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ひと夏の恋 Flavor Chart

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It's good - ❣️ It's just right in so many ways: ❣️ It is described as more dry in the store, but it is, It's fruity, sweet, sour and has a refreshing aftertaste, I like it so much that I want to drink it every year. ❣️❣️ Alcohol content 15 Rice polishing ratio 55
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It has a pleasant aroma of banana and melon. The fresh lemon-like acidity and crisp taste are impressive when you drink it, and while it retains the spiciness and strength of alcohol, it will keep you going without tiring you out. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is the June edition of the Sake Sho Yamada Hanpukai. I personally prefer Hakurakusei as a food sake, as it is a little more selective when viewed as a food sake. My impression of "one summer love" was a bit different from mine, as I had the impression that it was an intense, burning but fleeting love that lasted only during the summer. Perhaps the nuance of a cute sake that makes you fall in love during this season is more appropriate!

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