Vinny BrooklynUrakasumi純米辛口純米SaraMiyagi2024/4/28 04:52:512024/4/27皿のうえ24Vinny BrooklynMaybe cheating as my wife had this. But I did taste it. And it was dry.
Vinny BrooklynRetsu純米Kojima SohontenYamagata2024/4/28 04:47:342024/4/27皿のうえ24Vinny BrooklynIt’s been a while to have different nihonshu at an izakaya type place. Feels like coming home.
Vinny BrooklynShinomineCho 辛口純米Chiyo ShuzoNara2024/1/8 04:52:572023/12/29皿のうえ26Vinny BrooklynAnother stolen sip from my wife’s Atsukan.
Vinny BrooklynDewazakura純米吟醸生酒Dewazakura ShuzoYamagata2024/1/8 04:50:062023/12/29皿のうえ27Vinny BrooklynIt’s been a while since I’ve had this Kura. Always consistent.
Vinny BrooklynTsukinowaOH! Karakuchi 大辛口純米Tsukinowa ShuzotenIwate2024/1/8 04:48:272023/12/29皿のうえ19Vinny BrooklynCertainly lived up to its name — very much, Oh Karakuchi!
Vinny Brooklyn翠露しぼりたて純米吟醸原酒生酒Maihime ShuzoNagano2024/1/8 04:46:182023/12/29皿のうえ21Vinny BrooklynHave fallen behind on uploading. This reminded me I don’t have as much Nagano as I should. Well balanced.
Vinny BrooklynKuzuryu燗たのしKokuryu ShuzoFukui2023/12/30 05:54:502023/12/29皿のうえ23Vinny BrooklynMy wife had Atsukan. This was elegant.
Vinny BrooklynSuigei芳醇辛口 しぼりたて純米吟醸生酒Suigei ShuzoKochi2023/12/30 05:24:262023/12/29皿のうえ24Vinny BrooklynIn Kamakura for year-end/New Year, ands fine meal and nihonshu. This is the first of a series.
Vinny BrooklynBijofuKome Hitotsubo Sake Itteki純米吟醸Hamakawa ShotenKochi2023/11/25 05:56:522023/11/24皿のうえ8
Vinny BrooklynTatsu2023 純米吟醸 辰ラベルBlack 火入純米吟醸Tatsuizumi ShuzoFukushima2023/11/25 05:48:432023/11/24皿のうえ7
Vinny BrooklynKakuemonCry for the moon特別純米Kimura ShuzoAkita2023/10/8 01:50:152023/10/7皿のうえ27Vinny BrooklynWasn’t the harvest moon 🌝 that night, but no crying over this. Smooth for a TJ.
Vinny BrooklynMeikyoshisui特撰 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろしOosawa ShuzoNagano2023/10/8 01:46:462023/10/7皿のうえ27Vinny BrooklynMy wife had this Nagano-shu. So I just had a small sip. But very nice.
Vinny BrooklynShosetsuPREMIUM純米吟醸Kanzawagawa ShuzojoShizuoka2023/10/8 01:35:122023/10/7皿のうえ24Vinny BrooklynA fine Saturday night, izakaya Sake.
Vinny BrooklynKuzuryu氷やし酒Kokuryu ShuzoFukui2023/9/3 10:06:002023/8/14皿のうえ18Vinny BrooklynLast of the Sara no Ue suite from this day.