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Sumiyoshi極辛口 銀住吉
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See the official website and other references. Raw Rice: Sasanishiki (Contract grown rice in Yamagata Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 60%. Yeast: Yamagata yeast Sake Meter: +7 Acidity 1.8 Alcohol: 15.1 This is a delicious sake from Sumiyoshi, which focuses on the aroma of barrels and aims to create a distinctive sake that is not for everyone. The sake quality is distinctive. It has a mellow aroma of maturation due to aging, which is different from the ginjo aroma. When you hold it in your mouth, the aroma spreads further in your mouth. It is not a sake that can be recommended to everyone, but it is a sake that most customers who like it end up repeating it. Sumiyoshi was also introduced in the manga "Delicious Shinbo. It is a sake that spreads its flavor with a bang, and I feel that this charm is what makes it a repeat customer.