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20代後半 香りが甘く、アルコール感のあまり強くない吟醸系が好き もっと楽しく飲めるようになりたくて、いろいろ挑戦中 2021/11/26 日本酒検定3級合格!

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Drink Comparison Set, No Label Photo At Asakusa Sake no Oumasu Kaminarimon Branch Appearance Clear and colorless Aroma Weak, light raw material aroma? Taste There is a good balance between sweetness and sourness, both can be felt half and half. There is no punch in the mouth, but I think it is easy to drink. ↓Memo for myself on the internet Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol content: 15%. Sake meter: +1.0 Acidity: 1.8 Rice type: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 55 Condition: Ignited The overall impression of the Five Series is refreshing. Orange is probably my favorite.
Drink Comparison Set, No Label Photo At Asakusa Sake no Oumasu Kaminarimon Branch Appearance Clear and colorless Aroma Weak. I can't describe it well. Taste Refreshing and refreshing from the beginning. In the taste, you can only feel the sourness and not the sweetness (*this is the opinion of a sweet person) ↓Memo for myself Net information Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Rice : Yamadanishiki. Nihonbare Rice polishing ratio: 80%. Alcohol content: 14.5 Sake degree: ±0 Acidity: 2.3 Five series, is it a line that focuses on refreshment ......?
Gokyofive RED特別純米
Drink Comparison Set, No Label Photo At Asakusa Sake no Oumasu Kaminarimon Branch Appearance Very light yellowish Aroma Weak to normal Yogurt, sweet and sour aroma Taste Sourness > sweetness, refreshing aftertaste Note for myself↓Information from the internet Raw Rice Koji rice : Yamadanishiki / Kake rice : Nihonbare Rice polishing ratio 60% of rice Alcohol content 15 degrees Sake degree +12 Yeast Kyokai No.901 Acidity 2.4 Amino acidity 1.6 (After all, the sweet sake is ...... preferred.)
Drink Comparison Set, no label photo At Asakusa Sake no Oumasu Kaminarimon Branch Appearance Clear and colorless Aroma Weak, I couldn't detect any material to compare it to. This may have just been my lackluster sense of smell Taste There is a sense of gas A light sourness, then a sweetness of rice, but refreshing. The sourness gets stronger in the aftertaste. However, it is not persistent at the end of drinking. I read in a reference book that new sake is often refreshing. I used to think that it depends on the brand whether it is fresh or not. But I wondered if the freshness of new sake was like this. I thought that this is what the freshness of new sake means.
Nabeshimanew moon純米吟醸原酒生酒
Drink Comparison Set, no label photo At Asakusa Sake no Oumasu Kaminarimon Branch Nabeshima New Moon, the first new sake of the season Appearance Colorless and clear Aroma Slightly thin, banana-like fruit aroma Taste There is a sense of texture gas. The alcohol stimulus is weak, and the sweetness comes after the sourness. The sweetness comes out more strongly in the aftertaste. This is the sweetest beer I had today.
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After the Christmas Market at Red Brick Warehouse At Dining Bar you The best lukewarm sake! Appearance Colorless and transparent Aroma Weak, with a sweet, candy-like aroma. Taste There is a slight tingling sensation of alcohol stimulation. Once the stimulation is gone, there is a slight sourness. There is a mild sweetness without any bitterness, and it is not dense. The alcoholic sensation comes again weakly in the aftertaste, but even when heated, it doesn't hit your throat and the aftertaste is sharp.
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I bought this as a congratulatory gift for myself because I passed the 3rd level of the sake test. Appearance Very pale yellow, almost transparent Aroma Medium Sweetness of rice? Not as strong as expected. The aroma is rather sour. Taste (Room temperature) The texture is light. At first a syrupy sweetness, followed by a weak but tingling alcohol. Very little or no acidity. The sweetness is more refreshing than I expected, and it can be drunk without being on the rocks. The aftertaste is stimulated by the alcohol, but it is not strong, and one bottle of 200ml can be drunk quickly. I dared to pair it with sweet snacks (cookies and chocolate), but the sweetness of the snacks overpowered the bitterness of the alcohol. Personally, I like it. (*I have a big sweet tooth, so it may be hard for those who don't like sweet things)
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Appearance Clear and colorless Aroma Slightly weak to medium Reminiscent of yogurt, with a hint of sweetness from the rice. Taste (Room temperature) The texture is light and easy to drink. When you roll it around on your tongue for a few seconds, the sweetness and flavor of the rice is thick. The aftertaste is tingling of alcohol. ↓↓ (Lukewarm to warmed up) The stimulation of the alcohol becomes stronger, but the umami is also emphasized. Almost no acidity. Personally, I find it easier to drink at room temperature or chilled.
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Sake lees re-fermented liquor Appearance Dark brown, red Aroma Mirin, sweet Taste The sweetness similar to mirin comes first, and then the sourness with a fermented taste (like soy sauce) is felt. It is rich, sweet and sour, so it has its own peculiarity, but I don't feel the stimulus of alcohol that much, so it is easy to drink. It goes well with sweet and spicy stew.
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We had it while warming it up from sunny to hot! Appearance White transparent Aroma Mild aroma of white rice Taste This sake has no distinctive taste and does not have a strong alcohol smell even when heated. You can taste the sweetness of the rice, but the tingling of the alcohol also appears when the temperature is raised. This is the first sake I've ever had at Okan, so I guess it's suitable for beginners.
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Appearance. Slightly cloudy, with visible tailings Aroma Thin, with a hint of sweetness. The ginjo aroma is not as strong as I expected. Taste The first sip has a strong sourness, but later on, and at the second and third sips, the sweetness is felt. The aftertaste is a little alcoholic, but overall it is easy to drink.