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料理と地酒 献

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ゆーへーイ ニは づ きRed Rock


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料理と地酒 献
In the mouth, the pineapple-like aroma and sweetness can be felt gradually, and it seems to disappear quickly. I was curious about this because there have been many postings on Sake-no-wa about the release of a 4-pack bottle in the past few months. As the pink color on the label suggests, it was a soft and refreshing sake. I would love to taste it and the other sake rice at home slowly, but I wonder if they have it at the liquor stores in Osaka.
Fukunishiki純青 愛山 Galqxy label純米吟醸生酛おりがらみ
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料理と地酒 献
It has a slightly tangy texture and sourness on the tongue, but also a yogurt-like sweetness. It's like a squawk sour, not a calpis sour. Tomikunishiki is a brewery often seen in Hyogo Prefecture, but I had never seen this fantastic label before, so I tried it. I wondered if the Milky Way on the label represents fermentation or not.
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料理と地酒 献
I'm getting a muscat-like aroma and a little sourness. I can't detect that much strong aroma of alcohol. I was a little hesitant to order it because it was a daiginjo with specifications not often seen in liquor stores. All of them were well adjusted so that they didn't have any unpleasantness, and I was able to savor them slowly while enjoying their aromas.
Nanbubijin雄三スペシャル 美山錦 R3(2021)BY純米原酒生酒おりがらみ
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料理と地酒 献
It is super slightly carbonated and flows quickly and smoothly, with a slight sweetness. It's the perfect palate cleanser and resetter during a meal. The label is cute with its dotted pattern that reminds me of fermentation, but the gap with the straightforward name, Yuzo Special, is also nice.
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料理と地酒 献
You can feel the sweetness and alcohol gusting and escaping through the nose. The sweetness is like that of Shaoxing wine, but there is no spice aroma and the aftertaste is clean. It is said that sherry casks are used, but the vanilla aroma and the lack of astringency are probably due to the use of European oak casks.
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料理と地酒 献
The tangy yet fresh muscatelike flavor spreads and flows with a bit of bitterness. It is not very sweet, so it would go well with light dishes. Kouei Kiku is named and categorized like a subtitle and has different labels in different colors to match, which shows the attention to detail of each one.
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料理と地酒 献
は づ き
It's refreshing and a little fizzy. It's perfect for the first drink 😋 I've heard it's a sake that hasn't come to Kansai yet😤
Nice to meet you! Samgiku is about 20 minutes away by car, but I can't buy the sake I want to drink directly from the store...(T_T) It is one of the sake which I want to drink.
は づ き
Mr. KJM Nice to meet you! I see you live nearby 😆. My wife and I live in Kansai, but we've never seen this sake before! It's very tasty so I hope you get a chance to try it 🥺♥️!