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Sakuragao特別純米酒 しぼりたて原酒 今朝詰め原酒 盛岡からの直送特別純米原酒
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Sakura Face Special Junmai Sake Freshly Pressed Unblended Sake This morning packed sake Directly from Morioka Made with domestically produced U.S. rice malt Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 18%. Sake meter degree - Acidity On Friday, 1/12, I went to a major department store on my way home and bought a bottle of nigori sake. Unfamiliar brand and brewery As far as I can tell, Tomoyuki Kumagai is the only one who has reposted this sakura face 🤔 Furthermore, this sake has not been posted yet! The smell after opening the bottle is weak, but I think it's more like the smell of koji than the smell of rice! It masks the smell of alcohol very well. When you put it in your mouth, the delicious spiciness fills your mouth! It is not a strong spiciness! It is a little bit strong and spicy! But you can also feel the gorgeous umami in the spiciness! The spiciness may be the only thing that comes through for some drinkers, but that may be due to the high alcohol content💦. We also tried heating the sake. Warmed sake and human skin warmed sake have more umami than cold sake. A minor but good sake 😍. Delicious!
I usually enjoy it with sashimi, but I drank it with cheese 😍Mimollette, smoked plain, cheddar, gouda, samsoo, they all go well together 😘I think my favorite is mimollette 🤤.
Good evening, kozo🦉. I've never seen this brand before 😳It's great that you haven't posted anything on Sake no Wa! And it looks great cold or warmed 🙂 I found it at ❣️ 😆.
Good morning, kozo 😃. I'm glad you found some kind of sake 🍶 like that at the 10 year old Sake no Wawa unposted ‼️ and it tastes great 🤗.
Pon. Good evening... I didn't know about the brewery and the brand name either 😳 I can't stop visiting sake shops in the hope of encountering this kind of sake 🤣I felt the heated sake was delicious due to the season 🤣.
Mr. Jay & Mrs. Nobby Good evening... I was just about to buy a one-cup dry sake after reading Pon-chan's post, when I came across this sake, so I was happy to find it.
Sakuragao特別本醸造 生貯蔵酒
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Kobayashi K
Sake that was served at the event. I had never tried this sake before, so I gave it a try. It was a refreshing and easy to drink sake.
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Sake with strong bitterness and umami. However, as with dry sake, it does not leave a lingering aftertaste. It is hard to feel the sake smell because of the bitterness, and it is easier to feel the umami than water, but that too while it is in the mouth. Whether or not it is easy to recommend to others, it is my favorite! Iwate Bussan in Ginza
Sakuragao特別純米酒 五割五分特別純米
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Sakura Face Shuzo Sakuraface Tokubetsu Junmai Sake Gowari Gobun Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture. The rice is polished to 55% Iwate rice. Brewed with Iwate yeast "Yuko no Koi". Gentle aroma, soft rice flavor, A gentle aroma, soft rice flavor, and a clean and crisp aftertaste. #Sake
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Sakura Face Special Junmai Sake Unrefined Nigori Sake When drunk chilled, the slightly heavy sweetness of nigori sake is mixed with a lactic acidity that is unique to nigori sake.
Sakuragao純米吟醸 吟ぎんが 五割磨き純米吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Next up was Sakura Face Junmai Ginjo (Ginga 50% polished). I am very sorry to say this, but my image of Sakura Face is that of a second-class sake. I have an image of second-class sake, the kind of sake that is sold in small one-part bottles at hotels and ryokan (Japanese-style inns) and sold as much as you can drink. Therefore, I would not order it myself first. But this time, it was served, so I decided to try it. But first, let me explain about the sake. ・・・・・ Ginga" is a variety of rice suitable for sake brewing, named in 1999 and registered under the Seed and Seedling Law in 2002. It has a well-balanced flavor with a refreshing fruity aroma and a robust flavor and richness. We recommend drinking it in a wine glass. ・・・・・ The name of the brewery is "Sakebrewer's Rice for Sake Brewing". I took a sip. There is not much aroma, but it has a firm sweetness and acidity. It is well-balanced and delicious. I was a little bit impressed (laugh). It was delicious! (^o^)
Good evening 😃 Sakura Face is often sold in supermarkets and has the image of a popular sake 💦. But it's interesting to see how different the impression is when you try drinking it from a distributor 🤣.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, etorannzyu! (^○^) Yes, that's right! Once an image is attached to you, it's hard to change it. So I'm glad it led to a makeover this time. (^^)/
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It's been a while I just got sunk by Koro after all this time. I'm back the other day and went on a business trip every 🤣. I went on a business trip to a hot spring for medical treatment. I got this at the Hanamaki onsen🙃 store. It's a bit melon-y, I guess. Refreshing and really easy to drink! It was very delicious 🌸
JUN-chan konbanhā! Corona🦠 Are you feeling okay? Hanamaki onsen♨️ recuperate and get well 😊
Good evening Erin 🤩🤩. I'm feeling almost fine 🥸🍶. I'll do my best against the yellow sand!

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