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三戸のどんべりSannohe no Donberi
28 check-ins
Sannohe no Donberi 1

Brands from Hachinohe Shurui

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1 Yōkamachi, Hachinohe, Aomori
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Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 2
I drank a draft Donburi last month, and this time it will be a fire-aged Donburi 🍶. The first aroma is sweet with a hint of acidity, like that of sweetened yogurt. In the mouth, it has a slightly sweet and sour taste like Calpis with a milky rice flavor. It finishes with a hint of sourness. Compared to the freshness of the raw sake Donburi, it does not have the same freshness, but the fire-quenching process makes it more rounded and mellow, and it seems a little sweeter despite the same specifications. The lactic acidity like yogurt was unexpected, as I did not feel it in the nama-zake. Personally, I think I prefer the hi-ire over the nama-shu. It was very tasty ✨🍶.
Sannohe no Donberiにごり酒
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 2Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 3
Souvenir of a friend's business trip. Light nigori. There are many types of nigori, such as light and dark, with or without gas, sweet and spicy, etc. This one is smooth, spicy, and easy to get used to, This one is smooth, spicy, and easy to get used to.
Sannohe no Donberi純米生酒
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 2
Hachinohe Sake Brewery has a seasonal fire-aged nigori sake called "Sanno no Dombelli," which is an even more limited draft sake. The initial aroma is a faint scent of koji mold. In the mouth, there is a slight sweetness from the rice. The sake has a sake strength of minus 25, but the sweetness is so moderate that you don't feel it at all. That said, it is not dry, and the smooth milky nigori is delicious. Personally, I wouldn't mind if it was a little sweeter 😅.
Sannohe no Donberi純米生酒にごり酒
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 2Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 3
It is quite silky and leaves a shako shako shako in the mouth. It is very mild and sweet with a lot of rice flavor. I like it very much. Delicious...! Production date: December 2022 Close date: December 17, 2022
Sannohe no Donberi純米にごり酒
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 2
This is the first standing bar I went to. Sunday afternoon after 3:00 pm, a leisurely lunchtime drinking time...the restaurant was almost full ^ ^. After drinking Ichinokura's Honjozo, I chose Sanno's Domberi🍶. I knew I wanted to drink nigori sake. It's clean, sweet and easy to drink❣️. The snack was boiled roe of tuna. The roe was just the right amount of elasticity and soaked in sweet and sour flavor, perfect with sake 🍶(**).
Good evening, mamiko😊. I wonder if Sanno's Domperi is an accent of Domperi? As a nigori (nigori is a raw sake) lover, I'm curious. And tuna roe? What a surprise I've never seen it 😅.
Good evening, Harry. I heard it's called Dom Peri, which is a play on the word Dom Peri 😁. I've never had tuna roe before, but it was delicious ❣️.
Good evening, mamiko 😄 Ahh donbeli 💕 I also got a pindon from Santo this year 😋❣️. It was delicious 😆👍
Good morning, T.KISO! Dombelli🍶 was easy to drink and really tasty 😆👍Pindon in Sanno! I learned it 😁.
Good evening, mamiko 😊. This is very cloudy 😲. It looks like sweet sake. Is it sweet after all? I would like to drink it❗️
Good evening, ymdaz! It was very easy to drink, with a clean sweet taste 😄It can be used as a food wine, on its own, with sweets, with anything 😁♪ I hope you will try it ❣️.
Sannohe no Donberi純米樽酒にごり酒
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1
Limited doburoku I got it at Aomorikan in Ginza. It was very delicious. If you know which brewery it is, please let me know!
Pinocchio konbanhar ❓ Maybe Hachinohe Sake Brewery❓ It's available in supermarkets here, but I haven't had it yet💦.
Sannohe no Donberi限定品純米にごり酒
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 2
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 3Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 4
When you mix the thick, thick sauce, it becomes a pure white cloudy liquid. It is thick and has a slightly rough texture on the tongue. But it's clean and easy to drink. The sweetness and sourness of the lactic acid is delicious. It goes really well with tomato sauce. Date of manufacture: December 2021 Cut-off date: December 30, 2021
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 2Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 3
2022.1.9_Just after opening Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Preference: ★★★★ Impression: It is very sloppy and thick, but the taste is not very (almost) sweet. Surprisingly refreshing after the rice flavor. It tastes like makgeolli, a kind of sweet sake without the sweetness. Seems to go well with meals. It might be possible to drink it with rice wine like makgeolli. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Sannohe no Donberi純米 にごり
Junmai Nigori. I couldn't help but ask for this one...! It's sweet, delicious, and full-bodied on its own. It has a mouthfeel like drinking yogurt. Even so, you can still feel the sake in the aftertaste, so it's not too lacking. This is a limited time product from the end of November. It goes well with the sweetness and bitterness of the boiled rape blossoms we left behind. I think it would be good with tempura and other dishes with oil. Even if you don't know how to drink alcohol, you should try it.
Sannohe no Donberi純米にごり酒
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1
A sake to drink while thinking that the end of this year is approaching. It's a smooth, cloudy sake. The brewer recommends drinking it cold or at room temperature, but I had it warmed up and ate some dried mackerel mirin, and it was delicious. Both the sake and the mackerel.

Brands from Hachinohe Shurui

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