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Brands from 門傳醸造


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ほでなす純米生原酒 にごり酒 しぼりたて純米原酒生酒にごり酒
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おにぎり処 あみ
I'm curious about the name, please. Hode nasu means fool, not to be informed of the situation, to be treated as a treat, and to be treated as a fool. the knowledge of the knowledge of the world This sake is made by carefully selecting and further polishing first-class rice from Kurihara, a rice-producing region, and taking the time to prepare and mature it. This is a clear, yet full-bodied, punchy sake with a deep flavor. It is the most talked-about local sake.
ほでなす大閤 純米純米生原酒 にごり酒 限定酒純米原酒生酒にごり酒
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Hodenasu is a Miyagi dialect word that means "fool, bastard. It was quite a punchy drink! Skepticism Raw rice: Sasanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 60%. Alcohol content: 17-18%. Sake degree: +0.6 Acidity: 2.1 Slowly brewed and matured It is refreshing, yet It is a sake with a punch. It has a punchy flavor. The freshly pressed sake is bottled in its raw state. It is characterized by its freshness and firm acidity.
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My brother in Miyagi sends this to us, and it is the most "dangerous" thing in our house. The first time he sent me a bottle, I got into trouble the next day. The first time he sent me a bottle, I was in trouble the next day, so I asked him to send me a four-pack next time.
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Opened on December 26, 2021 Kurihara City, Miyagi Prefecture, Konden Jozo The second hometown tax payment in 2021 It's so fresh❗️! It's so fresh and crispy! At first, it's very sweet, but it soon wears off and there's no extra sweetness^^ It's surprisingly spicy❗️ It's really good too😋. I think I'm going to gulp it down w
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 Rice used: Sasanishiki, produced in Ichisako, Miyagi  Rice polishing ratio 60%.  I've been wondering about it for a long time, because it seems to be one of the rarest local sakes in Miyagi.  However, I found a banner of Honenasu at a nearby liquor store. 😲  But then I bought the yellow Kanazawa hiyori. 😆  So this is my second visit to the store today!  But when I went to the store today, it was closed 😭  But it was in the store, maybe it was your daughter?  A young, friendly, pretty lady went out of her way to open the store and let me shop. If you ask her, she said they are usually closed on Sundays.  So I came home thankful that I was able to buy these two drinks today. 😊 I  If you look closely at the label, it says that the brewery is a brewery in Hagi, Japan.  Does this mean that this sake is made by a brewery in Hagi, commissioned by Monden Zozo? I It's a summer-only product for this season, but I'd say it tastes dry and a little sour. After opening the bottle, the sweetness increases and it tastes great! Not bad 😊. I
スッキリ甘口 フルーティな微炭酸のお酒です。 それでいて米の旨味もすごく感じられ、和製スパークリングワインといえます。 単体でゴクゴク飲めます
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宮城の方便で、ろくでなし、愚か者という意味 純米生原酒にごり酒 駅ナカで売っているのを見かけて即購入!!!なかなか出回らないお酒なので嬉しかった(^^) 程よく甘みを感じられ、フルーティな香り。 これはおいしい!自分好み!!リピート確実です。

Brands from 門傳醸造


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