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Magakiyama-675 Kamisanmiyamachi Kamisanmiya, Kitakata, Fukushima
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Sasamasamuneササ正宗 純米吟醸 カラクチ純米吟醸
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ぬる燗 ぞっこん離れ
Third glass of "Masamune Shibari Sasa Masamune Junmai Ginjo Karakuchi This is my first Sasa Masamune. And yet it seems to be a bit out of the ordinary! Sake strength is +10 The aroma reminds me of tangy and dry sake. On the palate Well, it's crisp and otokomae. ❗️ The bitterness comes out in the front, and in the process of becoming dry, umami comes up from the throat and spreads in the mouth.... This is a different sensation from the lingering taste. A dry sake that is not too harsh as the numerical value. I think it is highly suitable as a food sake.
Hi, Chichi Masamune! I had a chance to try Masamune last year on a trip to Fukushima, and as you said, it was a very refreshing and tasty Masamune 😄. I'm sure your comments are all about Masamune too 😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby Masamune 😃 You are right, there are many kinds of Masamune and they are all Masamune 😄. Next time I would like to drink Sasa Masamune with kanji instead of katakana 😦! Oh, shindo 😩.
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Katakana Masamune ⚔️ The brewer is different from Hiragana Masamune. This one is a harder, dryer strain in comparison. The dryness precedes the freshness of the raw. Lukewarm heating was the best match 😋.
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Drinking at the Miso Oden🍢 party. This year again, my mother-in-law had a miso oden 🍢 party near my birthday. handmade miso oden 🍢, my favorite dish. 🤗I look forward to it every year. I look forward to it every year, I am so thankful 🙏. And as a thank you, I brought my own Sake to compare, I brought Sake for everyone to drink and compare. (1) Futausagi Junmai Yamadanishiki Izumo Fuji Junmai Yamadanishiki Sasa Masamune Karakuchi +10 This one is (3) It is a dry wine with a sharp taste. It has a sharp and dry taste. It resets the rich taste of miso oden I felt it was the best match for me, I felt it was the best match for me. However, the taste of miso is quite strong, I think it is the best match for me. Surprisingly, I noticed that (1) the sweetness of Ni-Usagi I also noticed that (1) the sweetness of the two rabbits creates a synergistic effect. As for everyone's evaluation, (1) and (3) were the most popular. Purchase price ¥1450(720ml)
Good evening, Mr. Yan! I thought it would be dry and refreshing, but I guess the strong cuisine of Aichi goes well with the local sake of Aichi 😋.
Good morning, Matsuchiyo-san. I thought dry is good for rich miso oden. I thought that the brown sugar sweetness of the oden and and the sweetness of the rice was a nice synergy. Well, you never know until you try it 😳.
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Sasa Masamune Shuzo Sasa Masamune Junmai Sake This brewery is located in Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture. The malted rice is 60% "Yumen no Kou" rice produced in Fukushima Prefecture. Koji rice "Yumeko" 60% polished rice. Kake rice "Satoyama no Tsubame" 70% polished rice. Elegant aroma, soft rice flavor and a clear and gentle taste with a clean acidity. and a clear, gentle taste. #Sake

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