しょよよよよHououbiden純米大吟醸Kobayashi ShuzoTochigi1/21/2025, 3:58:53 PM12/30/20241しょよよよよIt was delicious (I don't remember anything else...)Japanese>English
しょよよよよSuminoe純米吟醸中垂れSuminoe ShuzoMiyagi1/21/2025, 3:57:27 PM1しょよよよよThird cup of hot pot shack. It was crisp. Easy to drink. But maybe not my favorite.Japanese>English
しょよよよよKoro上撰本醸造KumamotokenshuzokenkyushoKumamoto1/21/2025, 3:56:27 PM1/18/2025しょよよよよSecond cup of pot hut. It was like "kuh-uh" and the aroma was strong. I didn't like it much.Japanese>English
しょよよよよHakurakusei純米吟醸Niizawa JozotenMiyagi1/21/2025, 3:44:39 PM1/18/20251しょよよよよFirst round of pot hut. It was delicious...(I've already forgotten) The sweet potato stew was delicious!Japanese>English
しょよよよよDenshu特別純米特別純米Nishida ShuzotenAomori1/21/2025, 3:41:26 PM1/1/20251しょよよよよIt was insanely delicious. The best I've ever had! It got me hooked on sake!Japanese>English