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Masaaki Sapporo


Kyohime花自慢 山田錦大吟醸
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Masaaki Sapporo
8 points (wife: 7.5 points) Ingredients : rice (100% Yamadanishiki), rice malt, brewing alcohol Rice polishing ratio : 50 Sake meter : +1 Slightly melon-like on the top The same slightly gorgeous aroma as the first rise, moderate umami and sweetness of rice spreading with soft acidity, and a slight bitterness that quickly fades away. Gorgeous but not showy, with a good balance of sweetness and a moderate sweetness, it can be easily matched with meals. After paying the bill, the owner offered us some of his delicious sake to drink.
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Masaaki Sapporo
7 points (wife: 6 points) Ingredients : rice, rice malt Rice polishing ratio : 60 Alcohol percentage : 15 Sake Degree : +2 Slight apple and rice malt overtones It has the same calm aroma as the first rise, soft rice flavor and moderate sweetness spreads with mild acidity, and it finishes with a slight bitterness and a little bit of alcohol spiciness. It has a slightly classical impression, and is very crisp and easy to drink. It goes well with various kinds of barbecued meats.
Denshu特別純米 山廃仕込特別純米山廃
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Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (wife 8 points) Alcohol content: 16%. Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Rice used for making: Hanabukiyuki Rice polishing ratio: 55 Where to buy: Charcoal BBQ Kizuna/KIZUNA Slight green apple and pineapple-like top notes The same slightly fruity aroma as on the top, full rice flavor and moderate sweetness spreads with lactic acidity, and finishes with a subtle bitterness and a smooth finish. The fruity aroma is followed by the impressive umami of rice and acidity, and the second half of the wine is refreshing despite the umami. It goes well with meals and is also delicious on its own. Well matched with various kinds of yakiniku (grilled meat).
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Masaaki Sapporo
7 points (wife: 6.5 points) Sake degree : +4 Ingredients : Domestic rice, rice malt Yeast : Meiri yeast (in-house brewed yeast) Alcohol content : 19 Rice Polishing Ratio : 68 Where to buy : KIZUNA Slightly ripe banana-like top-end The same aroma as the top, firm rice flavor and sweetness, soft acidity and a little bitterness, and a slight bitterness and alcohol spiciness. It is a mellow, strong rice flavor, classic, robust and slightly dry sake, more suitable for a meal than as a stand-alone sake. It went well with various kinds of barbequed meats.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo 😃. I've never seen this sake before ❗Classical dry and robust, it seems to go well with yakiniku meat, as it seems to help the fat of yakiniku meat to be washed off ❗
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Mr. Menshu King 🌛I love Akari Sake for their Hyakunen Umeshu (plum wine), but this was my first time to try their sake 😅It was as powerful as the barbecued meat 🍶.
Mikawabushi純米 火入れ純米
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Masaaki Sapporo
7.5 points (wife: 7 points) Rice type : Manzai, Kakemai, Chiyonishiki Rice Polishing Ratio: 70 Alcohol content : 15 Where purchased: Charcoal BBQ KIZUNA (It is a neighborhood barbecue restaurant where you can enjoy rare parts of black hair on a shichirin, and the owner is a sake lover and always has several kinds of local sake available) Slightly melon-like topping The cherry-like aroma, soft rice flavor, and subtle sweetness mixed with the top-brewing aroma gradually spread out with a clean acidity and are quickly quenched by a slight bitterness and the dryness of the alcohol. This sake has a gentle, somewhat classical impression. It is better served with a meal than as a stand-alone sake. Goes well with various kinds of grilled meat.
Okunokami別注 番外編 豊島屋 純米GINPU60純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Masaaki Sapporo
8 items (wife: 7 items) Original special order from Jizake No Sake Shop "Yushuya" (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Rice used: Ginpu (Hokkaido) Rice polishing ratio / 60 Sake degree / +1 Acidity / 1.5 Alc percentage / 16-17 Store purchased: KIZUNA (a neighborhood yakiniku restaurant where you can enjoy rare parts of black meat on a shichirin, and the owner is a sake lover and always has several kinds of local sake on hand) Slightly melon-like topping The same fruity aroma as the first saké, with a hint of vanilla, soft rice flavor and full sweetness, spreading with a little acidity, and finishing with a slight bitterness. It is a slightly mellow, modern sake that goes well with a meal or on its own. The gecko in the center of the map of Hokkaido subtly asserts the house guardian. It goes well with salted horumon, mino, sagari, liver, and beef tongue.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo-san. When I think of Yamori, I have an image of Hachitan-nishiki. I am curious about the Ginpu Yamori! It must be delicious with a fruity stability 😋.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Hirupeko! I have had Yamori before, but this time, even though the sake rice is different, I felt a unique vanilla-like aroma. Is this a characteristic of this brewery? It was delicious ✨
Minakata極辛純米 限定醸造純米
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Masaaki Sapporo
7.5 points (wife 5.5 points) Country of origin : Wakayama pref. Sake Brewer : Sekai Ittoku Rice type : Yamadanishiki produced in Okayama Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol percentage: 20%. Sake Degree: +20 Acidity: 2.0 Amino acidity: Not disclosed Yeast used: Undisclosed Taste: Extremely dry Where purchased: Charcoal BBQ Kizuna/KIZUNA (It is a neighborhood barbecue restaurant where you can enjoy rare parts of black hair on a shichirin, but the owner is a sake lover and always has several kinds of local sake on hand) Slightly apple-like topping The same refreshing aroma as the first saké, the same clean rice flavor, and the same moderate sweetness spread crisply, with a hint of bitterness and a tangy alcoholic spiciness that quickly clears up. +For a +20, it also has a fruity flavor, and the sweetness of the rice can be felt, making it mild and refreshing. It goes well with meals and is also delicious on its own. It goes well with salted hormone, mino, sagari, liver, and beef tongue.
Masaaki Sapporo, Hi 🎵I thought it would be a gutsy drink to go with hormones, but it also has a fruity flavor 🍎It looks like it would be slurpable 😋 at 20 degrees, it's dangerously delicious✨.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good morning, pyonpyon 🌞I thought it might not be for me, but it was surprisingly good 😁I think I like it better than drunken whale special junmai ✨but I'm weak, so I gave half of it to my wife...
Yuki no Bosha山廃純米酒純米山廃
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Masaaki Sapporo
8 points (wife: 7.5 points) Sake: Yamahai Junmai Rice Source : Koji/ Yamadanishiki/ Kake/ Akita Sakekomachi Rice Polishing Ratio : 65 Yeast used : Preserved in the brewery Sake meter degree : +1 Acidity : 1.8 Alcohol percentage: 16-17 Where to buy Charcoal-grilled barbecue KIZUNA (It is a neighborhood barbecue restaurant where you can enjoy rare parts of black hair on a shichirin, but the owner is a sake lover and always has several kinds of local sake on hand). Slightly sweet apple-like topping The same slightly fruity aroma, robust rice flavor, and mild sweetness as on the first sip, spreading with a slight acidity, and then a gentle alcohol spiciness and bitterness, leaving the sake with a deliciously sweet flavor that quickly fades away. It has a plump impression, but the second half is refreshing and deeply delicious. It is good both as a mealtime drink and as a stand-alone sake. It goes well with Sagari, Chubu Kalbi, Tombi, Mino, Liver, Gatsu, Charcoal Grilled Throat, and Sesame Salt Cabbage.