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國香 Flavor Chart

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Opened on July 24, 2021 Purchased at Uchida Sake Shop in Mishima It's like old-fashioned sake, but with a lot more flavor! It is spicy, gentle and soft on the palate. The acidity is controlled and it is suitable for drinking during meals. It may also be a good accompaniment for steak and other meat dishes.
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I had this sake from a small brewery in Shizuoka at the home of a friend who is a sake fanatic. It has a sake degree of +7, but it has a clear sweet and umami taste. The label doesn't say so, but it's lightly nigori with some ori. It is very delicious.
國香特別本醸造 雅の粋特別本醸造
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The news of the rainy season is already in the news ☔. I don't want a long rainy season like last year💦. I usually enjoy sakes in the winter time, but this time of year, I checked in on a rare alcoholic drink! Kunika Sake Brewery, Yamada, Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture Polishing ratio 60%. Alcohol content 15-16%. Sake degree +9 Acidity 1.2 I first tasted Kunika at an eel restaurant I ate lunch at when I went to Mishima City in Shizuoka Prefecture for work. I usually enjoy this aluzoe sake in the winter when it's warm to hot, but it was getting warmer and I wanted to taste it. Kunika's ginjo-style sake is good, but it's hard for a small-spending husband to afford. This sake is inexpensive and you can enjoy the taste of sake. It has a strong dry taste with a sake degree of +9, but the aroma is pleasant and light! The finish is smooth, so it can be enjoyed as a mid-meal sake, or as a heated sake to open up the aroma. Of course, it can be served cold as well👌. I had bought some salted squid with minimal additives directly from Atsugishi in Hokkaido, so I drank too much while savoring both. It's so good! The sake cup and the sake bottle in the photo are Okinawan pottery.
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Strong flavor Taste like takuan The aftertaste is not bitter and a little spicy, but well balanced.
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Nose: The nose is gentle and full. Bananas, steamed rice, hazelnuts, almonds, cloves, slightly pickled. Taste: The attack is light, with a hint of sweetness. The palate is light, with a slight sweetness, followed by a smooth acidity and a strong bitterness. Medium-bodied and creamy. The finish is short. Impression: Fruit and nutty aromas with a creamy mouthfeel and a strong bitterness at the end. Production: 2020.12 Purchased: Liquors Plus One (Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture) Details: Rice: 100% Yamada Nishiki Rice polishing ratio 50%. Sake degree 7 Acidity 1.3 Amino acidity 1.1 Yeast: Shizuoka Ginjo HD-1 Alcohol content 15-16%.
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🌱1BY What is "Fuichiro"? An honorary title meaning the best pupil of the late Mr. Denbei Kawamura, the creator of Shizuoka Yeast "It's not just a beautiful Junmai Ginjo." It's a cool sake with rice flavor and a crisp finish.
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Sake meter value: +7.0 Acidity: 1.3 Amino acidity: 1.1 Alcohol content: 15%. Aroma Hints of spices like banana, melon, and hackberry Taste Shizuoka's sake is brewed in very soft water, so the structure is blurred (like an impressionist painting), but it's carefully made and you can feel the "craftsmanship".

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