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74 check-ins
Fukumuryo Flavor Chart


Fukumuryo吟奏の会 吟醸生貯蔵原酒
Fukumuryo Check-in 1
Fukumushimasu Ginjo-Nama Sake made with Ueda City sake rice by Kutsukake Shuzo in Ueda City. Sweet and full-flavored, very tasty ☺️. Nagano has a lot of good sake too, really. It goes well with today's snacks, Engawa, horse mackerel, and musubi. It is rich but not guttural, so it was a refined taste for me who likes guts. It was delicious!
Fukumuryo Check-in 1Fukumuryo Check-in 2
Fukumuryo Check-in 3Fukumuryo Check-in 4
My first encounter with alcohol. It is drinking in the hiya. The aroma is mild, but when you put it in your mouth, it tastes like a lychee and has an alcoholic taste. Oh⁉️I thought I tasted something like bourbon for a moment🌽 The aftertaste is also alcoholic and disappears quickly✨. When the temperature settles down, the flavor and bourbon taste will increase 🌽 It's a great way to get a taste of what it's like to be in the middle of the action. It's a drink that I'm sure I'll be addicted to 👑✨.
Fukumuryo Check-in 1Fukumuryo Check-in 2
Fuku Muryu Special Junmai Sake 59%, 15 degrees, 720ml, about 1,400 yen I can't remember where I bought it, but I think it was a proper place. It's a sake brewery in Nagano. The first sip of the bottle. The first sip. I see. It starts with a light citrusy taste, and the sharp acidity is pleasant. The acidity is sharp and pleasant. The aftertaste is refreshing. The finish is moderately dry. I think I like this one. According to the label, the acidity is 1.8, but it is amazing that the acidity does not play a leading role, but rather supports the quality of the sake. The taste is not flashy, but you can taste the delicacy without your tongue being confused. Miyamanishiki is used. I couldn't find the yeast. The origin of the name is "May there be endless good fortune for everyone who drinks it. I found a good sake. It's a 4☆, close to a 5☆! Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 20210528
Fukumuryo Check-in 1Fukumuryo Check-in 2
Opened on December 20, 2020 Purchased at the brewery during a trip to Nagano. The ginjo aroma is amazing! It's so smooth. It has a creamy milkiness to it. It goes down your throat without any sticking, and it feels like a good boy ^^. I love this stuff!
Fukumuryo超辛口 +18普通酒
Fukumuryo Check-in 1Fukumuryo Check-in 2
Hardly a scent. No sweetness at all. No acidity. Bitter flavor Dry in the mouth. The rear entrance is momentary. Extremely dry, don't drink too much!

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