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Tenka天花 純米吟醸 無濾過原酒「知新温故」 きょうかい1号酵母仕込み純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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酒舗 稲村屋
After Golden Week Found at Inamuraya in Hakodate Tenka, a peach label among many others 🍑. This is a first for me! As expected, it is fresh and unpasteurized! Tastes like peaches, peachy. A little bitterness at the end, but it's an easy-drinking fruity sake! I quickly drank half of it with some side dishes I bought nearby and saved the rest for tomorrow! Blue post in front of Date Monbetsu station Cherry blossoms were still blooming near Lake Toya🌸. This must be the last cherry blossoms we will see this year🌸 Knowledge Yamauchi Touji Association 100th Anniversary The concept of this sake is "Chishin Onshiki," warming the old with new knowledge: a fusion of 100-year-old yeast (Kyokai No. 1 yeast) and modern Akita-style ginjo brewing. The berry aroma produced by this century-old yeast is fresh and appealing in a way that has never been seen before. We hope you will try this new and unprecedented sake made with "Chishin Ongenre". Classification: Junmai Ginjo-shu Rice/Akita Sake Komachi Rice polishing ratio / 55 Alcohol / 15.0 Sake meter / ±0 Acidity/1.7 Yeast/Kyokai #1 yeast Sake Brewer/Fast brewing