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大嶺Ohmine 3粒 無濾過生原酒 出羽燦々純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Brilliantly sweet! It was very flamboyant, but the acidity could be felt immediately on the palate, giving it an image of elegance in the midst of flamboyance. The aftertaste is extended sweetness and umami. It is sweet, but I thought the balance of flavors was excellent! I wonder if this taste is because it is Dewa Sanzan. The taste was so good that I couldn't help but let out an exhale of admiration with each sip.
Kuromatsusenjo白兎 USAGI 純米大吟醸 信州伊那谷産美山錦 うすにごり生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒
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Freshness delicious slightly sweet sake! It has a freshness and the acidity itself is not that great, but the acidity level seems to be high. So the sweetness is not so much in the foreground. There is an orizumi, or a delicious flavor that is conveyed to the tongue. There is also a bitter element to the taste. This is also a delicious sake. After a day, it is completely umami-sweet. The rabbit on the label also has a unique design. It seems to be as addictive as the sake!
Kuromatsusenjo夜梟 FUKURO 純米大吟醸 信州伊那谷産 ひとごこち 直汲み生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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A hidden beauty brewed in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture,⁉︎ the mouthfeel is tingling, almost as if it were slightly carbonated. It is fruity and on the sweet side, but the acidity keeps it from being too sweet. It has a beautiful sake quality with a complex flavor and a bit of minerality! The brewery is Senkozo. According to the brewery, their sake is only distributed in the Tokyo metropolitan area. What a waste of good sake! The sake seems to be a little sweet. I was also attracted by the cute owl on the label.
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It is refreshing and full-bodied! I buy this bottle every season and it is still delicious. É This sake has a light impression thanks to the light acidity. When I put it in my mouth, I felt a soft but well-defined sweetness. It is very easy to drink! It has a slightly bitter aftertaste, which is a feature and my favorite part. It disappears nicely while leaving a lingering aftertaste. The corkage is very fine and does not affect the mouthfeel at all. The color is like lemon squash.
Senkin初槽 あらばしり生酒荒走り
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Sour and fresh. It is bitter with a hint of orizumi. Since it is a new sake, it has a youthful or fresh impression. There is also a slight acidity that stimulates the tongue. When opened cold, the sweetness is not so appealing. However, as time goes by, the taste settles down and there is a slight sweetness from the rice. It is best to drink it with a sweet meal. Not that it lacks sweetness, but it was actually a good match.
Takachiyo森のくまさん 100%純米吟醸原酒生酒
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É The first mouthfeel is fresh and fresh because it is fresh and raw. It is not sweet, but there is definitely a hint of sweetness. There is a lingering bitter complexity or fullness. My impression is that it is a clear sake, and you can drink it deliciously neatly. The rice used is 100% "Morinokuma-san". I personally think it can be drunk on its own or as a food sake!
大嶺3粒 火入れ 出羽燦々純米大吟醸
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It's not overly sweet, but it has a lot of flavor. It has a good flavor and a slight bitter impression that lingers on the tongue. It also has a bit of acidity. The sake is not heavy, so it is quite drinkable. The rice used, Dewa Sanzaku, seems to suppress the miscellaneous flavors and give a clean taste with a sense of sharpness. After a few days, it becomes a more delicious sake!
Okunokami純米 おりがらみ純米生酒おりがらみ
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Light sweet with freshness! First impression when just opened is bitter. But as the temperature rises, the sweetness is coming out. A fine cage floats on the surface, giving the original flavor. The aftertaste is like a richness, similar to bitterness. I drank it twice in the past in different years, but this year may be the most mature when compared. The alcohol content is 16%. It is made from 100% Hachitan-Nishiki grown in Hiroshima Prefecture. This may be the only Hachitan-Nishiki sake I have ever had. Tokyo has some great sake! I like this spec of Yamori so much that I can't help but buy it when I see it in stores.
シン・タカチヨA TYPE 破 unconscious force原酒生酒無濾過
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Clean, sweet and sour É Like N TYPE, it has a tingling mouthfeel. The acidity may be stronger in this one. Both are delicious, but this one has less peculiarity and is easier to drink. The rice polishing ratio is the same at 65%, which is unbelievably refreshing. The literal translation of "unconscious force" is "unconscious force. I don't know what it means, but the label is Evangelion-inspired! This kind of play on labels is fun and nice. É I can't tell the difference between N and A in terms of rice and yeast, but the other specs seem to be the same. As the day passed, it became more apple-like ♩
シン・タカチヨN TYPE 想 nocturne原酒生酒無濾過
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Fruity sake! It has a slightly yellowish taste and lightly stimulates the tongue as it looks. ♩It has a sweet taste with a light astringency at first and a rich aftertaste. It gives the impression of being a light, easy-drinking sake with a strong flavor! I think the 12% alcohol content also plays a role. With a rice polishing ratio of 65%, it has a very Junmai (pure rice) sake nuance. The rice is flat polished. Technically, this is a difficult and time-consuming process, but it seems to efficiently polish out the proteins that give the sake its characteristic tanginess. It is unfiltered raw sake, but it is really weightless. Nocturne means nocturne. I'm sure the day will add to the umami sweetness without any astringency!
Izumibashi純米吟醸 山田錦 白麹仕込純米吟醸
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Acid and sweet É yellowish from the soft mouthfeel and the smell of acidity. However, it is not all about acidity, but also has a delicious flavor. The aftertaste is nice. This was my first taste of sake made with white malted rice! It does not have the crisp acidity often associated with white koji, but I wanted to drink it long into the night this summer. I'd recommend it to anyone with a sweet tooth who wants something a little different! According to the back of the label, yellow koji is also used. Some people have described it as honey lemon, which may be an acceptable description. It is very light and drinkable.
白鷺の城生酛 純米吟醸純米吟醸生酛
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A full-flavored sake. 100% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture is used. It seems to have a complex flavor, mainly sweetness! The color is a little yellowish and slightly sour. I felt that there was a sense of alcohol, but it was not unpleasant. I thought it could be drunk slowly and sipped slowly! I was told that it is a sake brewery in Hyogo and is consumed mainly in the prefecture and not distributed much in Tokyo. It is not a bad idea to try a sake that is totally unknown and rarely available, as I learned a lot. It seems to go well with anything with flavorful food.
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Perfect for the hot summer! The sourness is emphasized, but it is not only sour but also tasty. It has a sharp and clean aftertaste. It seems to be good when cooled down.
大嶺3粒 夏純かすみ生酒 山田錦純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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The "soft drink" of the sake world! Juicy, sweet ♩Ramune-like. It is not only sweet but also tasty with a light hint of ori. The light acidity is very nice too! It tastes as cool as it looks on the bottle. The fragrant ginjo aroma is also very good.
夏ヤゴMOMO 13(THIRTEEN)純米生酛
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Pleasant, mild acidity. At first glance I thought it might be golden in color and acidic, but it was not at all. I thought it was soft on the palate. It has a light umami flavor, but it also gives the impression of being a young sake. The aftertaste lingered on gradually, and it had a kind of minerality! The sake brewery Izumihashi is located in Kanagawa Prefecture, starting from rice cultivation. The rice used is Jinriki. The rice used is Jinriki, which is characterized by its low miscellaneous flavor and rich dry taste. According to the back of the label, the golden color is due to the blending of new sake and two-year-old sake!
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Light acidity! Immediately after opening the mouth, I did not feel that much sweetness, but I also got a soft image despite the strong acidity. The aftertaste is fresh and astringent like citrus, but the aftertaste is short and refreshing! It is a sake that you can drink as much as you want. When the temperature is raised a little, it takes on a different aspect. The acidity is lessened and there is a rounded sweetness. The aftertaste is not astringent, but rather full-bodied!
SawanohanaBeau Michelle cotton candy原酒生酒
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Mellow, stylish sake É shwishy, sweet and sour. It has a clear taste and leaves a considerable aftertaste. It seems to be especially liked by women. The alcohol content is only 8 degrees, so it is very easy to drink. ♩There is a lot of sediment at the bottom of the bottle, and when you pour it, it becomes lightly cloudy!
Hi shitakke, nice to meet you, good morning 🙇⤵️. This drink is so smooth and delicious! I wish I had some more 😆.
Nice to meet you, Pon-chan! It's delicious. ♩ Indeed, even if there were 4 goujos, I could peruse it!
大嶺ゆきおんな にごり純米にごり酒
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Superb Umami-sweet Nigorizake♩Small Lactic Acid Flavor, Very Umami! The aftertaste of umami lingers long. There is also a tingling sensation that stimulates the tongue, which may contribute to the lightness. I thought it would be a more delicate sake, but it's a very thick and delicious sake. And the label is also very sexy! É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É É
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Just Delicious ÉApply sweetness has richness. At first I thought it was fruity, but also to taste reminiscent of honey. There is also a little acid. I can't believe this taste comes from rice. The oregarami has increased the flavor! It has an alcoholic feel to it, but I don't think I've ever felt it to be so mellow and unctuous anywhere else. I drank it once before 2 years ago, but it is still delicious even after drinking it again. The rice used is Hatan Nishiki from Hiroshima Prefecture. Shimura Ken's hometown, Tokyo is in Higashimurayama city Toyoshimaya Shuzo brew excellent app♩ On 2nd day, alcohol feeling became a little bit strong.
Shichiken絹の味 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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It's a beautiful sake, but the rice flavor stays with you! There's a sweet and sour kind of ginjo aroma. In the mouth, it is soft and flows easily. It has a light acidity and is a refreshing sake. Compared to other Junmai Daiginjos, I think the taste of the rice comes out more. Maybe because it is a brewery in Yamanashi, the taste reminds me of white wine. LOL! According to the back of the label, it is supposed to be sweet, but when you open it up, you don't get the impression that it is that sweet. It also says it goes well with food, and I agree with that. However, I have a feeling that this will get sweeter with time. Can't wait to see how it turns out! The sweetness didn't change much as the day wore on, but it did get fruity!