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This Hououmita Kuroban is a limited edition sake that has been reissued with reservations in hopes of brightening up a world that has been darkened by the Corona disaster! It is made with 100% Yamada Nishiki and 45% polished rice. It has an elegant ginjo aroma, and when you hold it in your mouth, you can feel the freshness while the sweetness and umami softly swim around in your mouth. The moment you swallow it, the spiciness spreads quickly. The image is clearer than usual Bida, but I think it is sweet. After drinking it, the lingering taste of umami remains, and it seems to be good before or after a meal rather than drinking it all the time. However, for the first time in a long time, I was able to enjoy the unique taste of Hououmita! It was delicious!
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One word, delicious! From the moment you put it in your mouth, you can taste the freshness and slight fizziness. My wife, who doesn't drink alcohol, said she could drink this one and poured a little bit into a sake cup and drank it. The balance of the sweetness, umami and bitterness of the rice is good, and we continued drinking it for a week, but the taste didn't change as much as I thought it would, and we were able to finish drinking it. I recommend drinking this sake from the very first shot when you get home from work instead of a beer! It's addictive and delicious and I would buy it again.
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It is a famous story that Hidakami is made based on the concept of sake that goes well with fish and sushi, but this time, Hikari of Hope is This time, Hikari no Kibou (Light of Hope) was made with the passion to overcome the severe situation caused by the Corona disaster and the 10 year anniversary of the earthquake. It's a sake that broke the seal of 10 years. I made a reservation as soon as I heard the information. I had it to the last drop today with regret. Although it is the taste of the important thing From a soft mouthful The spiciness comes firmly Then, the spiciness goes away quickly (some spiciness remains) And the sweetness of the rice lingers in the aftertaste. Even after a little time has passed, the sweetness of the rice remains in the mouth Even after a little time has passed, the sweetness of the rice remains in the mouth, and even the saliva feels delicious. You can feel the deliciousness of sake. It doesn't have the slight fizziness that is so common these days, but It was an excellent product to feel the deliciousness of sake again. On the back of the label, there is a warning bell for disaster prevention against future earthquakes. On the back of the label, there is a warning bell for future earthquakes. It's not just the taste, it's a really good sake with a lot of thought put into it. I would like to meet him again if I can.
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We have been curious about Nishi Shuzo in Kagoshima prefecture. and they got a 300ml bottle. We hurriedly went to a liquor store and bought it for 660 yen. We want as many people as possible to taste it. We want as many people as possible to eat it. Even if it is 720ml, I drink it in several times. Personally, I appreciate both the quantity and the cost! The important thing is that the taste is very well balanced. It's so delicious! The moment you put it in your mouth, it's smooth and light. Next comes the umami, and then the spiciness, which you can taste in turn. And just when you think the spiciness has arrived, the fragility of the feeling of it quickly disappearing is irresistible! The person who make the Jyushiro went to Kagoshima to learn how to make the sake, and they made it together. So it is terrible because it is a junmai-shu. We want to drink the junmai ginjo next!
Kamoshibitokuheijiうすにごり生 黒田庄産山田錦生酒
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As it was a pre-ordered product, I hadn't been able to drink it, but since it was a nama-shu, I decided to open the bottle and drink it in March. The mouthfeel is right in the middle of the recent trend! As soon as you put it in your mouth, you can feel the gentle mouthfeel. You can feel the slight carbonation and the fruity taste. It has a crisp, clean and not too spicy taste. It's just as the title says, a warning of sweet time. When it gets lukewarm, it loses its slight carbonation and sharpness. It is recommended to drink it a little at a time in a cold state.
Zaku愛山 2020純米吟醸
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From the moment you drink it, both sweetness and spiciness rush in, but The spiciness is stronger and lingers until the end. The spiciness remains when it is combined with sashimi But when it is combined with fried food, the spiciness disappears. I could feel the mellowness of Aisan rice. It does not have a fresh feeling. Personally, I don't like it so much.
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I love "Hakurakusei," and we're also the same brewer. Atago-no-Matsu Sasara" from Shinzawa Brewery I tried it. The impression I got was as it says on the label. When you take it in your mouth, you don't feel the spiciness, but you get the impression that it is light and watery. The spiciness spreads out to the top of the bottle and the fresh acidity disappears without leaving a lingering taste. Such is the taste. Atago's pine tree has a little more power than the Hakurakusei, but it is not as strong as the Hakurakusei. It also seemed to be very drinkable. When Hakurakusei was first sold, people in Miyagi Prefecture said it wouldn't taste as good if it was brewed the same way as Atago's pine tree. There was a time when it was not drunk. On the contrary, it was drunk all over the country, and I have heard that it is now being drunk in Miyagi Prefecture as well. The brewery's sake is so delicious that you wonder if there really was such a time. Liquor". Rice used: Kura-no-Hana Polishing rate: 55%. Acidity: 1.6 Sake meter value: +4.0 Alcohol content: 16%.
あらまさColors エクリュ純米生酛
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念願の新政さんのお酒を堪能! 税抜¥1,370でこの美味しさは反則です。 素晴らしい食中酒です。 生成 2019 -Ecru- 通常価格:¥1,507-/720mℓ アルコール分:14度(原酒) 精米歩合:65% 原料米:酒こまち原料米 口に含むと微弱炭酸のような酸味が広がり スッキリした飲口に甘さと辛さが良い感じに絡んできます。キレがあると言われてましたが、私には辛さの余韻がありました。しかし、飲み終ってから時間がたてば、口の中はお酒を飲んだとは思えないほど爽やかな感じがあります。香りはあまりしませんでした。 ラベルもカッコ良く、また飲みたいと思うお酒です。
Nabeshima隠し酒 純米吟醸生酒荒走り責め
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山田錦50%の「あらばしり&せめ」 通称・・・裏鍋島(うらなべしま) 使用米、山田錦50% 日本酒度+5 酸度1.3 金額:1,680円で購入 (近くの酒屋に入荷していたがこの金額は有難い) フレッシュな味わいと旨み・甘み・辛さ・キレが絶妙 栓を開けた時の音、香り、ラベルの裏焼きと言い全てにおいて最高水準! 抜群の美味しさに酔いしれる一本!!!
Senkin朝日2020 限定醸造純米大吟醸
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原料米:朝日100% 精米歩合:50% アルコール分:15度 仕様:無濾過原酒 金額:1,650円で購入 口に含んだ時に軽い感じからフレッシュな味わいが感じられ後から辛さがくる キレはあまりないが 美味しい!