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Ginringuruguru 2022 再醸仕込み 500ml3BY純米貴醸酒
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酒舗 稲村屋
I visit this store from time to time. Akita sake that I was interested in last time Kuru-kuru, guruguru? Kuru-kuru, guruguru, guruguru? Among them, there was a square bottle of sake that caught my attention. The owner told me it was very sweet! I don't mind, I'll try it! I'll drink it on the rocks at the hotel and take a sip first. As you said, it was a sweet and noble sake! I enjoyed it on the rocks with Yuzuremon cider, half and half! I drank half of it, so let's enjoy it again after tomorrow! extensive knowledge Limited quantity and distribution Sake Brewer : "Ginrin" Nanami Shoten Degree of alcohol content : 15.8 Rice used: Akita Sake Komachi Rice polishing ratio: 55 Sake degree: -30.0 Acidity: 2.6 Amino acidity: 1.3 Yeast used: Undisclosed Pomegranate, beckoned, caramel-like. It has a sweet and glossy texture. The mouthfeel is smooth. The mouthfeel is smooth, and the rich sweet flavor fills the mouth. It is soft and smooth on the throat. The aftertaste is soft and smooth. It is like a nectar of rich nectar. In terms of the trend of kijo sake, this is a second generation sake. The finish is sweet, lustrous, and honest.
Nice to meet you. Please excuse my comment. I too was curious about this at Inamura-ya today and asked the owner about it. But I bought the next Kuru Kuru 💦.
Good morning, Otou@Newbie to Sake. Thank you for your comment. Inamuraya is a nice store, isn't it? Maybe the one with the ochre label on the left? Because I was allowed to buy the last bottle of the green bottle on the right.
Good morning, Shinshin SY. I bought a quadruple saruco right next to it 💦 and even further to the right of it. Even before I got into sake, I used to go to Inamura-ya to buy cheese!