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Ohmine Junmai Ginjo (大嶺酒造株式会社/山口県美祢市大嶺町)

若いビジネスマンが50年ぶりに蔵を復活 江戸時代中期に創業した大嶺酒造。株式会社として設立したのは大正11年(1921年)ですが、1960年代に入って休業の憂き目にあってしまいます。しかし2010年、50年以上の休眠を経て復活しました。蔵を引き継いだのは、ニューヨークなどで海外ビジネスの経験を豊富に積んだ、美祢市出身の秋山剛士氏(現大嶺酒造のファウンダー)。農業と地域資源を軸に、地域の未来につながる産業をつくりたいというコンセプトのもと、新しい大嶺酒造がスタートしたのです。 地元の恵みを生かした酒造り 美祢市は3億年の歴史をもつ神秘的なシラス台地の「秋吉台」、東洋一の鍾乳洞「秋芳洞」など、雄大な自然を誇る場所。仕込み水は日本名水百選に選ばれている「弁天の湧水」を使用しています。神社の境内から湧き出る清水はコバルトブルーの美しい色で、酒造りに必要な天然ミネラルを多く含み、「Ohmine」シリーズの味わいに欠かせません。米は契約栽培の山口県産山田錦のみ。さらに、日本酒のピュアな味わいを感じられるようにと、発酵を抑える新技術を用いて、原酒にもかかわらずアルコール度数を14度に抑えています。 さらにこだわったのが、ボトルデザイン。秋山氏はスウェーデンに渡り、北欧で有数のデザイン集団「ストックホルム・デザイン・ラボ」の創設者と面談し、デザインを依頼したのです。そして完成したのが、コニャックなどに使う白地の陶器に、黒地の米を描いたシンプルなものでした。個性的なデザインが増えている昨今の日本酒のなかでも、特に印象的なデザインです。スタイリッシュなラベルと、アルファベットを用いた銘柄名には、国内はもちろん、海外に日本酒を広めたいという思いがありました。 海外マーケティングで評判呼ぶ 外観に負けないスタイリッシュな味わいが、ミシュランの三ツ星レストランや、さまざまなブランドとのコラボレーションなどを通して高く評価され、ニューヨークや香港など、世界6ヵ国で展開されています。2013年には、スイスで開催された、ダボス会議2013のなかで、日本政府が主催した晩餐会で各国の首脳に振る舞われました。SAKETIMES | 日本酒をもっと知りたくなるWEBメディア
真いちsummer tidings This wine has a refreshing apple or Chardonnay-like fruity aroma and a clear sweetness and acidity. It is recommended with vinegary dishes, mineral-rich shellfish, and spicy dishes. Polishing rate: 50%. Ingredients] Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Benten spring water Alcohol content】 12.5%.
大嶺大嶺3粒 夏のおとずれ
とらRefreshing and refreshing Easy to drink like a canned chu-hai, so the pace quickens and you naturally get drunk faster You can feel grapefruit in the aftertaste. A perfect drink for summer
大嶺3粒 火入れ 山田錦
じゅんMemories of GW🍶. First, we went to my grandma's house in Hiroshima 🚗🌠. (I had been there a month ago, so I didn't feel like it had been a long time 😎😎 lol) On the way there, we looked for a nice liquor store, Yutakaya liquor store 😎😎. I saw this one at Sake-no-wa and was curious about it! I was so excited to see it! I chose it with great gusto 😇 lol When I drank it, it was juicy and fruity ☺️ I didn't feel the gasiness as much as I thought I would! But it was great with the food 💮. Grandma is a great cook and had prepared oysters and fish for the occasion, so it was a very delicious, happy and happy evening 🥰.
ジェイ&ノビィHi Jun 😃 Is it your first Omine 🎉Congratulations to your grandmother who is an excellent cook and serves you oysters 🦪 and fish 🐟 from Hiroshima with her skill 🥹I wish I could have been there 😆.
じゅんGood evening, Jay & Nobby: ☺️ It was delicious 🥰. After all, the taste of alcohol is important, but the taste of both alcohol and food depends on the food and also on the people you dine with 🥰♥️
大嶺3粒 春かすみ生酒 愛山純米原酒生酒
SatomiDelicious again this year 😋. I haven't had Aizan sake in a long time! Rice type: Aizan Alcohol content: 15 Polishing ratio: 60
大嶺大嶺3粒 生詰ひやおろし 山田錦生酒生詰酒ひやおろし
ふぁい(φ ´ ДOur beloved Omine Sake Brewery. My first autumn as a sake brewer. My first hiyaoroshi. Omine has Omachi and Yamadanishiki hiyaoroshi. This is Yamadanishiki. It has an apple-like aroma and mild flavor. Next year, I want to enjoy it at room temperature.
大嶺大嶺3粒 生詰ひやおろし 雄町原酒生詰酒ひやおろし
ふぁい(φ ´ ДOur beloved Omine Sake Brewery. My first autumn as a sake brewer. My first hiyaoroshi. Omine has Omachi and Yamadanishiki hiyaoroshi. This is Omachi. It has an aroma like a yellow peach and a mild flavor. Next year, I want to enjoy it warm.
大嶺大嶺3粒 秋塵かすみ生酒 雄町原酒生酒
ふぁい(φ ´ ДOur beloved Daimine Brewery. It tastes juicy like yellow peaches. It is a fresh, unpasteurized sake, but I hear it tastes great lukewarm as well. I want to try it next year.
大嶺大嶺3粒 春風かすみ生酒 愛山生酒
新丸子屋The nose is clear and warm, reminiscent of a spring breeze, and the fruitiness is fresh, reminiscent of muscat and lychee. They say the cinnamon-like stimulation and fresh acidity reminiscent of grapefruit refresh the aftertaste. Sake rice is Aizan, milling ratio 60%, yeast undisclosed. Purchased at Nishiyama-ya, the nearest station to JR Nambu Line's Yamata Station. I drank it well chilled. The first sip was ✨ummmm✨✨. The sweetness comes first and the umami of the rice comes later 😆 The aftertaste is refreshing and crisp with good acidity. There is also a little lees. It's a draft sake, but it doesn't have that much gasiness. The fruity aroma is impressive.
大嶺3粒 春風かすみ生酒 愛山
HIIROIt is characterized by its fruity, gorgeous sweetness and flavor. The sweetness is not that persistent, but it spreads quickly from the moment you put it in your mouth.
あっきToday, Day Can ☀️ I bought a cup of Omine to drink at cherry blossom viewing and today I opened the bottle 😆. The sweetness comes first and it's a nice cup of sake if you want to drink a little outside 😆 ⭐️ I also recommend it for those who want to drink a little sake 😆.
きっしーDaimine Kabob is the same as the bottled product and the contents are the same as the bottled product. It's delicious! The label is also a seasonal edition! I want to collect them too!
あっきThis was my first time drinking Daimine. I will try to buy a bottle next time 😆.