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⭐️⭐️ Hachiryuubai Junmai Sake Moriyama Sake Brewery (Toei-cho, Aichi Prefecture) Rice: Wakamizu, Polishing ratio: 68 AL degree: 15-16, Koji: Sake meter degree: +5.0 A sake that is typical of traditional Japanese sake. Not my favorite. And the log rating The fact that it has ⭐️2 on it means it might be pretty bad 😆.
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. Rice polishing ratio: 70 Originally located in the most remote part of Aichi Prefecture, this brewery had a history of over 300 years. When the current master brewer took over, he moved to Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. He has preserved the traditional taste. It is quite dry and has a strong umami flavor! It has a powerful flavor! Sake with depth, like an aged sake! ✩4.0
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日本酒バル UMAMI
We decided to drink in the Yokohama locality because of the trend that a 300-year-old brewery in Aichi has moved to Kanagawa for this Corona disaster. Yeah, well, another time. Ingredients: rice, rice malt Rice: 100% domestic rice Rice polishing ratio: 70 Alcohol content: 15%. Sake meter: -5 Acidity: 2.3
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Almost no aroma. In the mouth, it has a sweet and sour taste like honey lemon. There is a long aftertaste of citrus acidity and rice flavor. It becomes heavier as the temperature rises. It is delicious when cooled down.
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A gift from a while ago. It's a clear and dry wine. I drank it at room temperature, but next time I would like to try it chilled. I heard it can also be warmed up. We had it with boiled mebaru fish.
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北澤 寛
# Hachiryuu sake cup - a comparison of old and new We went to Moriyama Shuzo's main office in Toei Town to ask for his whereabouts. With the story of the father and the next day's research on the web I finally understood the whole story. I took home a bottle of the new Hachiryuubai Junmai. He said, "It's new sake, so you can smell it. In the evening. I confronted a bottle of sake that had been opened for a long time I was confronted with a bottle of Kuradashi Honjozo Genshu I'm looking forward to the future Honjozo and Nigoridori as well! Now, what will happen to the distribution? Until now, we go to Toei town once in a few months for this, hot spring and soba. We can continue to do that, but I'll try to order it in, though I don't have a retailer I know well.
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Rice used is unknown Specifications are also unknown It seems to be a representative brand of Moriyama Shuzo, which moved from Aichi Prefecture to Odawara in Kanagawa Prefecture. Now, this sake. It is a hot and crisp sake that hits you in the throat. The sourness is particularly characteristic, and although it doesn't go as far as 'sour', it is quite strong, so there are different tastes. After a few days, the acidity settles down, which I prefer, and even my partner, who disliked it a little right after opening the bottle, was drinking it easily. I think it would also be good served hot. It looks like they've had a lot of hardships and struggles, but it's a brewery to watch and see how it develops in the future.

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