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お福政宗 Flavor Chart

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606 Yokomakuramachi, Nagaoka, Niigata
map of Ofuku Shuzo
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When it gets cold, I want to drink hot sake. Speaking of hot sake, I also like sweet sake, so up until now I had been drinking brewed sake from Ofuku. But when I saw a bottle of Harazake at the store, I thought I'd give it a try. It was quite sweet, and it was junmai, and I don't know what that means, but it was called hara-sake. I thought I would choose Yamadanishiki for sweet sake, but I was wrong.
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A sweet sake that is typical of Junmai Daiginjo. The sweetness is sharp when it is cooled down to a crisp, so it is best when it is a little lukewarm to soften it up. Because it has a strong flavor, it goes surprisingly well with meat such as ribs. It also goes well with red shrimp sashimi, which is also sweet! It has a sweet aftertaste, but it is not sticky, so it doesn't interfere with your meal. It's not my favorite on its own, but when paired with a meal, it goes well with it!

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