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6 Yokaichimachi, Kaga, Ishikawa
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肉&おでん 金沢風土研究所
The smell is not harsh, but the color is.... Sake as robust as I expected. Rough residuals all over. It has the strongest punch ever. But it's very sharp, so it's easy to drink even though it comes with a punch. It looks like it would be easy to get drunk...
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I happened to find the Tokyo University of Agriculture's antenna shop in the station where I got off for the first time in search of the Gozenshu 9nine I posted yesterday 👀. The shop carries many brands from graduates of the University of Agriculture, many of which you don't see in Fukuoka! Ando Suigun, Rokkasen, Naozane, Senjojo, Chikuma Nishiki, Takehata, Sanshoraku, Kusudama, Kiso Mikawa, Shinkai, Yaetsuru, Sake Isshuji, Kirai, Nagasaki Bijin, Tsujun, etc... I imagine there are more sake from Kanto than Kansai. Chose Tsunekigen, which I have never had before. Cold sake Slightly subdued aroma. Full-bodied with a sharp sharp taste Not so heavy, but mellow enough. It has no peculiarities, so even a beginner of sake can enjoy it.
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Here is the first bottle of the second year of Sake-no-wa. In the first year, I tried to enjoy a variety of brands and never drank exactly the same brand. I think I have a vague idea of what suits me and what doesn't (I'm not so sure???). Based on this self-evaluation, the theme for the second year was "find your favorite bottle. I am sure that next year I will be able to say, "Wow, you like sake. Do you have a favorite brand? I am sure that next year I will be able to proudly answer the question, "I see you like Japanese sake. I am sure you will be able to proudly answer the question, "Yes, I do! So I picked up this one, a summer sake that gave me great memories in the spring. I was very impressed with how delicious it was with sashimi. It seems to be "the less famous one" in Japan, so I was excited when I was able to reopen the bottle. With high expectations, I will have it! Hmm? It's a little different from what I expected. It's kind of spicy. Of course it tastes good, but it doesn't have the freshness that was so impressive. It was made this year, but the sake stored in a liquor store gives a fresher impression... Sake is difficult to make!
Good morning, Ikka Iyasumi 😃. We also experienced a lot of sake in the first year and enjoyed the reunion with the previous drinks from the second year 🤗It's interesting to see how different it is to see each other after a long time 😁.
Good evening. I see that you two great sake seniors also deepened your love and knowledge of sake in this way! I hope you enjoy your various encounters and reunions 😊.
Hi Ikka Iyasumi 🐦. I love that you are drinking with a goal ✨. I've never seen this label for Jokigen before 😳 It's cool and makes me want to drink it just by looking at the label 😆.
Good evening, Ponchan! I too was attracted by the vividness of the label and bought it first! It's not a big deal to have a goal. I just want to drink it. But you want to know about the sake you like, don't you ❦.
JokigenKISS of FIRE 純米大吟醸 3年熟成純米大吟醸
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Kano Shuzo KISS of FIRE Junmai Daiginjo 3 years old This brewery is located in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The rice is polished to 50% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture. Nobel Laureate Nightcap Party Louis Vuitton New Year's party This is a superb sake that was also served at the Louis Vuitton New Year's party. The fruity aroma is calm and elegant, the rice flavor is refined and a clean and gentle aftertaste. #Sake
Jokigen純米吟醸 能登の復興応援
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Typhoon blowback 🌀💨 I'll drink it anyway lol A hint of malt flavor with a hint of molasses flavor hot and strong flavor. lingering aftertaste Sweetness and umami in the aftertaste Sake-like and good 15 degrees, more like a little more Kato Sake Shop 2,200 yen
Jokigen涼純 RYOJUN  純米吟醸原酒純米吟醸原酒生貯蔵酒
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The mouthfeel is mild. Sweetness comes, but is quickly followed by bitterness. The bitterness is strong in the mouth, but there is no unpleasant alcohol taste. The aftertaste is mild and disappears without any unpleasant sensation. It is a sake to be served with a meal.
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It is quiet when drunk cold. The characteristic is the bitterness in the back. When I had it warmed up, I found the meekness to be elegant and mellow, and the bitterness to be savory. It is good when heated.
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A little luxury for my son's homecoming! I heard it was used for the toast at the 2005 Louis Vuitton Japan New Year's party and the 2012 and 2013 Nobel Prize winner's nightcap parties!
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Ishikawa Prefecture has a wide variety of excellent sake, including Shirakiku, Sogen, Tengu Mai, and Tetorigawa, but recently I have been enjoying Jokigen. I prepared some summer snacks and drank the chilled Yamahai Junmai. The golden sake is good, too good. But it is too hot. When heated up, the sake's warming qualities assert themselves noisily, as if to say, "This is a delicious sake. It's a delicious sake. Heating sake in an air-conditioned room is a luxury. I prefer a lighter version of the heavier, spicier, harder sake, but Jokigen is a good balance and I love it.

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