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Kamikawataisetsu純米大吟醸35 彗星純米大吟醸
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Lamb Tataki, Shoulder Loin and Kalbi are served! The sake was a Junmai Daiginjo from Kamikawa Daisetsu, a high spec sake! This was my favorite flavor! Fruity sweetness and acidity spreading in the mouth! Lamb and sake, the perfect partner! A busy start to this year's work week! extensive knowledge Brewery: Kamikawa Taisetsu Shuzo/ Hokkaido Ingredients: Comet (Hokkaido) Rice polishing ratio: 35 Alcohol content: 16 Junmai Daiginjo made from "Comet" rice grown in Hokkaido. The highest quality sake rice of the year received from contract farmers is selected and polished to 35%. This is the brewery's best sake, designed to be entered in the National Brewers' Association's National Competition.
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The next KAMIKAWA Taisetsu is SHIRO Sake rice is Ginpu The waiter told us that the acidity was exquisite because white malted rice was used. As he said, the acidity was more pronounced than that of Kamikawa! We started with raw oysters and grilled mutton! This restaurant has such a rich menu that it is hard to choose! Tonight's meat was served in small portions, so we left it to the chef! The restaurant is very popular, so it was packed! There are so many inbound customers! A lot of knowledge! A fire-aged version of Junmai Ginjo-shu "SHIRO" made with white malted rice. SHIRO" was originally released for the summer as an even lighter sake than white wine with a light, refreshing taste by brewing with white malted rice mainly used for shochu and cultivating citric acid, but now it is available for the first time as a fire-aged sake. The heat treatment mellows the flavor and speeds up the aging process.
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Thanks to your help, the snow was manageable. We did a good job. Good, good! So we went to our favorite Genghis Khan restaurant! They have a variety of Hokkaido sake! After drinking beer, I went for sake! I asked the waitress for a recommendation, and she gave me the Kamikawa Taisetsu three kinds of sake to compare! I haven't had Kamikawa Taisetsu for a long time, as Sanzen Sakura is the current boom in Hokkaido sake! It was my first time to try Kamikawa brand! As the label says, it is a junmai sake but fruity! It goes well with vegetables and meat! I sipped the three kinds in order and felt the deliciousness! Thanks for the recommendation, waitress 😊. The lamb yakisoba was delicious! extensive knowledge Although the rice polishing ratio is 70%, the sake is made by hand in small quantities, just like a daiginjo-shu. We have specially prepared a luxurious evening sake that you will never get tired of drinking because of its carefulness.
福司海底力(そこヂカラ) 大吟醸大吟醸
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It was late when we entered the restaurant, but the waiter didn't give us a single bad look 🥸. He asked me what I would like to do with the meat, which is all we have left! I recommended the lemon cold noodle which I had last time and I asked for the raclette cheese curry which I had been curious about. With a performance, it was twice as delicious! Genghis Khan, oysters, hormone, curry and sake to finish! Such a combination of food is also good 🍽. Sake, the last one was Aruzoe Daiginjo! Thank you for adding sweet sake at the end 😊. @ "HOKKAIDO PREMIUM" the one and only Genghis Khan restaurant "Charcoal Kabuto Hitsuji". a great deal of information about the restaurant Sake stored in the tunnels of a submarine coal mine! In celebration of the 10th anniversary of its release, we have taken a new approach This is the second in a series of studies we've begun on aging and storing sake with new Hokkaido-grown brewing rice! (It will be 16 years old when sold on March 12, 2022) This sake is stored in an undersea coal mine tunnel extending into the Pacific Ocean. Storage in an environment without ultraviolet rays produces a soft and mellow flavor. Mild ginjo aroma Slightly sweet with a rich flavor
Good evening, Shinshin SY! 😄 The sake looks delicious, but the raclette cheese curry looks so good and bad 🤤!
Good morning, MAJ. This raclette cheese curry was indeed excellent. It reminded me of the cheese curry udon noodles at an udon restaurant called Okaruru in Gion, Kyoto... Sake and spicy food go well together!
Kokushimuso純米酒 国士無双 モシㇼ純米
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Next up: Asahikawa's sake, Kokushi Musou. A little unusual sub-brand MOSIR Junmai sake. Full-bodied, tasty and spicy! This time we left the meat to the restaurant! How could I refuse when the restaurant recommended that I try the lamb hormone, as there are many fresh ones in the market! Liver, hearts, and hormones were also served! They were grilled well without any smell! Hormones also go well with sake. Knowledge It is named "Moshiㇼ" (earth, Hokkaido) in the Ainu language to evoke the vastness of the land of Hokkaido. It is a delicious junmai sake with a perfect balance of richness and umami. Rice used: 60% polished "Ginpu" rice grown in Hokkaido Sake meter / +3, Acidity / 1.5 Alcohol content/15%.
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The next 3 Hokkaido Sake Comparison We left it to the waiter. I've never had any of them, so I was excited! The first one had a raccoon on the label! This one is also a little bit of natto (fermented sake). A little sour, but delicious! If you had asked for seafood between the meat, here it is! Comparison of two kinds of oysters We were able to compare Kombumori and Senpo-shi oysters near Kushiro! I think the one with lemon on it was Kombumori and the one with green leaves was Senpouji. The one with green leaves was Senpouji, and the one with lemon was Kombumori, and the one with green leaves was Senpouji. It also goes well with Junmai sake! We could choose between raw and steamed oysters, but we were right to go for raw! Knowledge Produced by the famous sake brewer Yutaka! Labels of raccoon dog (Omachi) and fox (Ginpu) The sake is exactly the same except for the rice. You can genuinely enjoy the difference in rice in this set! Omachi" is rich in flavor and acidity, and has a crisp, easy-to-drink umakuchi taste. The "Ginpu" is full of flavor and a little dry! Please take this opportunity to enjoy "Nisshin Getsuppo", which has been aged for 3 years and its flavor has been further enhanced!
Good morning, Shinshin SY 😃. I️ love to compare Hokkaido sake and oysters! I love oysters too 💕! I love oysters 💦.
Haruei Chichi, Sake goes well with meat, but seafood goes well with dry sake. Fresh oysters were delicious 😋I've featured a potential restaurant for the Sapporo Off-line Meeting this week. Now, can we make it happen?
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The third category was the desired Kamikawa Daisetsu I was looking forward to seeing what would be served, and the label Kamikawa, which I have not had yet. It is also junmai! Each of the three Junmai wines has a strong rice flavor and a little acidity, but they all go well with meat! Lamb yukaye, which we couldn't have last time because it was out of stock. It was delicious with a raw egg mixed in! Lamb meat really goes well with sake! Knowledge Kamikawa" Junmai was selected as one of the "Northern High Grade Foods 2021", a certification system initiated by Hokkaido. The "High Grade Foods of the North" are selected by Hokkaido's "Food Supporters," a group of leading experts in the field of "food," including top chefs such as Hiroki Asano of Shokusai Soken and Masayuki Okuda of Al Quecciano, and charismatic buyers such as Daisuke Honda of Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Store, to select top runners of Hokkaido-produced foods. This is a program initiated by Hokkaido since FY2010, which aims to further enhance the appeal of Hokkaido's food products as a whole by expanding sales channels for them and communicating the producers' commitment to food ingredients and production methods. This year, out of a record number of 113 entries, 21 items were recognized as "Northern High Grade Foods 2021.
>Shinshin SY Good morning 😃 Great meat + sake! I wish the sake lineup at yakiniku restaurants I wish they would expand it more 😆.
Good morning, Choroki-san. I agree with you. The only sake available at yakiniku restaurants is a traditional brand of sake that is not very tasty. I wish we could have a choice of sake like this restaurant does.
Michizakura愛山60 純米酒純米
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Sanzen Sakura has recently become my favorite brand. Since I first encountered it in February of this year, I have been able to drink many different kinds. It has been a long time since I first drank Aizan 60! It has just the right amount of sweetness and sourness. It may go better with the meat of Genghis Khan than the sweet and fruity sake! I heard that Sanzen Sakura has a sake Aizan 40, which is one of the higher specs of Aizan, but it is hard to find! The price is said to be more than twice as expensive as Aizan 60! I would like to try it someday 😋. knowledge Junmai Daiginjo Aizan 40 720ml|Reference price: 3,850 yen 1.8L|Reference price: 7,700 yen *Scheduled for April 2021 Junmai Aizan 60 720ml|Reference price: 1,850 yen 1.8L|Reference price: 3,700 yen Aiyama is the sake rice that has been cherished by the Sanzen Sakura Sake Brewery since the Nakatsugawa era. This sake, which has a full rice flavor in a gorgeous taste, is sometimes described as "the most Sansei Sakura-like". Please check out the new world of Aizan brewed in Higashikawa.
Shinshin SY 😊 I might have told you about it during the offline meeting ❓ but I don't remember 😅 Sanzen Sakura There is a warehouse in Tase, former Fukuoka town, 100m from the parents house (general store) of Mitsuyo Kusano, a free announcer.
I used to go there often for work and I'm still supporting 📣 even if it moves to Hokkaido 😊.
Good morning, Mr. Kan. I may have asked you, but I was quite drunk at the time of the off-line meeting, so I forgot about it. I would like to visit your brewery once 😉.
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Jingisukan restaurant revisited This restaurant stocks a lot of Hokkaido sake! Tonight, after drinking draft beer, we went to compare 3 kinds of sake! First, Hakodate's Goho Ginpu, which we had last year at this time of year! I remember the shiny blue label! Slightly unrefined! The sweetness and acidity in the mouth is great and makes food go faster! Last year, I compared Ginpu and Comet and preferred Ginpu. I realized again that sake goes well with a hearty meal! Knowledge While the original flavor of the sake rice is enhanced elegantly, the aftertaste is crisp and refreshing. The sweet, mild aroma is pleasant and refreshing. Rice used: 100% contract-grown rice "Ginpu" from Nanae-machi Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 16%. Sake degree: Undisclosed Acidity: Undisclosed Bottling type: Fire-brewed
Michizakura純米吟醸 彗星55純米吟醸
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I was told I could choose my favorite brand for the three types. The menu lists a real lot of Hokkaido sake! I asked him to add my recent favorite, Sanzen Sakura. What came out was Comet 55! I've had it a few times, but it's so different from the other two! It has the sweetness and fruity taste that I like! It was voted today's number one! Road lamb with fresh vegetables! And to top it off, cold noodles with lots of lemon slices on top! It looks great 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋! a few words of knowledge The Sanzen Sakura Sake Brewery is moving from Nakatsugawa, Gifu Prefecture to Higashikawa, Hokkaido in 2020 to take on a new challenge. This bottle is made from "Comet" sake rice carefully grown in Higashikawa, one of the best rice-producing areas in Hokkaido, and has a light, crisp flavor with no cloying taste. Comet is a relatively new sake rice, and its low protein content often produces sake with a refreshing taste. It is said to be Hokkaido's promising star and has recently been used by breweries outside of Hokkaido.
Good morning, Shinshin SY 😃. Are you traveling in Hokkaido and Kyushu this week⁉️? You are really active all over Japan👍. Finally, the day after tomorrow❗️ I'll be waiting for you
Good morning, Haruei Chichi 😃I will be in Sapporo until tomorrow. On Friday, I will enter the offline meeting place after finishing my work in Fukuoka. I am looking forward to Kyushu sake this time 🥺 Thank you for your guidance 🥺.
I am in awe of your guidance 🤗.
Kitanonishiki特別純米 奥尻特別純米
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The only special pure rice among the three types Ginpu sake made on Okushiri Island Slightly dry This was the first sip of the three. I guess these three are just the beginning! After that, we grilled and broiled lamb meat from Hokkaido while sipping on it! On this day, there was green asparagus (3L) on the back menu! I ate it grilled and it was so fresh 😋! Knowledge Until now, it has been sold only on Okushiri Island and in limited areas, but now, for the first time, it will be sold at the Kitano-Nishiki Kinenkan, the brewery, and at the online store. This is the first rare local sake made from rice and water from Okushiri Island, a remote island in Hokkaido. It has a light, clear and refreshing taste.
Niseko純米吟醸「彗星」50% 赤ラベル純米吟醸
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To my favorite Genghis Khan restaurant Sake was available! We compared 3 kinds of sake! Quite a variety of Hokkaido sake to choose from 🍶. Niseko, a well-known sake in Hokkaido Comet 50% polished Light and fruity! I had an image of beer with Genghis Khan, but sake also goes well with it! @ Charcoal Kabuto Sheep's Head extensive knowledge This junmai ginjo-shu is made from "Comet" rice suitable for sake brewing grown at the foot of Mt. Yotei, polished to a 50% polishing ratio, and brewed with the latest yeast, Association No. 1901, using traditional techniques. It has a mild aroma of melon and banana, a gentle sweetness, and a fresh acidity that is well balanced and beautifully balanced in this food sake.