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3734 Akitsuchō Mitsu, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima
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Putting the two together, they look like a local Yankee couple🥰. This is my favorite photo taken by chance. This sake is still delicious. I forgot to take a picture of the back label. November 13, 2021: Sake bought for me. And just in case you're wondering, here's the stock sake for 2021. I used to be addicted to complete sake breweries, but now I'm just collecting the ones I like. (Yesterday, I accidentally uploaded it to another sake app. LOL)
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A sake from Hiroshima brewed by a female toji (master brewer) 🤩Comfortable and gorgeous aroma 🎶Light and slightly sweet with a tangy sensation on the tongue, the bitterness and spiciness are just right and delicate💕.
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Sake by Tomikunaga of Kaifutsuchi. This is also purchased in the Higashi-Hiroshima free shipping campaign. After opening the bottle, it has a soft fruity aroma. It's been a long time since I've smelled sake like this. It's not fruity, but it smells like rum. When you put it in your mouth, you can taste the sweetness of the rice and a slight carbonation. The ramune-like aroma continues. There is also fresh acidity and juiciness. The bitterness comes out a little in the middle. The thickness of the flavor is moderate compared to the aroma, and the balance is good. The aftertaste is also very crisp. I felt that the atmosphere is similar to that of Kamo Kinshu in Higashihiroshima. It has a ramune-like aroma, tangy carbonation, and a clean finish despite the sweet aroma. It's also good on its own. Both are delicious sakes. Likability 90 points
Hello Tuna Fishing Boat😄! I'm pretty sure this was a sake named after the Toji 😆 I've been curious about this for a while because I think it's a very confident sake to name after yourself 🤣.
T.KISO. Hi there 😀 you know your way around 😳I'm sure you'll be very proud of this product😊I'm pretty sure it's also very affordable 👛If you don't mind the modern type, you should definitely give it a try👍.
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Buy at Marugoto Nippon Junmai Ginjo of 60 polished rice ratio Probably one time fire-retarded When I was a beginner, I often drew the wrong sake, but it's strange that I've come to be able to guess my favorite by appearance! Although it was placed in an inconspicuous place at the end of the refrigerated showcase, it looked the most delicious. We bought some roast pork from the local ingredients. Fruity and sweet mouthfeel with a little tingling is just right! The bitterness and spiciness are well balanced and very tasty! This is the best I've had in a month! Personally, I like it more than Sharaku. It is added to one of the Okini.
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Moderate aroma Slight foaming in the mouth Moderate sweetness and sourness The taste of rice can be felt. The overall taste is clean and refreshing. Well balanced and beautiful sake.
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Polishing: Koji rice 50, Kake rice 60 Gentle and delicious Slight foaming. The aroma of rice and sweetness come freshly. The alcohol escapes from the nose. It is delicious as it is, and the freshness is also beautiful when served with food.
Biho直汲み 本生純米吟醸生酒
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It has a slight color. The aroma is faintly fruity. When you drink it, you will feel a slight carbonation, a soft sweetness and a sourness first, and a slight bitterness and pungency in the aftertaste. I think I can feel the aroma of the ears of rice on the label. It has a gentle taste, which is quite nice. Ah, now I want to eat some tuna sashimi!
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Colorless and transparent. The aroma of flowers and bananas combine to create a clear ginjo aroma. There is also a hint of scent reminiscent of rice straw. The intensity of the aroma is medium. Lush, sweet and sour, with a pleasantly refreshing sourness, and a slightly light mouthfeel. Light on the palate. It has a short aftertaste that leaves a soft astringent taste. Smoked sake.
By the way, when I heard that Miho Imada was chosen as one of the BBC's 100 Women of the Year, I immediately went to the nearest store that carries it!
On the third day after opening, it was served warm, but it was not very tasty. It's best to drink it cold, but at least lukewarm. It's best served cold, or at least lukewarm.

Brands from Imada Shuzo Honten

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