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三光天賦Sanko Tenbu

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951 Tesseichō Kamikōjiro, Niimi, Okayama
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Sanko Tenbu雄町純米山廃原酒生酒無濾過
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Sanko Tenpyo Yamahai. I drank a sake called "Namahashi" before, but how about this one? Freshness is combined with a grain-like aroma. It has a full flavor from a mild mouthfeel, a hard acidity, and a lingering aftertaste that lingers gradually. It would be good to drink with a solid snack. I'm sipping it with salted bonito (sakatobori).
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More acidic than the previous one sourness Slightly rice-grain-like when sharp
Sanko Tenbu山廃純米 雄町純米原酒生酒無濾過
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March 15. As it is a day of great luck, which comes only a few days a year, I went to visit my local Omae Ebisu Shrine ⛩️ The sky was clear and blue, the smell of plum blossoms was in the air, and I felt refreshed. I prayed for peace and gratitude. Third picture: Ebisu-sama, about 20 meters high The 4th picture, a motorcycle ema, is very rare 🙄. We stopped at a sake store on our way back home🤗. The aroma is mild. It has a very slight graininess, a slightly sweet and bitter cocoa taste, umami, and a firm acidity, and after swallowing it, you feel your throat get very hot. Perhaps it is the effect of the acidity, but the aftertaste is so refreshing that you do not feel the al 18 degrees.
Good evening Kotori-san 🐣. I see you bought a bottle of Yamahai 😊and a bottle at that! Did you drink it at room temperature? It's quite good when it's warmed up, the acidity comes out stronger. Ebisu-san 😂
Good morning, Matsuchiyo-san 🐣Piyo⁈Cute〜😊I can't go there often and I want to enjoy the change, so I thought I'll just have one square 🤭On the warmer ♨️ I could taste the sweet and sour umami taste that has been increased and the bottom taste has been raised 😚.
Good morning, Kotori-san ☀☀☀ This shrine here is famous for motorcyclists... I think I'll go to write an ema next time too 🏍️
Good morning, Manachie 😊Please stop by for motorcycle ema writing 😆There is a fee to enter the Ebisu-sama and make a wish 😆 You can ring the golden bell 😆 The mysterious hole-in-the-wall sake store is also close to Tsuji-san. 🏍️
Sanko Tenbu生酛純米 無ろ過生原酒 R4BY
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R4BY Sanko Tenpyo's Namahoshi 🍶. This seems to be the newest one. By the way, I haven't yet opened the H29BY kamishige I bought at Noboru Sake Shop when I went to Nara last year because I didn't want to waste it 😂. I had it heated 🍶. The aroma has a hint of acidity on the nose. The first aroma is a hint of acidity. I also felt a slight grain flavor. I served it with shrimp and cheese spring rolls. Less acidic than the Sanko Tenpyo Yamahai, but this was quite tart and delicious 🍶✨.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo-san. It's the Sanko Tenpyo that you love, Matsuchiyosan💕This time the sake that is not matured with a raw yeast yeast seems to be delicious! I'm curious, looking forward to R29BY too😊.
Good evening Peco 🍶. R4BY may not be enough for the members of the kinky sake lovers group, but I thought this is what it's like to be young 😂. H29BY will be opened this winter 😋.
Sanko Tenbu純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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It too has a strong acidity. Light, but with a strong rice bitterness. Well-balanced, good taste
Sanko Tenbu生酛純米 無濾過生原酒雄町
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Sanko Tenpyo - Junmai, unrefined, unfiltered, unpasteurized sake Prefecture:Niimi-city, Okayama Rice:Omachi, Okayama Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 65 Sake degree: -1 Alcohol percentage: 18 @Kiyoshi Oishi (Hyogo Prefecture)
Sanko Tenbu純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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Inspired by Hirupeko's review of Sanko Tenshi... I welcomed it because I wanted to taste "spicy" 🤗. It has a Shaoxing wine-like flavor, with a savory aged aroma like miso barrels, and a sweet but spicy flavor reminiscent of brown sugar and buckwheat honey... I thought, "This is it! ⁉︎. The acidity comes on strong, and you can feel the spread of the flavor. If I were to describe it in terms of genre, I would say that it is a strong and peculiar type. It has a robust flavor, but it is not sticky and has a refreshing aftertaste. I enjoyed it with some jumbo dumplings (🥟) I bought at a souvenir store in the station building on my way home from a recent sake and wine event. Warmed up and cooled down...a hint of bitter chocolate appeared!
Hi Kotori 🍶. I haven't opened it yet, but I bought one the other day from the same year. I took a picture of it, but I saw the same thing on the Kakinoki's tag. By the way, did you drink it chilled?
Hi Matsuchiyo 😊I am becoming fascinated by the different taste from modern sake. Everything was kept in the fridge at the distributor, so I put it in the fridge once I got back. I had it cold to room temperature. I'm looking forward to heating it up 🤭kicky📸 lol
Good evening, Kotori-san. I'm glad to see another Sanko Tenpyo following in the footsteps of Matsuchiyo 😻I personally like aged sake from Omachi. It tastes even better if you let it sit for about a month after you uncork it and drink it slowly 😋.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😊I want to taste Tororincho too 😚The note on the back of the tag says to strain if you are worried about floating matter/sediment 😅When I was at Tsuchida99, there was a fuzzy sediment...I thought it was marimo 😂.
Sanko Tenbu生酛純米 無濾過生原酒雄町
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This time it is Sanko Tenshi. One day, I was walking along a residential street, A cat crossed in front of me and was sucked into a small forest in a corner of the residential area. I approached the forest and found that it was a liquor store🙀. When I approached the forest, I found a liquor store 🙀. I was thrilled by the retro Showa-era atmosphere💕. When I entered, the father of the store was a nice man, We started talking about the sake I was interested in and then moved on to Okuharima. And then, he started talking about his father's passion for Touji Takagaki (Okuharima→Hosui→Sanko Tenpikake), I found myself holding a bottle of Sanko Tenpyo in my hand. By the way, this time it was a sake made by Yamakami Toji, who took over the Takagaki style, and was aged at room temperature in the store. It is the same with Hosui's Takagaki and a tag with a picture of a persimmon on it. The taste has a nice, rich, mellow flavor after the alcohol feeling comes through with a thump. It has a refreshingly mild sweetness due to its maturity. It tastes like Shaoxing sake. It is excellent when heated, The aroma of maturity and alcohol becomes milder and the spicy aroma becomes more rounded. The spicy aroma and the round, polished sweetness melt in your mouth! Father, it's delicious! Serve with pork with octagonal flavor, Happy dinner 🍶♨️ I'm going to wander into 🌳 again😻
Good evening, Mr. Hirupeco. Is the store maybe a Fatty's store? The store in Nara where I bought it was refrigerated, but the first bar where I drank it kept it at room temperature. I wonder if it's ok to keep it at room temperature since it's going to be heated up anyway 🙄.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😃. I always wonder if that restaurant is safe from typhoons and earthquakes? I always wonder 😅I see on your instagram that you are going to start eating and drinking in the unused space😊.
Matsuchiyo-san, you know a lot about liquor stores in Kansai 😳
I'm listed as a Sanko Tenpyo distributor😅. Also, I read bouken's old post 😊.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo-san. You are right 🎊My father took the trouble to bring out a bottle that was aged at room temperature. If it is a strong sake like Sanko Tenpyo, it can be aged at room temperature.
Good evening, bouken-san, who knows everything. Yes, they were cutting down trees in the forest. Personally, I love the feeling of Totoro's forest, so it's a little regrettable.
Good evening. I was planning to drop by again after a long time, but I'm sorry to hear that. However, the trees might be a nuisance to the neighbors. I'm sure they'd be very pleased if I told them I know Sanko. They even offered me a special bottle of sake.
Shinjo-san, good evening 🌙Yes, it was indeed very forest-like 😅Specifically, I was allowed to taste the Takagaki Toji's version of Hebigata, both the draft and the fired version. I was too shy to buy it 💦 so I decided to try the Sanko Tenpiki 😊.
Oh! Katsumasa, how did you feel?
I don't know much about it, but I wonder if the snake shape is low-polished. I got the impression that it had a strong flavor and acidity. I would like to enjoy it at a restaurant that carefully warms up the sake 🤔.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😊 what a wonderful store owner to help you find the 🍶 of your choice while tasting. Lately I've been interested in rich, mellow, umami sake with a sense of maturity, so I think I'll visit a dealer in Tochigi 😉.
Good evening, Kotori-san. Welcome to the world of aged sake😊I'm a beginner, but I can't get enough of the density of the aged taste. I hope you will try it this winter💕.
Sanko Tenbu山廃純米 無濾過生原酒 雄町
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More heated sake. The first aroma is slightly sweet and alcoholic. On the palate, there is a firm lemon-like acidity and the sweetness and richness of the rice. Compared to the Sanko Hebigata we had last month, this sake has a stronger flavor in general. I like the snake shape better, but this acidity is addictive. (Postscript) I later drank it at room temperature and found that the acidity was not so good, and the sweetness and richness were bland and disappointing. Sanko Tenpyo is best served heated 😅.
Sanko Tenbu純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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From Sanko Masamune, a brand with the name of heavenly blessing (tenpyo). It has a fresh, banana-like aroma, with the refreshing sweetness of a fresh sake and a robust, lingering flavor. It seems to go well with strong flavors and meats, and is satisfyingly delicious with beef tsukudani. It might be good warmed, or even a little lukewarm, to increase the sweetness.
Sanko Tenbu純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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Freshly opened, it has a minerality and a strong, sweet flavor. It is not flamboyant or robust, but rather refreshing due to the volatility of the alcohol.
Sanko Tenbu純米山廃原酒生酒無濾過
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2023 0511 ☆☆☆☆ Sanko Tenpu (Sanko Tenpu) All Tetsunishi contract-cultivated Yumachi sake Yamahai Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake Rice polishing ratio 65 Alcohol 18%. Sanko Masamune Co. Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture

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