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4.1★★★★☆ Very sweet and current sake made with CEL24. The label is cute and looks good as a gift. It tastes like it would be popular with young people. It has a strong dessert flavor that doesn't go well with food, but I personally like it. CEL24 makes everything taste good and sweet, for better or worse.
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4.3★★★★☆ All Nagano sake is delicious, but this one is much higher up the list. It's an active nigori. I was worried that it might lose its flavor after being stored for so long because I couldn't drink it during my pregnancy, but when I opened the package, it started to become active and remained so healthy that the mash came up to the top and almost spurted out. I was relieved to find that it had been stored in good condition. The quality was probably the same as when I bought it. The taste is elegant and sweet like nigori sake, but with a hint of Nagano's sake flavor. Tonight I'm drinking it with cheese, but it also goes well with Western-style snacks. However, since it is a strong draft sake, it is not necessarily a bad match, but it goes better with strong flavored dishes. It is so mellow that if the snacks are light, the taste of this sake will be overpowered.
Shinshu Kirei純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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4.2★★★★☆ This is a Yamadanishiki, a different rice variety from the Hitogochiki we drank the other day. I honestly didn't feel it was that different from Hitogochiki, but it was delicious enough. It is delicious enough. You can feel the heavy flavor of the raw sake.
Shinshu Kirei純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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4.2★★★★☆ Shinshu Kamerei is all good to begin with. After a period of gestation, I kept the raw sake for almost two years. Of course, it was well preserved, but it still tastes fresh and has not lost any of its freshness. The taste is a little sweet and heavy, which is typical of nama sake. Hitogokochi is the rice variety used.
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★★★★☆4.3 First sake in a year and a half. I had to hold back after giving birth and breastfeeding, but I finally lifted the ban. What is this? It may be the premier sake of premier sake, but it's too good. Is it because it's been a while? No, it's not! While you can taste the elegant sweetness, you can also feel the typical sake-like thirst-quenching sensation. It has a gentle sake flavor. Anyway, it is calm and has a beautiful umami aroma.
Asumin, nice to meet you😃. I think it must have been very hard for you to endure for a year and a half. Thank you very much for your hard work! I'm sure the Shinshu Kamerei Kin Kame must have really sunk in 🐢. I'm sure it will be tough from now on, but please enjoy your sake life while having fun 🍶.
Thank you, Aladdin! After all the endurance, sake soaked into every inch of my body, oh, it was like this! I remember now! There are a lot of sake that I don't know about, so I look forward to exchanging information with you 🍶.