SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Michizakura純米吟醸 彗星55純米吟醸
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I was told I could choose my favorite brand for the three types. The menu lists a real lot of Hokkaido sake! I asked him to add my recent favorite, Sanzen Sakura. What came out was Comet 55! I've had it a few times, but it's so different from the other two! It has the sweetness and fruity taste that I like! It was voted today's number one! Road lamb with fresh vegetables! And to top it off, cold noodles with lots of lemon slices on top! It looks great 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋! a few words of knowledge The Sanzen Sakura Sake Brewery is moving from Nakatsugawa, Gifu Prefecture to Higashikawa, Hokkaido in 2020 to take on a new challenge. This bottle is made from "Comet" sake rice carefully grown in Higashikawa, one of the best rice-producing areas in Hokkaido, and has a light, crisp flavor with no cloying taste. Comet is a relatively new sake rice, and its low protein content often produces sake with a refreshing taste. It is said to be Hokkaido's promising star and has recently been used by breweries outside of Hokkaido.
Good morning, Shinshin SY 😃. Are you traveling in Hokkaido and Kyushu this week⁉️? You are really active all over Japan👍. Finally, the day after tomorrow❗️ I'll be waiting for you
Good morning, Haruei Chichi 😃I will be in Sapporo until tomorrow. On Friday, I will enter the offline meeting place after finishing my work in Fukuoka. I am looking forward to Kyushu sake this time 🥺 Thank you for your guidance 🥺.
I am in awe of your guidance 🤗.