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Marui Imai Odori (丸井今井札幌本店 大通館)

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Tatsuriki純米吟醸 ひやおろし
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Second lunchtime wanderlust buy. Not sparkling, dragon power! This one is sweet and dark. I don't feel much bitterness, but it's delicious. It's so thick that I can't drink it in one gulp. I want to drink it slowly and deliberately. Today, after a 2 day break I'm drinking it in a new glass. I feel like it's more like rice! It's delicious, but I think I like the first day's one better.
Good evening, Asa Koromo❗️I have the impression that both the sparkling and this were quite delicious 😋The glass is kind of gorgeous♪
Mr. Manachie. Ryuriki is delicious. I'd like to meet more delicious sake*! The glass is 125ml, right? It's pretty small, so it's good for sipping sake. It seems to be good for sipping sake.
Tatsuriki純米酒 ドラゴンスパークリング
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The one I bought on a whim during my lunch break. I've never seen it sold as a sparkling before. I had never written about it before*. It's so sweet and soft! But the aftertaste is bitter. But the aftertaste was bitter... I thought it would become more bitter if I let it sit. I left the rest to my brother who loves it very much. He said, "It's not bitter at all? He said my sister's taste buds are not right ( T_T) I wonder what it is that makes me feel this bitterness. I wonder.
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I went to look at it on my lunch break. I thought it was cute and bought it. Right after opening the bottle, it smelled very sour and I had high expectations! I drank it and found it was apple! It's so apple! Delicious! The alcohol content is only 7%, so it's very low. It's a little low at 7% alcohol by volume, so it goes down very smoothly. It says to drink it chilled, but it's good even if it's a little hotter. but it was delicious even when the temperature was a little higher. Even if it has been open for a couple of days The taste didn't change much even after 2 to 3 days. I could drink it well. Sake for when you want to get a little tipsy!
Asa Koromo, good morning 😄☀️ I love that you wander over and buy it on your lunch break 🤭The label is so cute, it's the kind I'd buy if I found it 😆💕Mega🍎I'd love to drink it 😊♪
Asa Koromo, good morning ☀️. I would love to take a break on a sunny day or have a drink with my girlfriends 😊.
Hello, Asa Koromo~(*^^*) Apple Pom Pom🍎🍎♪ Cute name and label...**Low-al apple flavor, very easy to drink and delicious~(๑˃˃˃)
Tsubu-chan. Sometimes I go to an event and I'm so excited. I just end up going to them; If this is the case, I'm sure Tsubuchi-san I think you can drink it too.
Mr. Pon-chan. I can't believe there's a place near my office where I can buy one. I just felt like I was being invited. I think it's perfect for when you want a light drink.
mamiko Apple pom pom sounds so cute! It's low in alcohol and refreshing, so it's great for when you're thirsty. When you are thirsty I can gobble it up when I'm thirsty.
Drink it 🎶. It's a Hokkaido dialect🎶. I finally understand what it means these days✨ Apple juice for adults 🍹 sounds good 💕
Mr. Kisuki. Saroo" is a very useful word. Please learn to use it! Adult apple juice is delicious! It may be a little too much for you It may be a bit lacking for you, though;
No, no, no! If it's the apple kind. I'll eat it deliciously 🧡.
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This is the last of the three types I purchased. It has 12% alcohol! But I think I felt the most alcohol in the three I purchased this time. I think I felt the most alcohol. I can't drink it easily because of the soy sauce taste. I can't drink it easily.... I can't drink it easily...(_. `) I'm going to let everything sit for about a month and drink it again at the end of next month. I'll drink it again at the end of next month*. >>2022.8.4 postscript I drank it because the smell was obviously different. It tastes better...! It doesn't taste like soy sauce anymore.
Good evening, Asa Koromo 🌇. Tsuchida 3 sake drinkers at this time of the year are real connoisseurs❗️. Take your time to grow and drink 🤗
Haruei Chichi. I bought it without doing any prior research. I bought it without doing any research beforehand. I believe it will be delicious. I'll try to grow it carefully.
Shin Shin SY Off-line meeting in Sapporo ✨. I'm looking forward to it! If the timing is right I'd love to meet you.
Shin Shin SY I didn't know we could have an off-line meeting in Sapporo. I had never thought about it. I'm excited. I'm sure we can arrange a weekday night if we know in advance. I'm sure there are days when we can make arrangements.
ShinshinSY, you're a bum, aren't you❗️ I can't compete 😅
Can we meet up after work? I don't know any stores at all, so I'll leave the location to you*. My work is in the city, so I could probably go anywhere relatively speaking! I'm sure Chichi will be there, so I'm looking forward to it 🤣 lol
Asakoromo, you tease me 😁. Are you also a ds by any chance 🤣?
I get off work a little after 5pm. I'll be on my way from there, maybe 6pm?
Mr. Chichi. Sometimes S shows his face 🤣 lol.
I see what you mean😁.
At the end of August. It might be difficult. Is next month okay?
Thank you*. You even checked the Wi-Fi! Thank you again! I'm looking forward to it.
Good morning, Shinshin SY*. If you could make the 21st for that date... I would be very happy.
It would be easier to notify you if we knew your budget or something ✨. Hope you're settling in Corona💦.
It's a pretty expensive place, isn't it sig ; OK! I look forward to working with you.
Oh, my God! You were able to do that? That's amazing ✨ Thank you very much 😊. I'm sure there will be people who will come if it's 5,000 yen. I'm looking forward to it!
Wow! Thank you*. I'm looking forward to it.
That's a great deal ^ ^! Do you think you'll be able to get enough people together?
I'm new to sakewa. I have no idea; It's not so easy to start on Wednesdays... I hope we can get together*.
Good evening, Shinshin-san. Since this is an off-line meeting I was hoping we could have a lively time. Shall we do it another time?
Shinshin-san Good morning*. We would like to have an off-line meeting in Sapporo. Please let's plan it again٩٩_5
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After Shin Tsuchida, here it is. It was heavy and very sweet, like it was a noble sake! But still soy sauce or mirin? Mirin? But it smells like soy sauce or mirin (sweet sake). But it smells like soy sauce or mirin (sweet sake)....... I wonder if it will get better if I let it sit for a while.
If you choose something peculiar, you may not be able to get it right. It is not always easy to choose the right one. I recommend that you check the balance of sake at "Sake-no-wa" before purchasing. It is rare to drink kijoshu, so it would be nice to have a good taste change ✨.
I will do so next time. When I open it next month... Please keep me company:):pull
Tsuchidaシン・ツチダ 純米酒
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I wandered over to Marui Imai on my lunch break. I was at Marui Imai for another event. I had never seen sake before I bought 3 kinds of 2 gou bottles of sake. The first one I opened was The first one I opened was the one that said "completely additive-free brewing"! When I opened it, I found soy sauce? Mitarashi? The smell of soy sauce or mitarashi (⊙_☉) ( Oh, this is really sake, right? I checked the label several times. I checked the label many times.) And sour. But the smell coming out of my nose is like "Mitarashi". I'm so confused 🤣 lol The second day was not much different. I'm not very good at it........
Shall we stop adventuring?
Asakoromo, good evening 😀 It is true that there are different types of alcohol for different tastes. It's true that there are different types of drinks for different tastes, but it's a drink that gets better after a week or a month of being open, so you may want to give it a little more of a wait and see 😊.
Good evening, Asa Koromo🌇. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you last week 🙏. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you properly .
Good morning, Asa Koromo 😃. You bought another peculiar one 😆. I'm through with the peculiar ones👍
Kisii-san I'm sorry, but this time I'm just a little bit disappointed. I don't think I can stop adventuring. Please keep me company.
bouken. It gets better with time (°0°)! I think I see hope now...! That's what I thought ✨ I'll let it sleep until next month. I'm starting to look forward to it...
Haruei Chichi. No way! I left the room right away. Please come back next time*. I didn't know it had a strong taste. I had never seen sake before. I couldn't help but buy it.
takeshon. I didn't know it was like this 🤣 lol I would like you to smell it just after opening the bottle. I would like you to smell it just after opening the bottle. LOL!
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My son is out on a date again today. I can't wait to hear his report that he got a girlfriend... I was so paranoid and smiling... I got a report that they've been dating since the end of June. I got a report that they have been dating since the end of June. ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Today's party is ✧*. I drank a bottle of Toyo Bijin. and we still have a bottle of Senkyoku from the remote drinking party. I'm going to open a new one too. I've been saving a bottle of Fokon Junmai Ginjo~! I've smelled it before.... I've smelled it before.... which means it's probably the smell of rice. I like it. It is sweet and tasty (๑´´ڡ`๑) and has almost no bitterness. It's not so sweet that it stays in your mouth. If you are not careful, it will be gone soon........ I think I like it better than Dewa Sanzan which I drank before. Even if the temperature rises after pouring it into a glass It tastes good even if the temperature rises after pouring it into a glass*. I was so happy and enjoyed it so much that I drank it in gulps. I was so happy and enjoyed it so much that I drank the entire bottle 🤣lolololol I'm so tired even though I have to work tomorrow 🤣lol I'm going to drink water and go to bed so I don't get a hangover. I'm going to drink some water and go to bed so I don't get a hangover.
Good morning, Asa Koromo 😃. Your son, you're good 👍and you got a 4-pack of mana? 🤣I'll do it again August remote👍.
takeshon. My son did it ♡ lol Yesterday I drank 1 gou and then emptied a 4 gou bottle. I drank 5 gou 🤣 lol I see you're doing it again next month ✨. I'm looking forward to it.
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Focon was exhibiting at an event at Marui near my office. It was the first time I saw ~. It was the first time for me to see it. We sold out quickly at the last event, so so we brought a lot this time! he said with a sparkling smile. with a sparkling smile, so I bought one. LOL! Mmmm, delicious! Less bitterness. It's heavy, so I like it cold. I like it when I drink it sipping it sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping sipping s I can't describe the smell and taste in words. I thought it tasted like chocolate. But I don't think chocolate is the same as sake, right? Hmmm... It's hard to describe. Apart from this There is another junmai ginjo I'm looking forward to opening it.
Good morning, Asa Koromo 😃. You are drinking some very stylish labels 👍. There are sake with a bitter taste like chocolate 😆 There are also sake that go well with chocolate. I don't really like it 😅
takeshon-san It looks like a wine label, doesn't it? He said with a sparkling smile. He said with a sparkling smile. Is there a handsome one that looks like chocolate? I was right about the taste........ Maybe it's not for you, takeshon... lol
Tenka特別純米 無濾過原酒 雄山錦 別誂
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First time in Tenka. I thought it would be sweet because of the banana label. The aroma is not so much. Like Isshaku Suisei (Sake Mirai). It is neither sweet nor bitter. I don't know what it tastes like. I wonder. Is it banana? On the second day, the heaviness increases and there is a slight bitterness. I was worried about the heaviness. I put ice in it. It became much easier to drink.
6/25 Postscript. I drank it about 2 weeks later. I was surprised that it was so easy to drink. I could almost taste the banana! The heavy impression is still the same, but I'm glad that I can recognize the banana now ♡.
Kunpeki桜酵母 五条川桜 槽場詰 おりがらみ
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My first Isao Heki! I bought this one because I was curious about something called cherry yeast*. The smell when you open the lid I really liked the smell. I only smelled it for a second lol. Even if you pour it into a glass It didn't smell like it did when I opened it. It's also refreshing. I can drink it smoothly. Is spring sake less sweet? Today, the second day, the sweetness has increased. It's easier to drink! If you're not careful, it will run out soon! I drank it with salad chicken. It went well with my decision. Sake with a meal is a refreshing sake I think it tastes even better*.
Sake with a clean taste does not interfere with the taste of food 🎶.
I tend to drink too much lol.
成龍然特別純米酒 うららか/麗(REI)
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First time in Seiryun Nyoron! The smell is sake! I was like... I was a little nervous. Easy to drink, refreshing. Maybe it tastes better when it's ice cold! It's not too sweet. If you drink it with a meal I feel like I can drink it without hesitation. On the second day, the mouthpiece became smoother It's much easier to drink! It went well with Kappa Ebisen ♡ lol I'd love to open another bottle, but I have to work tomorrow, so I'll hold out (> <) PS: I like to drink the 3rd day the best ♡.
I've had it at a pub before too! I was thinking at the time that I would like to buy a bottle myself 🧡Let's see where I can find it 🎶.
The series of "Every Season, Every Year It seems to be a spring version, so Let's conquer the four seasons together! I'm a handsome man. I'm interested in the winter version....