Leo寒菊Kankiku Ocean99 Toumi arrival Junmai Ginjo純米吟醸Kankiku MeijoChiba2025/3/25 11:03:332025/3/25봉피양15LeoRich condensed fresh aroma, feeling of mild sparkling
LeoShiraitoTanaka rokujuko純米吟醸Shiraito ShuzoFukuoka2025/2/18 11:58:412025/2/18봉피양25LeoThe color is slightly cloudy, the taste is slightly sweet, but it feels like there is gas like sparkling wine.
LeoOkunomatsu純米大吟醸Okunomatsu ShuzoFukushima2025/2/14 13:17:262025/2/14봉피양14Leosmooth, subtle, and balanced flavor
LeoHigurashi純米大吟醸Kaganoi ShuzoNiigata2025/1/24 11:41:022025/1/24봉피양14LeoIt’s a comfortable sake that can be enjoyed without any burden while eating, and it’s a sake that many people are likely to enjoy without any dislikes.”
LeoOtokoyama純米大吟醸OtokoyamaHokkaido2025/1/7 12:30:532025/1/7봉피양16LeoIt has a velvet texture and would go well with any food.
LeoHorin純米大吟醸GekkeikanKyoto2024/11/5 11:42:562024/11/5봉피양16LeoIt's sweet and easy to drink, and it goes well with various foods.
LeoKokuryuJDG Sakahomare純米大吟醸Kokuryu ShuzoFukui2024/10/22 12:11:232024/10/22봉피양23LeoFresh, little sweet, clean, want to drink againLeogo with well with any food
LeoYuki no Mayu (Kamosu Mori)Yamada nishiki純米大吟醸苗場酒造Niigata2024/7/2 10:57:042024/7/2봉피양19LeoThe color looks a little cloudy and turbid, the taste is a little sweet, and fizzy, easy to drink.
LeoJikonTokubetsu junmai特別純米Kiyasho ShuzojoMie2024/2/20 12:30:022024/2/20봉피양20LeoMild sparkling, mild sweet, moderate dry, fruity
LeoTakaNagayamahonke ShuzojoYamaguchi2023/7/18 10:50:422023/7/18봉피양18LeoPure, little sweet, healthy flavor
LeoChitosetsuru純米大吟醸Nihon SeishuHokkaido2023/6/27 11:10:182023/6/27봉피양18LeoFresh, mild sweet, get along with any dish