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酒舗 稲村屋

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Tenka天花 純米吟醸 無濾過原酒「知新温故」 きょうかい1号酵母仕込み純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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酒舗 稲村屋
After Golden Week Found at Inamuraya in Hakodate Tenka, a peach label among many others 🍑. This is a first for me! As expected, it is fresh and unpasteurized! Tastes like peaches, peachy. A little bitterness at the end, but it's an easy-drinking fruity sake! I quickly drank half of it with some side dishes I bought nearby and saved the rest for tomorrow! Blue post in front of Date Monbetsu station Cherry blossoms were still blooming near Lake Toya🌸. This must be the last cherry blossoms we will see this year🌸 Knowledge Yamauchi Touji Association 100th Anniversary The concept of this sake is "Chishin Onshiki," warming the old with new knowledge: a fusion of 100-year-old yeast (Kyokai No. 1 yeast) and modern Akita-style ginjo brewing. The berry aroma produced by this century-old yeast is fresh and appealing in a way that has never been seen before. We hope you will try this new and unprecedented sake made with "Chishin Ongenre". Classification: Junmai Ginjo-shu Rice/Akita Sake Komachi Rice polishing ratio / 55 Alcohol / 15.0 Sake meter / ±0 Acidity/1.7 Yeast/Kyokai #1 yeast Sake Brewer/Fast brewing
ましろ純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酛生酒
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酒舗 稲村屋
★★★★ Rice used: Yukisayaka from Kutiyama Farm in Chouchi-machi, Hokkaido Polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 16%. The long-awaited Mashiro, released today! The first bottle is now available at ✌️ Slightly sparkling, sweet, bitter, and refreshing. The hi-iru sake from last fall was delicious, but the draft is also delicious😍. The hi-iri will be released in October and the first junmai daiginjo will be released in December, so I'm looking forward to it👍. The first bottle was delicious 🙇.
kuru kuru4回転サルコウ純米吟醸生酛ひやおろし
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酒舗 稲村屋
★★★ kuru kuru Yonkaiten Sarukou Junmai Ginjo Rice used: Akita Sake Komachi Rice polishing ratio: 55 Sake degree: -9 Acidity: 1.9 Yeast used: UT-1, UT-2 Alcohol percentage: 15 Sweetness? Bitterness? Sourness? I still don't know how to describe it, but I also don't know what it tastes like: ...... It's a difficult sake to describe. Still, it was delicious 🙇.
Ginrin限定酒 純米吟醸 クルクル<コンビネーション>純米吟醸
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酒舗 稲村屋
Get 2 bottles of Ginrin Blended drinks Name of Combination knowledge Ginrin Junmai Ginjo Kurukuru <Combination>, a limited edition sake from Nanami Shoten, is based on the popular "kurukuru" UT-2 (AKITA snow country yeast) and blended with a different yeast. It is a product that combines the best of two different types of sake with different flavors. It is characterized by a light, sweet taste that is easy on the palate. Although it is a pure sake, the alcohol content is kept in the low 15% range, and the carefully brewed sake is evident in its fine taste. This limited edition sake is highly recommended for its beautiful acidity and slightly sweet and gentle flavor. One time fire-fermented product
Ginrin限定酒 純米吟醸 クルクル<4回転サルコウ>純米大吟醸ひやおろし
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酒舗 稲村屋
Got two silver scales. The name is adorable. Kuru Kuru 4-turn saruko a great deal of knowledge Ginrin Junmai Ginjo Kurukuru <4 Kaiten Sarukou>, a limited edition sake from Nanami Shoten. Limited hiyaoroshi version for autumn. This junmai ginjo is brewed in the Akita style with a light, slightly sweet, easy-drinking taste. The alcohol content is kept in the low 15% range despite being a pure sake in order to create a fine taste, a gem that shows how carefully it was brewed. The yeast used is a blend of UT-1 and UT-2, producing a mysterious mouthfeel. Please enjoy the fruity and gorgeous taste that is typical of Krinkle.
Ginringuruguru 2022 再醸仕込み 500ml3BY純米貴醸酒
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酒舗 稲村屋
I visit this store from time to time. Akita sake that I was interested in last time Kuru-kuru, guruguru? Kuru-kuru, guruguru, guruguru? Among them, there was a square bottle of sake that caught my attention. The owner told me it was very sweet! I don't mind, I'll try it! I'll drink it on the rocks at the hotel and take a sip first. As you said, it was a sweet and noble sake! I enjoyed it on the rocks with Yuzuremon cider, half and half! I drank half of it, so let's enjoy it again after tomorrow! extensive knowledge Limited quantity and distribution Sake Brewer : "Ginrin" Nanami Shoten Degree of alcohol content : 15.8 Rice used: Akita Sake Komachi Rice polishing ratio: 55 Sake degree: -30.0 Acidity: 2.6 Amino acidity: 1.3 Yeast used: Undisclosed Pomegranate, beckoned, caramel-like. It has a sweet and glossy texture. The mouthfeel is smooth. The mouthfeel is smooth, and the rich sweet flavor fills the mouth. It is soft and smooth on the throat. The aftertaste is soft and smooth. It is like a nectar of rich nectar. In terms of the trend of kijo sake, this is a second generation sake. The finish is sweet, lustrous, and honest.
Nice to meet you. Please excuse my comment. I too was curious about this at Inamura-ya today and asked the owner about it. But I bought the next Kuru Kuru 💦.
Good morning, Otou@Newbie to Sake. Thank you for your comment. Inamuraya is a nice store, isn't it? Maybe the one with the ochre label on the left? Because I was allowed to buy the last bottle of the green bottle on the right.
Good morning, Shinshin SY. I bought a quadruple saruco right next to it 💦 and even further to the right of it. Even before I got into sake, I used to go to Inamura-ya to buy cheese!
Michizakura純米 さくらにごり 愛山純米にごり酒
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酒舗 稲村屋
Sakura nigori that I got fitted for in the spring. I wonder if it's still here when I get here? My hunch was right 🎯. I bought it immediately! Today I'm drinking alone at the hotel 🏨. Since I brought it as a souvenir to an off-line meeting in Fukuoka There was also a summer nigori. I knew it would be that sweetness and a bit of bitterness in my mouth! It was my favorite Umashuwa! It took some time to open the bottle, but it was bottled in March 2022 and has been in the bottle for about 8 months. I hope to see it again next spring! I drank it at this time instead of waiting for it! Hokkaido is getting ready for winter! Knowledge Higashikawa Town in Hokkaido is one of the few towns in Japan that does not have a water supply system. When you turn on the tap, what comes out sparingly is natural melted snow water delivered from the Daisetsuzan Mountains. Although it is harder than Nakatsugawa's water, it is still natural water of excellent quality. We use all of this rich natural blessing to brew the new Sanzen Sakura. Raw materials: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Rice:Aizan (Koji rice: 40%, Kake rice: 60%) Strength: 8
>Mr. Shin Shin SY Good evening! I've missed this brand the most ✨ But I can't believe you still need time to open the bottle. It's a great sake 😆.
Good evening, Choroki-san. It is still delicious 😋. I was going to buy some take-out entrée, but it didn't happen. I had fried rice dumplings at the restaurant and then checked in to the hotel. I had it on the rocks 🍶.
Michizakura夏のにごり 生原酒純米原酒生酒にごり酒
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酒舗 稲村屋
Sake I brought to Fukuoka This was the only one I sent as soon as it arrived, so I didn't drink it myself. Today, I found it at a liquor store in Takikawa and bought it! I tried it myself! It's a little higher in alcohol than Sakura Nigori! But the taste is like champagne or grapefruit sour! It was right in my strike zone! I haven't heard any feedback from the two people who brought this home yet, but I'm sure they will be pleased with it (since it's a hot summer)! I have high expectations for Sanzen Sakura in the future 😋. It's quite nice to grab some tare zangi and dumplings and have a drink while listening to an online lecture at the hotel 🍶. The third photo is an added bonus. First pork chap spaghetti I had in Sunagawa for lunch 🍝. It was dela-umami 😋. extensive knowledge We have been selling "Summer Nigori" since May every year, but due to the slow progress of fermentation this year, we have decided to postpone its release until [Saturday, June 18, 2022]. Specified name Junmai Sake Koji rice Kitashizuku Koji rice, Polishing ratio 45% (milled rice ratio) Kake rice Kitashizuku Kake rice, Polishing ratio 45% (milled rice) Alcohol content 14
Good morning, Shinshin SY 😃. I contacted the two of you who allocated Nigori in the summer once, but I haven't been able to give it to you yet 🙏. I will try to contact them again...
Good morning, Haruei Chichi. Thank you for your time. I have contacted both of you yesterday, so I think you will be here soon to pick them up. Thank you very much for your cooperation 🤲.