of Yamahai. It has a moderate acidity that keeps you coming back for more. It is a pure rice sake that is soft on the palate when heated and has a delicious rice flavor. It is easy to drink, and I can see why it is so popular. It may be easy to recommend to beginners as well.
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See label and official website Classification: Junmai Ginjo Ingredients: rice, rice koji Alcohol content: 15 degrees Rice polishing ratio: 60 Winner of the Gold Award in the "Delicious sake in a wine glass" category for three consecutive years. It is characterized by a firm acidity followed by a delicious rice flavor. This Junmai Ginjo is refreshing when chilled or mellow when heated.
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See official website Classification: Junmai Ginjo Nama Genshu Ingredients: rice, rice koji Alcohol content: 17 degrees Rice variety: Yamae Nishiki from Nagano Prefecture      Hitogochi, grown in Nagano prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 55 How to drink: ◎Cold sake, ×Normal temperature, ×Warmed sake The rich fruity aroma of melon, pineapple, white peach and grapefruit is harmonized with a gorgeous fragrance reminiscent of crisp green apple, dignified green bamboo and acacia flower. On the palate, you can taste a swelling sweetness and a fresh acidity. It has a sense of volume that only an unblended sake can provide, and it is fruity and lively until the end. Food that goes well with it Garland chrysanthemum with walnuts, yuzu miso, duck with orange sauce, albacore ahijo, braised pork belly with black vinegar, etc. It goes well with aromatic winter seasonal ingredients and rich dishes. When pairing it with a cold dish of persimmon, prosciutto, and cream cheese, enjoy it with a drizzle of olive oil to match the tartness of the arabashiri. The sweetness of the aroma seems to carry through to the end. It is followed by a lingering acidic aftertaste.
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See official site Type Special Junmai Sake Raw material rice: General rice for sake brewing (domestic) Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15 degrees Sake degree +7 Acidity 1.7 Amino acidity 1.2 This Junmai-shu combines the delicious taste of rice with a crisp finish. The aroma is subdued, and the acidity characteristic of Drunken Whale gives it a wide yet crisp taste. It is a perfect match for food and is ideal for sipping. Sake beginners will find it easy to drink. As the official description says, the aroma is moderate, so some people may find it lacking. Enjoy the sourness.
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See official site Rice Polishing Ratio 55% Alcohol Content 15%. Sake degree +3 Acidity 1.4 First class sake for ANA international flights This Junmai Ginjo-shu is made by brewing a small amount of Ginjo using Hida Homare, a rice suitable for sake brewing that is grown under contract. It has a deep richness in the softness and harmonized five flavors. It conveys the flavor of the rice as it is. We are confident that we have created a Junmai Ginjo that is not flashy, but has an elegant and straightforward taste. The aftertaste is clean, and the taste can be enjoyed as per the official text.
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Refer to the official website Rice: 100% Yamada Nishiki from Hyogo Prefecture (Special A district) Rice polishing ratio 40%. Alcohol content 15.5 Sake degree +3.0 Acidity 1.0 Nose: Gorgeous, expansive impression of green apple and other fruits. It also has an aroma of lotus flowers and freshly made rice cakes. and freshly made rice cake. Taste It has a mellow attack with a slight touch of elegant acidity. It has a smooth structure and a beautiful aftertaste. It has a smooth structure and a beautiful aftertaste. It is quite easy to drink and you can feel the sweetness. Good for beginners.