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I-122 Shimizu, Tsubata, Kahoku-gun, Ishikawa
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GW in Kanazawa! At the Kanazawa Sake Brewery in Kanazawa Station, we came across a dream machine that allowed us to sample sake for 100 or 300 yen (P.S.) Naturally, we took the challenge. The description said it was dry, but I prefer raw sake, so I chose this one. I tasted it thinking it might be a fruity type, but it was a clear dry sake that would go well with sashimi and other dishes. I appreciate free tastings, but I feel somewhat guilty about it, so this kind of reasonably priced tasting is very helpful and encourages me to try different kinds. I tasted three other types of sake here, and all of them seemed dry to me. I have an image that Ishikawa's sake is basically dry.
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Brewery Comments The brewery uses its own groundwater (hard water) as brewing water. The sake is aromatic and smooth, yet firm and refreshing. Tasting comment Sake is full-bodied with a sweet aftertaste. Easy to drink sake. My kind of sake!
Notoji特別純米原酒 雪月花 低温熟成 長生米特別純米原酒
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I received this alcohol as a gift from an alumnus + a promotion gift. It is probably quite expensive. I'm glad he knows what I like when he buys Junmai. The color is an amazing yellow. The smell is like Shaoxing wine, with a sourness and an old, aged smell. When you drink it, it comes in surprisingly easily. The sourness and sweetness are well balanced. The floral aroma spreads on the palate. It tastes like a slightly bitter honey flower. It goes into the tongue without being sticky. Delicious. The alcohol content is 19%, so it gets hot from the back of the throat. I tried it on the rocks. I was told that this is the recommended way to drink it, and it is indeed lighter when chilled. However, the original rich acidity and sweetness of the sake is well-balanced, so you can drink more and more while feeling the full flavor of the sake. I recommend drinking this on the rocks. Thanks to the student for choosing a good sake.
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Notoji Honjozo Honjozo Honjikomi The rank was unknown, so I ordered it cold. We looked at the bottle and found it to be a honjozo, as expected. The aroma was subdued and there was a slight alcohol taste in the aftertaste, but it was highly compatible with local snacks.
Notoji本仕込み冷酒 自社米醸造本醸造
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☆☆☆ Aroma: Rice aroma like Japanese sake. It has a clear, dry taste with a little rice-like sweetness in the aftertaste.   It disappears quickly. If you are not used to drinking sake, it may be a little difficult to drink. There is no hint of fruity taste, so it can be used as a midday drink, but it is better to drink it with something to eat.
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Yokohama (横浜市)
When I visited Unazuki Onsen and Kanazawa the other day, I tasted it and it was good, so I bought it. It's a taste I've never experienced before, with a refreshing mouthfeel and a long lingering aftertaste on the tongue. I happened to meet a sake brewer at a liquor store in Kanazawa station, and he recommended it to me, but this is a hit. Today, I drank it with sashimi. It is a wonderful taste.

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